The title says it all at the moment. But...I'll get to that in a moment, I wanna talk about my school day first. My day at school was okay I guess. I had Band and a last period study which was good and I had no homework when I got home which was good I guess. I think I deserve it after getting 6 hours of homework on Friday. :P day at school was pretty good, I didn't really do anything special, it was just a normal day. The only thing I really did that was something I don't do every day is I was helping one of my friends in my study with her math homework cuz for some reason she had no clue about how the Quadratic Formula works but ah well...I'm glad to help a friend in all subjects except for History cuz I'll just make things worse in that cuz I suck at history. :P But...I don't have much else to say about my school day.
Now...getting to the title...the weather absolutely sucks still in MA. It's been raining for three days straight now! I don't get why, it's just stupid. It was supposed to stop this morning I think. I hate the weather peoples. I want it to stop soon cuz I wanna finally be able to go outside. And I'm wicked bored right now cuz I have no homework, I have the house to myself but I have no plans and absolutely nothing to really do with myself, and I can't go outside cuz well...the weather sucks. I hate today...I really do. Sorry for sounding like such a pessimist...I'm usually an optimist but this kinda weather and circumstances just brings out the worst in me...and not in a good way like me pulling the worst possible prank I can think of on my mom just puts me in a bad mood. But...I'll be over this soon...hopefully. :P
One thing that I wanna mention now is Band. I think I might have mentioned before that we're playing this really hard and really fast-paced march called Normandy Beach and it's so hard. Band today...we were trying to play that song and well...of course the trumpets, low brass, percussion, saxophones, and french horns were fine and well prepared and knew their parts perfectly...cuz Mr. Harper actually gives a crap about those sections and helps them out. woodwind instrument players were completely lost...I mean completely lost...we had no clue what was going on. I flute players had it the worst though. I mean...there's only 2 oboe players so no one really cares about them too much, and the clarinets were fine cuz gee, there's only like 30 of them in the band (yes that's an exaggeration, but not a big one) so they could kinda back each other up when they screwed up. flute players had the roughest band rehearsal ever. Okay...first of all, Normandy Beach is a really hard song and it's really fast-paced and stuff cuz it's a march.'s even harder for us flute players cuz our fingerings are all over the place and we need to reach such high notes like a two octave F, two octaves! C'mon, that's just ridiculous! So...I think we have it much harder than other instruments, not just in that song but all the time in Band actually. I mean...we're never heard either and we never get the attention in Band that we need cuz Mr. Harper is so focused on his precious trumpet and percussion sections that he can't even remember to give us a cue when it's our turn to come in after a long rest for like 16 measures! So...we don't get the much needed attention that we need, and we're hardly ever heard either! I mean...the stupid low brass, percussion, and trumpets don't know how to shut up so us woodwind instrument players can hear outselves think! So...I also kinda feel that we're sorta under-appreciated instruments. I mean...that's just how I feel though. I mean...the flute is sometimes referred to as "the song-bird instrument"...well...can we ever hear the song-bird...apparently not! I mean...when us flute players are on the rare occasion sounds just so AWETHUM...I mean...if we sound so nice and pretty and stuff why can't we be heard more often? I personally think it sucks that we put in just as much time and effort in as every other instrument player and yet they seem to almost hog all the glory while we're never ever even heard! Does that seem fair to any of you? I highly doubt it... And the other thing is that there's only like 8 flute players in our band so if one of us screws's really noticable, while if a clarinet player screws's not a problem at all really. I just feel that the flute is such a goofy and under-appreciated instrument. I mean...they're so small and long and have a bajillion keys and are silver and make such a random high-pitched sound that only a flute could make and they're held sideways. :P Now us 8 flute players have kinda given a nick-name for ourselves and that is "The Phantom Flutes". It's just catchy and it makes sense in so many ways. :P But...anyways...I'm getting better at Normandy Beach...I still have some practicing to do but it's getting there. Sorry about that long rant...I should just shut up now. :P
I'm kinda ticked off about the whole Band thing and Normandy Beach is such a hard song to play so practicing it is just very fustrating. But...I guess the rest of my day was okay. Sorry this blog is so long and I'm being such a pessimist. It's just the weather brings out the worst in me. Bye bye. -MightyBFan25