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Surprisingly This Is The First Blog I've Made All Week... :P

Yeah...I'm a little shocked that I haven't made a blog all week but ah...I've been really busy with school work and I've been busy working on my final ELA paper and some other stuff. Anyways...sorry about that. And aside from being busy I've been kinda tired and lazy all weekand to be honest...I haven't really had anything to write about during this week. :P Ah well...I doubt anyone really cares, right? :P So uh...yeah...I'm not gonna write about my week...I'm just gonna talk about today. :P My week was nothing special. :P

Today was pretty good. I feel much better than I did during the week. Probably cuz I actually got some sleep so I'm not tired...and I'm not busy doing any work at the moment. :P I didn't really do much besides sleep, practice the flute for a while cuz we got a new song called Blaze Of Glory...hehe...I've never even heard of it. :P And I watched some TV, went online, and then I went to the park and got filthy...and obviously after that I needed a at the moment...I'm all cleaned up...which I don't like...but ah...I don't care too much. :P I just wanna say why I went to the park now. It was for my own amusment...but also for something else. my dad was kinda acting like a neat-freak...I mean...not as bad as my mom...but still kinda sorta bad if you ask me...and I think it's because his girlfriend ( he has a girlfriend because I think he's kinda lonely during the week when me and my little brother are at my mom's place and he's home alone. And he met her on one of those stupid online dating sites...but this one actually works for some strange reason. :P ) is gonna be visiting our place tomorrow. I mean...I know he's nervous and me dad's AWETHUM but come on...he needed to lighten up a little. :P After that little ordeal at the park when I came home he didn't seem to care at much about the house being perfect. I'm glad about that...but still...I took a bath and I helped him clean the house a little. After that I continued doing nothing with my day. :P

A little later I went on a walk andI ran into my former arch enemy, VD, once again. I still hate her even though she apologized to me a while ago. But...when I saw her I did apologize for acting like a jerk the last time I saw her when she was trying to apologize to me for being mean to me for a long time when we went to school together. Then we just started talking for a little while...which was kinda awkward...and then I went back home. :P That was about it though. Nothing else really happened with that. And that's the only other thing that happened today. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. Just one last thing though: The Celtics are moving onto the NBA championship! :D AWETHUM, huh? :D Sorry...I can't help it though...I'm from Boston. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25