The title says it all. :P So far my weekend's been AWETHUM and I'm gonna talk about it on this blog but I honestly don't want it to end cuz I don't wanna go back to school and I don't wanna go back to my mom's place. :P I hope I don't bore you with this I probably always do...but ah well, I just wanna type stuff and maybe a few people will actually read it. :P
Saturday was AWETHUM!!! :D I just relaxed a lot and didn't really do much. :P I watched TV, went online, played video games, and slept A LOT. :P I was too lazy to make a blog yesterday though. :P
So far, today's been about the same but I seem to be WAY too crazy right now so I hope I calm down soon. :P I mean, I slept in, watched TV, went online, and then I did something a little crazy but fun. :P I don't get why I'm so crazy right now though cuz I didn't have excessive amounts of sugar or anything but ah well.'s what happened: Me and my little brother just took every single pillow in the entire house and went into my dad's bedroom. Then we used all the pillows to make this AWETHUM fort. :D And we were just goofing around and we made the rule that no adults were allowed to come up on the fort and that only members were allowed in and that to be a member you had to pass an "initiation ceremony". :P That was just for our own amusment and the initiation ceremony was just getting sprayed with a water gun. :P And of course since me and me little brother made the fort we didn't haveta pass the initiation ceremony. :P And we also made the rule that if you left you weren't a member anymore. So then I forgot about that rule and I left the fort for a few minutes to go to the bathroom or something and I came back and you can probably tell where this is going, right? :lol: :P Yeah...I got soaked with the water gun, luckily I was smart enough earlier to have filled it with warm water and to turn the heat up in the house a little bit more. :P Of course, after that I had to change my clothes which I didn't care too much about. I was actually sorta glad that I got sprayed with the water gun for some wierd reason which I'll probably never figure out. :P Well anyways, so far my day's been AWETHUM and that game with the fort went on for about two hours. :P And then we put back all the pillows but before that we had the funnest part left. :D We got to destroy the fort which was AWETHUM!!! :D :P Well...I should stop talking about this now cuz it's just a game and none of you probably care. :P
Anyways, I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my day and I hope you all do too. :D I just don't wanna go to school tomorrow or back to my mom's place tonight, but I guess that's normal. :P Oh, and some of you may remember that my mom's been being pretty nice to me lately, right? Well...I'm gonna put that to the test when I get back to my mom's place and try to get her ro remember how horribly behaved I am. :P I don't like her being nice to me and I'm gonna do the worst string of evil things that I can possibly think of!!! :twisted: And I hope that then she'll be ready to kill me cuz I want her to hate me again. :P If this set of evil things that I've planned doesn't work...I don't think that anything will and that'll just be horrible cuz my mom will actually like me!!! It's cuz of those Italian lessons, I know it! I'm not gonna say what I'm gonna do but later I'll put an edit in this blog and you can read it if you wanna know what the heck I did. :P
That's about it. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25