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Once I'm Done Typing This Blog I'm Gonna Do The Most Evil Thing Ever... :P

MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P The title is true. :P I can't wait to finish typing this blog because once I'm done...I'm gonna do the most evil thing ever! :twisted: :P I'm not gonna say what unless someone asks though...but I don't really mind saying it at feel free to ask away. :P Anyways...I'll tell you why I'm gonna do this. Well...earlier this week my mom had one of her friends over and I overheard my mom talking to her friend and mentioning that I was "a little troublemaking punk" or something like that. Anyways...that annoyed me SO MUCH...I don't even know how ticked off that got me! Seriously...I'm not "alittle punk"...I might be a troublemaker...but I'm centainly not a punk! I mean seriously...I cause a little trouble and I might act crazy but...come on...I'm attending Boston Latin School, I do all my schoolwork, I get good grades, I'm not into any lovey dovey crap and don't plan on it anytime in the near future, I come home from school by at least 3:30, I hardly ever swear or use any swear words, and I go to bed at 9:00...9:00...most people my age go to bed at like 10 or 11. I could name some other things too but I don't wanna because I think that's a good enough amount of things to prove that I'm not a punk. I might cause a little trouble and play some harmless but wicked funny pranks and I might go to the park and get filthy...but please...that's not THAT bad if you ask me...I could be WAY worse. :P And even though I know that my mom probably wants me to get ticked off by this and do something about it...I just haveta to something wicked evil to get back at her because of that. And if you ask's not even that bad because I'm not doing it directly to her. Anyways...that's why I'm doing the most evil thing that I could POSSIBLY do to my neat-freak of a mom who disapproves of nearly everything that I do. :twisted: :P

Anyways...the rest of my day was pretty good. It was Day 2 so I had Band and a study. Band was AWETHUM because we started playing the Pink Panther theme and it sounds AWETHUM already...I love the Pink Panther song! It's AWETHUM!!! :D I'm sure you know it. :P If not...well...I dunno what to say...hehe. :P Anyways...I had no homework when I got home tonight...and I didn't rush to do it all in a study either...I never do actually...I didn't have any History, ELA, Latin, or Italian homework, and I did my Math homework in my study. We have a big History Project on a BLS alumni due tomorrow and I did it all on Monday cuz I'm AWETHUM. :D :P This is random but did you know that Benajmin Franklin was a drop-out from Boston Latin School? I personally think it's pretty cool. :P Anyways...nothing too crazy or wierd happened for the most part. In my study I just talked to my friends a little and I drew a picture os a super-powered monkey called Mega Monkey...don't ask why...I've had this idea for making a cartoon about super-powered monkeys ever since the second grade. :P In Math we had a substitute teacher so we just did some worksheets. :P Yesterday in math we were learning about the Fundamental Counting Principle which was wicked easy and a nice break from all this crazy random stuff that we've been learning lately in Algebra. :P And I asked this one question and Ms. Gribaudo finally commented on the fact that I use the work "like" so much when I talk. I've been trying to break out of that habit since I found about it in Reading class last year and well...I'm still working on it. :P I just can't help it sometimes though cuz I wanna keep talking and using that word just buys be that small amount of time in which I can think about what I wanna say next. Anyways...that's about all I haveta say about today. :P

I don't really have anything else to type about in this blog so thanks for taking the time to read all the stupity that I've just created. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I bet you just wasted like 30 minutes of your life reading this crap. :lol: :P Seriously...sorry about that...but I wanted to be evil there. :P Anyways...I don't have anything else to type in this blog and now I'm gonna go do the most evil thing that I could ever do to my mom! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P -MightyBFan25 (Who hopefully will get rid of some of her absolute evil-ness at the moment by doing the most evil thing ever. :P )

EDIT: I'll tell you what the most evil thing that I could possibly do to my mom is that I just did a little while ago. Well...first of all the water contamination thingy where I live is all over and done with now. I was waiting for that to take place actually. that that's over and after what my mom said...well...I just had to do this. all know that my mom's an absolute neat-freak, right? Well...I realized...if me going to the park to play in the mud and get filthy drives hercrazy...the most evil thing I could possibly do is have a giant mud pit in the backyard like 24/7. How did I do this? my mom's place we have a pretty big backyard and my mom has a pretty big part of it used for gardening but she never plants anything at all...she's too afraid to get her hands dirty if you ask me. :P Anyways...I took the garden hose and just drenched that area until it was all muddy. :twisted: :P And if it dries up...I can just get the hose and do that big deal. I know it's driving her absolutely crazy because now I don't even haveta go to the park...I just haveta go to the backyard and if I wanted to...I have access to that 24/7. After that was taken care of...I was thinking, "Ah...I shouldn't play in the mud today...I've made my mom freak out enough as it is probably." But then...I was saying to myself, "Wait...what am I thinking?! Screw that! I'm gonna do that to make this even AWETHUMER." :P So of course I went and played in the mud...then of course I had to take a shower. :P And if I wanna...even if I'm too lazy to do much tomorrow...I can do it all over again! :P I know my mom wants to kill me but I don't care...she hasn't punished me yet and I don't really respect her authority either. :twisted: :P Besides...she already hates me...why not have fun with her hating me? :P's not that evil but trust me...I know I'm really messing with my mom's mind because she's a crazy neat-freak. :twisted: :P is one of the most evil things that I've ever done to my mom. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I am such a troublemaker, aren't I? :P