Well...this title might sound very nerdy and a little harsh but I am a nerd and you haveta read my invitation to my blog party when I get to my 100th blog, which will be in a few days. :P So...in a few days I'm gonna be having a blog party and all of you are invited...unless your a wizard who plans to destroy the world...or the devil for that matter...I don't want the devil at my blog party...he's mean. :P Seriously...you're all invited. :D I hope you all come and I hope it'll be AWETHUM!!! :D This is my 95th blog right now so I'm just giving you the heads up a little bit ahead of time. :P
The rest of this you don't haveta read but I'd love it if you did. :P I just wanna talk about my day. :P My day was good and nothing stupid or crazy or wierd happened. It was just a normal Day 1 at my school so I had Music Sectionals and a study. The only wierd thing about my day was that I had three substitute teachers (I have 7 total classes a day). :D :P I seriously did. :P They were for Italian, History, and Music. In Italian we did nothing so it was just a silent study. In History all we did was take a stupid test that I think I aced. And in Music it was kinda crazy cuz the substitute didn't conduct us or keep time or anything so we had to do all that on our own and practice songs together on our own. The only thing that he did do was make sure that we weren't crazy and pretending that our flutes were light-sabers and killing each other with them. :lol: :P The rest of my day was pretty normal though. And I had no real homework when I got home tonight so I just practiced my Declamation for a while and now I have nothing better to do with my life so I'm typing this. :P
My mom doesn't seem to be as ticked off at my as she usually is which is kinda annoying cuz it's funny when she's angry with me. :P She's kinda been letting me do whatever I wanna as long as it's nothing stupid lately. :P But I have self-control when I need it so I'm in line for the most part...except when it comes to torturing my mom. :P Other than that nothing exciting's been going on at home lately for me. It's a little rainy out today but it's probably gonna stop soon so I might go on a walk later...or maybe to the park...if I'm permitted to by my mom (Yay, I just used what in Latin would be an Ablative Of Agent. :D :P ). :P The last thing I wanna talk about is this wierd dream that I had last night.
I had this ridiculously wierd but scary dream last night. I only remember a bunch of random scenes from it and they were in a random order in my dream but I'll try my best to piece it together in a way that sorta makes sense. :P So...basically I was walking home from school one day and I called my mom who told me to just get in the house and lock the door and then she just hung up on me and then I tried to call her back but I couldn't. So I got home and my dad was there for some odd reason and about an hour later my mom and little brother came home. We were all in my mom's apartment at the same time and we turned on the news. Apparently the devil had infected this huge swarm of mosquitoes with this disease so when the bit any animal or human they would turn into zombies and the zombies and mosquitoes were controlled by Satan. And we were all shocked by this and then the news reporter person said that it would be coming to my neighbourhood in a few minutes and to just lock all your doors and stay inside at all costs. But we were all curious so we went out onto the porch to watch until the swarm of mosquitoes came and then we would go inside. And then after a while we saw them coming toward us really fast so we all ran inside but my little brother didn't get inside in time and was bitten and became a zombie so we had to leave him out on the porch. So we decided to wait this out for a while but then after a while us three ran out of food and needed some weapons and stuff so we all ran to my dad's apartment. While we were running there we ran into some zombies and along the way my mom got bitten by one and became a zombie. But me and my dad made it to my dad's place and we went into the basement to pack up some supplies like weapons, water, food, and all that sorta stuff. And I remember there were a bunch of zombies in our basement so we had to shoot them to kill them so we did and we went upstairs to my dad's apartment. For some odd reason in there, there was a zombified gibbon (a kind of monkey) in my dad's bedroom and we killed that too. And then a bunch of other zombies started to come near us so we ran out of the house to find someplace safe and we found this hotel that seemed untouched by this tragic situation and went inside and stayed as guests. Everything was nice but it all seemed so strange. I remember that out maid there took our bags and locked them up in the closet so we couldn't get them and restricted our movements by tying us up saying that it was some "special treatment". We grew suspicious and asked to get back our bags so we could leave. They said that we could never leave so eventually we tricked the maids, got our bags, and ran through the hotel and got out. Then we had to find somewhere else to go that wasn't infected with zombies and didn't have maids who were also working for Satan who weren't zombies (cuz that's what the maids were). So we ran and then we saw a fork in the road and we didn't know which road to go down. One was called the Devil's Pathway and I forget the name of the other one. We thought that only bad things could be down a road called the Devil's Pathway so we went down the other one and found some strange small warehouse with all this machinery in it and there was blood everywhere. Then a bunch of zombies came out of nowhere and we shot them with machine guns but even more were coming and we were almost out of ammo so we ran out of the warehouse and shut the door so we wouldn't be followed by the zombies. But then the swarm of mosquitoes came and spotted us so we ran and becuase we weren't really thinking too well because our thoughts were clouded my fear of becoming a zombie, when we were coming back down the road...we took a wrong turn and would up on the Devil's Pathway but we just kept running and we saw all this fire ahead of us and a dark figure. We turned around and the swam of mosquitoes was turning around and leaving. Then we turned back to where the dark figure was and it laughed evilly and said it was the devil and then I woke up. It was a really wierd dream but also really scary. Luckily that'll probably never happen. :P
I don't have much else to really say but I'm bored and I've never posted a picture in one of my blogs actually so I'm gonna post one right now... :P
This is a picture of an animal called a coati, which is my little brother's favorite animal but I doubt you've ever heard of it unless you live in South America or Southwentern United States. :P That's all for now. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25