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Read This Or You Are Not Permitted To Come To My DWTHYW Blog... :P

Yay! :D :P If you're reading this you can come to my DWTHYW blog. :D :P But that doesn't matter cuz even if you don't read this blog you can still come as long as you're not a zombie, wizard,vampire, pirate, a member of the Mafia, the kinda person that would wanna beat me up and snap my glasses in half, my evil math teacher from the seventh grade, or my evil reading teacher from the seventh grade.:P And what's my DWTHYW blog exactly...? :P's just the abbreviation for my do-whatever-the-heck-you-wanna blog so it would actually fit in the title.'s about 10 in the morning where I live at the moment and I just woke up like 30 minutes ago so I don't have much to say about my day...but I'll talk about it anyways. :P I said...I don't have much to say about my day. :P I haven't really done anything at all besides wake up 30 minutes ago. :P So I'll talk about what I WILL do later on today. :lol: :P probably won't be that accurate cuz some things probably will change. :P Well...just like every day so far this summer I'm probably not gonna be doing anything productive. :P I'll just watch some TV, go online, and practice the flute...nothing special. :P So uh...yeah...that's all I haveta say about my day. :P That's a short paragraph. :P I don't like that because that means that I can't torment you with one of my wicked long blogs. :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P Like I've said're in my world now! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P

Now...before I get on with the rest of this blog...I have two random requests and one random question that I wanna get outta the way before I forget. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Seriously...I don't think they're evil...except for maybe one of the random requests. :P

FIRST RANDOM REQUEST: Well...I was just kinda randomly thinking about random stuff yesterday and then I realized that I'm pretty much the only person that'll do an evil laugh in their blogs. :P one has to do this because this is just a random request and means nothing but I'd appreciate it if at least a few peoples put an evil laugh in their comment on this blog. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P If you don't do still need to remember that I'm gonna learn how to shoot a gun soon. :P He he he! :twisted: :P Haha...kidding...I'd never shoot anything except for the targets at the shooting range where my dad's taking me. :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Well...this second one is more of a set-up for my second random request but still read it. :P I know that everyone gonna answer "no" to this question...well...except for me if I was asked it. :P question is: Have you ever played in the mud? I know every answer's gonna be "no". :P

SECOND RANDOM REQUEST: MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Well...if you answered "no" to the random question you don't haveta to this cuz my random requests are pointless but if anyone doesn't think they're pointless and you actually wanna...MightyBFan25 would appreciate it if you played in the mud just one time. :P If not...ah...I don't really care...I can't blambe anyone for being normal and thinking it's stupid. :P

Now...since I'm back at my mom's place I've already started my productive troublemaking for really reals. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P mom seems even more annoyed with me than she did when she was talking on the phone with me and she's been asking me to stop acting all uptight and snobby but mom still hasn't gotten the message yet and she's still acting all uptight and snobby so I haveta continue to act that way around her. :twisted: :P I REALLY hope this works! And if it doesn' I've said least I got to mess around with my mom's mind alittle. :P It seems like my mom's getting more and more annoyed with me and wants me to stop more and more but eventually it'll get to the point where she finally gets my message and stops acting that way. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I just hate acting that way but I's only around my mom and it's for a good evil cause but you get the point. :P

By the way...when I came back to my mom's place all my Bakugan stuff was already there and I got all of it after I paid my mom. :D AWETHUM, huh?! :D :P So...I'm not gonna brag about all my stuff cuz I got a fair amount of stuff and this blog's already long enough but it's all AWETHUM stuff. :D :P Now no one's gonna mess with me in a Bakugan battle brawl! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm the best Pyrus brawler ever...better than Dan Kuso! :D :P Kidding...I doubt that...Dan and Drago are AWETHUM...besides...I'd never know cuz they're just cartoon characters. :P

I don't have anything else to talk about in this blog. :P I just hope that I can live without playing in the mud for the next few days because I can't play in the mud at my mom's place cuz my mom would know and then my productive troublemaking evil plan would be ruined! :P Well...I think I can live without it until Friday night when I go back to my dad's place. :D :P And if not...uh...I guess I wouldaruined my own plan. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBfan25