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Quitting Being A Troublemaking Tom-Boy Is Easier Than I Thought...

Yeah...quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy is easier than I ever thought it would be. I actually find that rather odd because I thought that it would be much more difficult. Well...what can I say...I guess taht former crazy, wierd, troublemaking tom-boy side to me really was and is finally broken. Anyways...I am glad that this has been really easy for me so far...I do not even want to think about going back to my former self...I was crazy, weird, disgusting, annoying, etc... is what I have done so far today to help further eliminate that former troublemaking tom-boy side to me:

I am still continuing to dress up nicer than I normally would have. I finished cleaning up my room so now everything is neat and orderly. I am going to begin selling some of my Bakugan online soon because I have realized that it is such a nerdy and immature thing to do so I might as well just get rid of them. So I will do that soon...I am just picking out my best ones to sell online now. I just hate the fact that I feel like such an immature nerd just be tinkering aroung with them before they are sold online. I actually can not wait to get rid of all my Bakugan...they are stupid anyways. I also took my last ever heavy-duty bath today. (A heavy-duty bath is basically what my former self called the kind of bath that I had to take after doing something stupid and messy because that was the only way to actually get my cleaned up.) From now on since I am never going to do anything stupid and messy...I can just take a normal, relaxing bath finally. I am sure that from now on I will actually enjoy taking baths, unlike my former self. One last thing that I am doing is in the time that my former self would have wasted playing in that goopy, disgusting mud pit in the backyard...I am going to practice the flute. It is very enjoyable and relaxing to me. The only thing that I despise about playing the flute is having to clean my spit out of it afterwards. It you ask me it is rather disgusting. But other than that everything about it is fine. So...overall...I find quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy rather easy so far and I am perfectly fine with it.

Other than all this stuff and getting a day has been rather unproductive and all I have done is watched some television, went online, and practiced the flute. I actually just came back from getting my hair cuta little while ago and I really like the way that my hair looks now and I am going to try my best to keep it looking the way it is for a long time. You is rather strange...a few days ago my former self would have went to go play in that disgusting mud and ruined her hair and never bothered with how it looked for a long time.

I do not have much else to say in this blog. Bye. -MightyBFan25