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Sorry I Haven't Made A Blog All Week...

Well...actually...I'm not too sorry because I'm evil and I don't feel bad about anything. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...seriously...sorry about that. I just haven't been feeling too well this week and I've been kinda busy and wicked tired and something else is going on again that I doubt anyone wants to know. :P Anyways...I'm just gonna quickly summarize my week...

Okay...on Monday I was wicked tired after going to the Red Sox game but I still went to school and when I got home I was wicked busy doing my outline for this ELA paper in which we need to state wether or not an environment can effect one and use three characters from any books that we've read this year. I did that and I had some other homework as well so I wasn't done working until about 6 or 7 I think. By then I was just tired so I took a shower, watched some TV, and then I just went to bed at like 8. I didn't do anything stupid or play any pranks on anyone or play in the mud either...I was too tired to.

On Tuesday we took the Math MCAS so I missed Band, Math, and Italian. I didn't have any homework for the most part when I got home but I was still wicked tired so I just spent the remainder of my day just watching some TV and I think I took a nap and that's about it. :P

Uhhh...oh yeah, on Wednesday it was okay I guess. My day at school was okay and when I got home I had about 3 or 4 hours worth of homework and then I had to practice the flute because we just got the sheet music for the Mission: Impossible Theme Song which is AWETHUM!!! I can already play it pretty good...and if you've ever heard it I'm sure you can easily recognize what part the flute players like me play. :P It's not the main melody but that thing where you play the two eigth notes followed by four beats of the same note. It's not that hard...only the counting is because I've never played anything in 5/4 time yet and this is my first piece of music that will be played in 5/4 time. Anyways...that's about it. :P After that I took a shower, and I went to bed early. Once pranks or anything. Same went for Tuesday as well

On Thursday my day was okay aside from having to take the Science and Technology/Engineering MCAS which is pretty much impossible because guess what: AT BLS WE DON'T TAKE SCIENCE IN THE EIGTH GRADE!!!!! WE TAKE HISTORY, LATIN, ALGEBRA, ELA, AND SOME MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGE!!! So...I dunno how I did on that. :P Probably horrible. :P But I don't care because that one doesn't count for anything. :P Besides...I KNOW that I did AWETHUM on the ELA and Math MCAS! :D When I got home I had no homework so that was pretty much my do nothing night but I was still tired so I just stayed at home for the rest of the night and watched TV...once again...I didn't go to the park or anything like that. :P

Finally it was Friday. My day was okay...boring and it took forever to end...but okay. :P When I got home all I had was ELA and Italian homework. My Italian homework was easy and took me like 30 minutes. :P My ELA homework was also was to just do a first draft of our final paper which was easy for me because when I did my outline I took the liberty of writing out every single sentence so basically all I had to do was copy and paste and after that I just had to edit some thing for about an hour and then I was good to print it out. :P Yeah...I am just so wicked AWETHUM! :P Anyways...I didn't have too much to edit but it was just a lot of mindless busy work if you know what I least mindless busy work to me...kinda like doing math homework when you get to use a calculator...of's still mindless busy work for the most part without the calculator for me because I'm pretty good with math. :P Anyways...on that day in ELA class we silently read and finished Evangeline which was a good book I guess...I personally wasn't too fond of it...the author took FOREVER to just describe the Acadian took him like a whole chapter and I was just saying to myself: Come on! Will this stupid epic poem ever pick up?! And while we were doing that...Ms. Wenz talked to each of us individually about our outlines and when it was my turn I took longer than most people because most people just threw down their basic, basic ideas on a one page piece of paper...that by the way...was double spaced (it had to be typed). :P Since I wrote out everything...mine was about 4 to 5 pages long if I remember right. Also...most people just sat there and didn't ask any questions. I was talking with Ms. Wenz and asking her a bunch of questions and telling her my main ideas and all that sorta stuff. Besides...I'm not afraid to talk to my ELA teacher...she likes me a lot because I'm one of her best students actually...I mean...I always participate and do all my work and I've been rocking a solid A- in her class ever since the first day of school. :D So uh yeah...I liked talking to her about that and she said that she loved my outline and really thinks that I have some interesting characters because I'm doing Juror #3 from Twelve Angry Men, Mildred from Farenheit 451, and Ms. Van Daan from Anne Frank. So...that's about all I wanted to say about yesterday. :P

Today's been pretty good so far. I actually got to sleep in and my day's been pretty unproductive because I did all my work last night. So far all I've done is watch some TV and go online and practice the flute a little. I'm feeling much better now...better than I have all week actually...maybe being away from my mom has something to do with it... :P Well...I dunno about that but I'm sure it does. :P And since I'm feeling so much better...I think I'm gonna go to the park soon because well...I do need a bath today, it's wicked nice out today, and it rained last night so...yeah...I think I'm gonna go and get filthy there. :twisted: :P Aw man...I know that'll be fun. :twisted: :P I don't have much else to say in this blog aisde from the fact that I think I'll be getting my report card for term four on Tuesday which I can't wait for...I already know some of my grades...but I'm not gonna tell you them until I get my report card. :P You'll just haveta wait and see how this nerd's been doing in school. :P all might get jealous. :P Seriously...I'm just kidding. :P But I'll tell you all the grades at once so I can combine it all in one useless blog in which I can brag about my grades. :lol: :P Yeah...when I do you can do whatever the heck you want to me. :P Anyways...that's all I haveta say. Bye! -MightyBFan25