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Sorry I Didn't Make This Yesterday But I Was Doing Homework For Six Hours...

The title of this blog is true and it's not an exaggeration either. I didn't make a blog on Thursday cuz I was too lazy to and yesterday I was doing homework for six hours. I'll tell you what I was doing for six hours right now in case you're wondering. I was to do History Cornell Notes on Chapter 13.1 which discusses what's going on in the lands west of the Mississippi River. That took me about an hour. Then I had to translate a 29 line Latin story into English. It wasn't too hard but I had to look up a lot of words cuz the story used a lot of new vocabulary words that I'm not too familiar with and c'mon, it was 29 lines long! That took me about two hours. And then I had some ELA charts to do on the book "Les Miserables". We had to find the definitions of 30 vocabulary words. I used an online dictionary for that cuz it's much easier and quicker to me anyways and that took me about another hour. Then I had to fill out a character chart thingy, also for ELA, and it had 38 characters on it and that took me about two more hours. total, about six hours. I didn't haveta do all that work last night but I wanted to get ahead in Latin and ELA and I don't like doing anything productive on Saturday or Sunday and when I get assigned something I feel this urge to do it right away. But...I should end this paragraph now. :P

The rest of that day was okay I guess. It was a Day 1 so I had Music Sectionals and a study which was good. The rest of my day was good and normal...aside from one thing that happened in my study. So in my of my friends was asking another person in that study who is in my grade for some help with a math problem that was for homework (she couldn't ask me cuz I didn't have math yet so I didn't know how to find the descriminant cuz that was what the lesson was on.) and that person was being a jerk to my friend so she didn't bother asking that person again. I was very ticked off that someone would be a jerk to one of my friends...I mean...I don't care if people like that are mean to me...but if they mess with my friends...I'm gonna do something about it. Now...I can't go and beat someone up (obviously. :P ) but I planned to humiliate that person who was being a jerk to my friend. She was the kinda person who acts like a know-it-all when she obviously doesn't and she sucks at math so...I just turned around and asked her to tell me the Quadratic Formula. She didn't even know what that was! :lol: :P I completely humiliated her and some of her friends were with her in that study which made it even better. I just humiliated her in front of all her friends. It was AWETHUM. But how can you not know the Quadratic Formula? :P It's x equals negative b plus/minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac all over 2a. Well...anyways...I don't have much else to say about my day. I went home, my dad picked me up, I had dinner, continued doing my six hours worth of homework, went online for like five minutes, and went to bed at about 10. :P I actually ended up sleeping for like 12 hours last night. :P I guess all that homework made me tired. :P

So far my day's been pretty good. I haven't really done much and I don't plan to anytime soon. I'm probably just gonna watch TV, go online, and play video games and that's about it. I would normally go outside on a day where I have nothing to do but I can't cuz it's raining where I live at the moment which kinda sucks at the moment. Ah well...there's nothing I can really do about that. :P

The last thing that I wanna say is that I might get Approbation With Distinction (which is straight A's) for term three (which is last term). I'm not sure though but I know most of my grades. I have an A+ in Italian, an A in Math, an A- in History, an A- in ELA, an A in Declamation, an A in Conduct, an A- in Band (probably but I'm not sure about that one entirely). So the only grade I don't know is Latin. I don't know how I did on it though...I mean I usually get A's and B's on all the tests and quizzes and participation and homework should bring up my grade a lot so hopefully I managed an A- and get Approbation With Distinction. That'd be AWETHUM if I did! :D I mean really...that'd be so AWETHUM! I ranked 213 out of the 524 people at BLS on the ISEE test and it would just be AWETHUM if I could manage straight A's at BLS even when last year I wasn't even in the top 40% of the people who took the test and made it in. But...I'm not counting on it...I always seem to get a B or B+ in Latin. :P

I don't really have much else to say. :P Sorry this blog is kinda long but I hope at least like one person read the entire thing. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25