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Okay...My Mom's Gonna Kill Me When I Get Home Today... :P

As the title of this blog indicates, my mom's probably gonna kill me when I get home today. :P It's cuz it was just so darn nice out today and I couldn't resist going to the park again so I did...and I got filthy there...again...hehe. :P It was fun...I just had to take a shower after but I didn't really care at all. :P My mom's probably gonna kill her cuz well...I always save my dirty clothes for her to wash when I get back just to be a pain and after this weekend...I have a bunch of dirty...actually absolutely filthy...mud-stained clothes mom's probably gonna wanna kill me. :lol: :P I love torturing my mom...but if I don't come on tomorrow...I woulda probably met my demise and got punished and haveta take yet another bath (for my mom to make sure that I don't get mud anywhere in the house). But...I doubt that'll mom only really punishes me when I do something really stupid. :P Like I said in my last blog...if you think I'm absolutely crazy for doing this...well...I honestly suggest you go to the park and get's fun...but you don't haveta listen to me. :P

The rest of my day's been unproductive for the most part. All I did for the rest of my day was sleep till about 10, watch TV, go online, and read more of "Les Miserables". Right now I'mat about page 280 I think and there's only 400 pages (we're reading the abridged version...which I kinda dislike...if I read a book I wanna read the full version but I guess we can't cuz it has like 1200 pages. :P ). So as of right now I'm approximately 70% of the way done with the book. I hope to finish book 4 of 5 tonight. Book 4 ends at page 305 so I just haveta read 25 pages tonight to reach my goal and even then I might get the urge to exceed that but I should just shut up now before I sound like a if I haven't already. :P But...that's pretty much all that I've done today. I'm probably just gonna read a little more and watch the Amazing Race later tonight and that'll be the end of my day.

I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow though. :P I's gonna be Monday and Day 3 at my school, which sucks for me. I mean...Mondays just suck period cuz it's the first day back to school so I haveta get back into the swing of things, and I haveta get used to living with my stupid mom again...which I also hate...but that starts tonight. And Day 3 at my school sucks for me cuz I have all my regular classes, plus a first period study (which I hate cuz it's not that useful for getting work done) and health class (which I hate cuz it's ridiculously boring). But...hopefully it won't be too bad I guess and then tomorrow will be Day 4 so I'll have two semi-useful studies. :D That's about all I haveta complain about. :P

I don't have much else to say. :P Even though my blog party isn't on my profile page anymore after I post this can still check it out if you go to my blog archive thingy and it'll be going on till tomorrow. :D Uh...that's about it. :P I wish I had more to say but I don't...hehe. :P Bye bye. -MightyBFan25