I always say in my blogs, I REALLY hope I don't make you fall asleep by reading this and I hope you actually read some of this. :P
So...first of all...SCOTT BROWN WON THE ELECTION AND IS OUR NEW SENATOR IN MA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Sorry ' bout that, I got sorta excited and I'm more crazy than usual right now...but I'll explain why later. :P
Overall, my day was good and nothig stupid or crazy or wierd happened to me today. :D The only thing that was sucky is I came home REALLY TIRED and I had a fair amount of homework to do and some studying for History so I stupidly bought a Red Bull at this corner store that's like legit two doors down from my mom's place and I had it and now...I'm more crazy than usual. :P Ah least I'm not tired and I did my homework. :D :P Oh...and something stupid was up with the T today so I had to get off the train at Airport and take a shuttle bus home to Suffolk Downs. I got home just fine cuz I'm smart but I actually thought it was cool cuz I never took a shuttle bus before. :P
Anyways...I won a few auctions for Bakugan on ebay and they're AWETHUM!!! :D I already set aside the money for them so when my mom's credit card bill comes in I can just give her the money. :) And...I just wanna say the Bakugan that I got: I got a Ventus Coin Scorpion that has 850 G's, a Pyrus Coin Scorpion that also has 850 G's, a Translucent Darkus Abis Omega that has 550 G's, a Translucent Pyrus Abis Omega that has 720 G's, and best of all: a Haos Pearl Abis Omega that has 750 G's. :D Pearl Bakugan are part of this super rare limited-edition set and they look really cool. :D You might be wondering why I got 2 Coin Scorpions and 3 Abis Omegas. Well...I love the Bakugan coin Scorpion and I'm mainly either a Ventus, Pyrus, or Haos battler so I thought it'd be convenient to have one of Pyrus and Ventus so I could use it in either deck...and if I really wanted an Epic Brawl, I could use either Coin Scorpion and combine it with one of my Haos attribute change traps to make it Haos so I could use it with my Haos deck. :D And I got the 3 Abis Omegas cuz I just love that Bakugan and it's actually my favorite Bakugan. I dunno why but ever since I got my first Abis Omega, which was a Pyrus Baku-flip one that looks really cool and has 530 G's...I've just loved that Bakugan and it looks cool no matter what color it is and it's generally powerful. :D 1 to 3 weeks, I have 5 AWETHUM Bakugan coming my way in the mail and I can't wait to get them...ESPECIALLY the Pearl Haos Abis Omega. :D Sorry about all the Bakugan stuff though. :P
Anyways...that's about all I really haveta say...but I do wanna talk about this REALLY WEIRD dream...that in my opinion was more of a nightmare than anything. I wanna talk about it a little. I can't get into much more detail than what I'm about to tell you cuz I can't remember too much about it. So...I dunno why but one day I just randomly decided that everyone in my cluster, Sigma, would have this AWETHUM epic paintball war in Sigma hallway the next day at school. :P And that day after school...all my friends knew about it and were giving me high-fives in the hallway and saying how AWETHUM that idea was and calling me by my nick-name, which I can't tell you cuz it's my last name actually. It's a really cool last name and it's a Latin word but I don't feel comfortable with saying my last name openly on this site. Anyways...then some of those evil prissy girls who I'm arch-enemies with took the train home with me and were telling me to call off the epic paintball war cuz they didn't like the idea of it and didn't wanna do it cuz apparently they'd get dirty and covered in paint or chip a nail or something stupid. And I had shut off my brain for the day cuz I didn't have any homework that night and after school work I normally do that. :P So...I was very easy to be persuaded and I decided that some peoples who didn't wanna participate didn't haveta. And then after that...they tried to persuade me to not take part in the paintball war and I actually said yes! :? I thought that was very wierd cuz I'd never do that in real life and in my dreams I always seem to act just like how I would in real life. So then the next day I told everyone that I wasn't gonna participate in my epic paintball war and everyone else...including my friends...wanted to kill me. And I sat out the paintball war with those evil prissy girls and ugh...I can't believe I'd do that, even if it was a dream. And then the paintball war was over and then I realized that I was retarded to listen to those evil prissy girls so I took a paintball gun and shot them multiple times and then they wanted to kill me so I went back into the hallway where everyone else wanted to kill me and I got shot a bajillion times with paintballs. :P It was really wierd but then I woke up. I guess in my dream I deserved that for acting like such a stuck-up jerk. :P I have no clue what I was thinking about before I went to bed and it was such a random dream. :P Ah well. :D I have wierd dreams all the time cuz I am wierd. :P That dream actually gives me the urge to have a paintball war in my school though. :P Like that'll ever happen though. :P
This is a little random and I REALLY hope you're reading this: But if I EVER start acting all stuck-up and prissy (which odds are will never happen and I hope never does), PLEASE slap me as hard as you can. :P
That's about all I haveta say. :P I have WAY too much energy right now so I think I'm gonna go outside to do something later today. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25