Yeah...the title's correct. :P My day so far has been kinda wierd...but it hasn't been my entire was just my morning. So uh...sorry but I just wanna talk about how my day's been so far. So...I woke up at about 9:30 or sometime around there. So everything was nice and normal...I got dressed, made my bed, I had breakfast and all that sorta stuff. Then at around 10 (by the way...not at the this is 10 case you don't know. :P ) VD (you must remember me mentioning her before...she's that evil mean prissy girl who was always mean to me at my old school ever since she knew me and then she eventually apologized to me earlier this year.) called me (don't ask why but she knows my house phone number and has ever since the third grade. :P ) and asked me to help her with some math stuff because she had no clue what she was doing apparently. So since her house is pretty close to my dad's place my dad said that I could walk over there and help her. I honestly thought it was a trick though because she doesn't care about school. :P So I went to her place and helped her out a little bit and after about 30 minutes she knew what she was doing and then I said: "So uh...I guess you understand what you're doing now so I can leave now, right?". Then she said that yes, I could leave now (and I didn't even get beat up. :D :P ) so Iwas just about to leave and go homebut then she asked me what I was gonna be doing with the rest of my day for some reason (I honestly thought that she wanted to do something with me cuz she seemed bored and I didn't want that at all to be honest with you. :P ) so then I said that I'm just gonna go home and then I might go to the park later. After that she seemed a little surprised that I wasn't doing anything that special today for some reason and then she just said bye and I left. :P I honestly thought that all that was kinda wierd...I mean...when I was helping her with some math stuff I was being a bit of a smart *** if you know what I mean. :P I can't help it though...I get that way sometimes because well...I'm smart and I can get really cocky with that sorta stuff...and I mean...VD didn't even tell me to shut up or anything. And I mean...I was saying stuff like: "Well...if you think this is hard...just wait until Algebra One. I mean...I think it's easy but if you can't do this right you're gonna have a hard time next year." and like: "Aw come on! How can you NOT get this right?! This is easy stuff...I learned this last year!". :P Now I'll talk about the rest of my day. I just wanted to talk a lot abou that pretty wierd morning that I least I thought that it was wierd...but least I didn't get beat up! :D :P
The rest of my day so far has been pretty normal though. It was just a normal unproductive Sunday and all that I really did was go online, watch TV, and practice my flute and that's about it. Oh...and my dad took me to some store (I forget what it was though. :P ) so I could get some new headphones for my ipod because the ones that I had were okay but ah...I needed some new ones. So I got some new ones using that 25 bucks that I found on Friday. So...I didn't even haveta spend any of my money...and TRUST ME...even if I did honestly isn't a big deal for me. I mean...I still have like 80 bucks from x-mas and birthday money. And I don't think I've ever mentioned this but I have a bank account and I have money in the stock market (Not kidding...I seriously do...and I'm only 14. The reason I have a bank account though is because one got started for me by my dad when I was really little and I've always put money in there. It was my idea to put some in the stock market though. And by the bank account and all that stuff is not just under my's under my dad's name cuz I'm considered a minor cuz I'm only 14.) and I mean...I put 5,000 bucks in the stock market and my dad helps me with that stuff and right now I'm doing pretty good with all that stuff...and I still have about 2,000 bucks in my bank account. So uh...yeah...I'm fine with all that stuff. :P getting back to my day. :P So I didn't do much else with the rest of my day so far and I don't plan on it either. I'm probably just gonna continue to do nothing with my day. :P Now that I think about it...when I go back to my mom's place today I haveta go play in the mud and get filthy again. I mean...COME ON...I haven't done that for like a week because I've been too busy studying for finals and doing homework and all that sorta stuff. So...since I have nothing to do tonight...I'm gonna go play in the mud when I get back to my mom's place and unpack all my stuff. And I don't even haveta go to the park either....remember...the mud pit that I set up in my mom's backyard...he he he! :twisted: :P So uh...yeah...I'm probably gonna do that later and that's probably the only somewhat productive thing that I'll do for the rest of my day...if that even counts as a productive thing. :lol: :P So uh...yeah...I don't have much else to say about today aside from the fact that I wanna take a nap right now but I can't cuz I'm typing a blog. :P
I just wanna talk about one more thing before I end this blog. :P So uh...I had this really wierd dream last night and I felt that I might as well talk about it. was the day before the History final and I had just finished all my written homework so then I got out my history book and I went into my room and I planned to finish my studying because I pace myself when I study for finals...and with any test for that matter that I actually need to study for...which only seems to be History cuz I suck at it. :P So I went into my room and I opened up my History textbook. But then there was a knock at the door. So I went to the door and opened it and it was VD (who in my dreams is still evil for some odd reason. :P ) and she knew that I had to finish my studying for the History final but decided to bother me anyways. And I remember that she said that she just wanted to talk to me about Pokemon and she had a Nintendo DS with her and it had a Pokemon game in it...I'm pretty sure that it was Heartgold or Soulsilver. Anyways...she asked me if I could play it for her for a while and then she left. So then I became absolutely addicted to the game and I forgot all about studying and I went into my room, threw my History textbook on the ground, and started playing. Then on the next day I failed the History final and then I woke up. I'm not sure if this dream is a bad omen or if it's my brain telling me to study more or something like that. :P I really wanna know though... :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry that it's so long. :P I wish I could restrain myself from making these things so long but I can't help myself. I mean...even when I just randomly decide to make a blog and I don't think that I have anything to say I always think of something. :P Ah well...I guess I'm just a very talkative person. Bye! -MightyBFan25
EDIT: Sorry...I just wanted to say that now there's this huge thunderstorm where I live. much for going outside to play in the mud and get filthy today. :P I hate this. I mean...come I haveta stay inside and that kinda makes me feel disconnected from the outside world (I'm not a freak like that but that's just how I feel.) and I feel really bad because before the thunderstorm happened I was just looking out the window and I saw some birdies singing and I don't know what's gonna happen to them now cuz they flew away. I hope they're okay...I like birdies...they sing and their singing sounds like the flute almost. :P Ah...I think they'll be okay...their wings might be wet and they might not be able to fly for a while but I think they'll be okay. That's all I wanted to say. I just wish it'd stop raining and thundering and lightning-ing...if that's even a word. :P Bye...again! :P -MightyBFan25
SECOND EDIT: Sorry about all the edits in this blog...he he. :P But uh...I just wanted to say that I'm really glad now because the thunderstorm was really short and all the birdies that I've seen outside seem okay...and now I can go play in the mud later. I actually think that I will after I'm done typing this edit...he he he! :twisted: :P Anyways...sorry about all these annoying edits...I just wanted to say that. :P Bye...again again.! :lol: :P -MightyBFan25