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Okay...Sigma Cluster Rules...Sumus Primi!/End Of The Random Game...

I'll explain the title in a sec. :P day today was pretty's Friday and my day went by wicked fast and I had no homework when I got home. So I went home, had dinner, got changed, and then I had to go back to BLS because out band needed to preform in BLS Music Night. And...just to explain the Class V (5) Band (The Band that I'm in as a member of Class V) is all eigth graders (like me) and we're all in one cluster this year and that cluster is Sigma...and we did so AWETHUM so...Sumus Primi! :D (Latin for literally: We are first!) Anyways...we were the first band to preform and we played "Black Is The Color...", "Amazing Grace", and "Normandy Beach" which we did wicked AWETHUM on!!! :D Aw man...I was kinda nervous but we did so AWETHUM and once I got on stage with the rest of the band...I wasn't was just me, my music, and the conductor...that was all I was thinking a true musician. We nailed all those songs and Mr. Harper was smiling and I knew that he was happy and the audience in the auditorium was clapping for us and it was just AWETHUM!!!!! :D I'm so proud of myself. :D I'm just a little sad now because that was our last concert in Class V year we're all moving up to Junior Band...but you know what...this isn't my last preformance and in upcoming ones I'm gonna be even AWETHUMER...if that's even a word. :P Doubt it is... :P Anyways...our preformance was just AWETHUM and I hung around for a while after to watch Sixie Band, Junior Band, and the Symphonic Band...Sixie Band was okay...but the Junior and Symphonic Bands were just AWETHUM!!! I know that in a few years I'll be able to play music at that level...and I was watching the flutes so fingers were moving over the keys like crazy...but I'm sure I could do that as well...with practice...actually...make that A LOT of practice. :P But I have good hand-eye coordination from playing video games so I'll be okay...I think. :P Anyways...I'm just wicked proud of myself and it was just AWETHUM...that's the reward of all our hard work and practicing! :D And another thing is that soon we might start getting calls to go somewhere during school and play at random places so it'd like a mini music-related field trip. :P I'd so love doing that. :P Anyways...that's all I haveta say. :P

Now...THE RANDOM GAME is officially over...but here's the answer to that last question: The right answer was to make some sorta potion to bring back everyone in the world that you killed. All the others were just stupid...except for giving me a Bakugan. :P That one woulda worked as well. :P Seriously...that one was wrong. :P

Now getting back to the end of the story: decide to learn a magic spell that will bring back everyone in the world. You try so many different things but nothing works. Eventually you create the correct spell and you use it to bring back everyone in the world! Then you go back home and see your family. Everything has returned back to normal and you've saved the day...for now...he he he!... :twisted: :P

That's about it...I'm leaving it open-ended in case I get the urge to do another one of these things. :P Anyways...that's about it. :P The only other thing that I wanna say is: Cras cupio ire ad area. (Which is Latin for basically: Tomorrow I wanna go to the park. Too bad I can't use long marks on the computer. :P Ah well. :P ) Vale! -MightyBFan25