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Okay...Right Now I Feel Really Stupid... :P

Yeah...I do right now but I won't explain why until later. :P You might not think that I ever feel stupid though...considering that I'm a genius and all...but at times I do because I lack common sense. :P But before I explain the title...I'm just gonna talk about my day and hopefully this blog won't be ridiculously long. :P But...even if it must really enjoy reading these blogs, huh? :twisted: :P Kidding...I know it's probably really annoying to read these ridiculously long blogs of mine. :lol: :P

So far my day's been pretty good. All I've done is sleep until 10 (it woulda been 11 but it was only until 10 because of Daylight Savings Time. :P ), watch TV, go online, and tinker around with my Bakugan to make an ultimate Sub-Terra deck because I assumed that since I'm good with Pyrus Bakugan I'd be good with Sub-Terra Bakugan but it's not going too well. :P After that epic fail with trying to design a new Bakugan deck I went into my room to listen to some music and do a little writing about whatever I was it was pretty random and I seem to do this a lot...I've just never really mentioned it because I don't wanna mention what I write about. :P And then I decided to come back on this site and write a blog. :P I'm not going back to my mom's place until about 5 so I still have 3 more hours to spend at my dad's place doing absolutely nothing productive. :D Then I'm gonna haveta go back to my mom's place...andshe told me on Friday before I left that her "friends" would be over on Sunday night (I put friends in quotation marks because I don't think her "friends" are real friends...they make fun of my mom and each other behind their backs like a bunch of teenage girls...and I should know...I AM a teenage girl...even though I don't act like one I know how they stereotypically act. :P ). And when I get back to my mom's place I'm gonna torture them! :twisted: :P Yeah...that's right...I'm gonna epicly torture them! :twisted: :P I've been doing that a lot lately whenever they come over...hoping that they'll finally get the message that if they don't come to my mom's place they won't haveta put up with a crazy tomboy like me. :P But they'll never get that message because they're stupid. :P And I'm not gonna tell you what I'm gonna do to them...if you wanna know you can ask and I'll put an EDIT in this blog and tell you what I did...if they even come over...I coulda misinterpreted what my mom said...I do tend to tune out whatever she says because I find it useless. :P And aside from that I probably won't do anything interesting for the rest of the day. :P

Now getting to why I feel very stupid right now.'s because of some of the things my stupid mom's friends say behind my back (I've mentioned this they say that I'm gonna be a lesbian and they've even asked me that before to my face.) and for the past few days I was actually thinking about what they said in the past and I was actually kinda sorta letting it get to me and thinking about that possibility. And I do feel really stupid for actually letting what they said get to me...that shouldn't happen...I honestly think that only happens to weak-minded peoples...and I am not a weak-minded person in my opinion. So...I actually realized that I was being stupid thinking this when I was in my room writing after I finished some of my homework (writing helps my clear my mind when it's a jumbled mess like it's been for the past few days) and one of the things I wrote down was basically that I shouldn't haveta worry about that because I'm just a kid. So...yeah...I might be 14 years old...but I'm technically just a kid (and ridiculously immature for that matter. :P ) so I shouldn't worry about any of that stuff. I shouldn't let what they say get to me because it never has before so why the heck should it now?! So...I feel a lot better about that...and I'm not gonna worry about that at all until I'm WAY older and until then I'm just gonna enjoy not having to worry about that. :P I just feel stupid for letting that get to shouldn't've. But at least my mind's cleared about that...that makes me feel a lot better. :D

Other than that I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I can't wait to torture my mom's friends though...and it's not just because of what they say to me or about me either...I just can't stand them and even though I don't like my mom I hate the way they treat her. So...they're gonna get it! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)