Yep...the title's correct...the blog party is officially over. *kicks everyone outta my house and locks the door* MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Seriously...I'd just like to thank everyone who actually came and for helping me reach 200 blogs on this site and even if you didn't're still all AWETHUM friends on this site. :D :P So uh...yeah...before I actually sound not so evil...I'm gonna end this paragraph and get back to talking about what I've been doing with myself this week. :P Sorry I haven't made that many blogs lately...I've just been kinda busy with school but I've been trying to check my blogs and the forums every day and I hope that I can make at least one blog every week. :D So uh...if you've been wondering what the hell I've been's A TON of homework every night...and the time aside from that when I'm not on this site is usually spent practicing the flute or working on some kinda project it seems like...I haven't had that much time for anything else lately. :P Anyways...time to talk about my week... :P
Saturday: (last Saturday...not this Saturday. :P ) Nothing special really happened that day except I got to go down to the shooting range with my dad again and I got to fire a .22 revolver which was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I saved all my targets and I actually did pretty good...I got a few X's and some 9's and 8's and it was pretty good for my first time with a handgun. I had only a little kick-back but's a start. :P I'm not going back there this weekend though...I dunno why...I think my dad's too busy with stuff this weekend to take me there... Oh well. :P
Sunday: Nothing special. :P All that happened was I went back to my mom's place and I watched The Amazing Race that night. :lol: :P That's about it. :P Then I went to bed. :P was just SO exciting, huh? :lol: :P
Monday: Yay...back to school for the week! :D :P It was a pretty normal day aside from my study with this crazy Greek teacher because it was Day 2. :P
Tuesday: Once again...pretty normal day...aside from my study with Ms. Miller...the crazed Latin teacher at my school who I'm SO GLAD I don't have for Latin 3 this year. :P Uh...yeah...that's about it. After school I stayed in the library to do some work because the night before I got into a little fight with my mom and she came home early from work that day and I just kinda procrastinated on coming home. :P When I got home my mom kinda yelled at me, then I finished my homework, and uh...that's about it. :P
Wednesday: That morning I kinda patched things up with my mom. I didn't wanna because I don't like my mom but I'm not the kinda person who likes to hold grudges against peoples...especially peoples who I see every day because I don't have the time for that crap. :P School was pretty band we finally got through that song, "An Irish Rhapsody" and it sounds AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...we DEFINATELY needs a lot more work on it but we can do it. :P And it's AWETHUMER because that song is actually really hard and is preformed usually by SYMPHONIC BANDS at normal schools...and I'm in Junior Band and I'm playing it. :P To be's not that bad though...the first three pages are pretty easy and will get better with practice and the beginning and end of the fourth page isn't that's just the middle part of the fourth page because it's like insanity for the woodwinds (flutes, clarinets, and oboes...and I play the flute. :P ) because it's basically like the last hoorah for the woodwinds and of course it has to be epic and fancy and a pain in the a** to play. :lol: :P So uh...yeah...other than that my day was pretty normal. :P And I'm getting better at that song by the way. :D
Thursday: Ah...this day was okay...good...but not great...I don't have much to really say about it. :P I didn't like my music sectional because all we did was play the insanity part of that song and that's the ONLY PART that I can't play yet...everything else is pretty good and will get better with practice...I'm still working on the insanity part...which is wierd because I should be good at it because I am insane. :lol: :P Oh well...I guess it doesn't work that way. :P
Friday: This day was AWETHUM because for one day in weeks...I haven't been doing homework past 6! :D :P So was pretty nice to get a break and my day at school was pretty good aside from having PE...I HATE PE!!!!! I'm a nerd!!!!! It's like the bane of my existence. :P But at least stations are over and we'll start playing games soon instead of just doing pushups and situps and stuff that makes nerdy peoples think of committing suicide because we'd rather be in AP math. :P Oh well...other than that it was fine...and then I went to my dad's place. :P That's about it... :P
Today: Yay...I'm finally at today. :lol: :P I didn't do anything that exciting today really. :P The thing that's annoying is that I'm starting to get a sore throat so I can't talk that much and that's REALLY ANNOYING to me because I love to talk a lot and I never seem to shut up so not being able to talk is like torture! Ugh! I hate it! And I haveta have a bag of coughdrops with me at all times and I don't wanna carry around coughdrops...I'd rather carry around my Bakugan...but no...I haveta carry around coughdrops and I haveta keep my Bakugan in a Bakuclip! :P My Bakugan are being unfairly treated! :P Especially Pyrus Hammer Gorem...he deserves better than being second to a bag of coughdrops. :P And Pyrus Helix Dragonoid...he has Bakugan DNA and he's a B3...a REAL B3...not a subset of B2 Bakugan... :P Anyways...I did this project for Biology today for about 4 hours. :P I had to make a 3D model of a Eukaryotic I chose a Plant Cell and I made this AWETHUM model of it! :D I's not due until next Tuesday but I know I'm probably not gonna be able to get to it at some later point in time because I have some projects for English and Latin coming around the corner soon and I wanna focus on those so I just wanted to get that project outta the way. :P looks AWETHUM and I can't wait to pass it in! :D I'm so gonna get an A+ cuz I'm a nerd! :P Yeah...that's how it works right...nerds get A+'s for wearing glasses, right...? :P Kidding. :P After that I just kinda did nothing for a while, then I was making little peoples outta some spare pipe cleaners that I had from my Bio project because I needed those to use as the endoplasmic reticulum of my plant cell. :P I should make a little city for the little peoples...bit I probably won't...I'll just probably put them in a cardboard box. :lol: :P Yeah...they'll be my prisoners! :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P Yeah...that's be fun! :P Kidding. :P Later today since I haven't been able to go outside for about a week since I've been busy with all my schoolwork and my Biology project...I'm gonna go to the park and play in the mud because I can now! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'll probably do that once I'm done typing this blog since the Weekly Mighty B! Discussion's dead right now. :P Yeah...I should go play in the mud when I end this blog...I haven't for a while... :P I'm gonna end this blog now because I'm crazy and impatient. :D :P
Yeah...that's about all I haveta say in this blog...mainly because I just wanna go to the park now. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25