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The Day After Christmas...'s a day late but I hope you all had a great Christmas. :D I would have made this blog yesterday but I was too lazy and when I wasn't lazy I was caught up with something wether it was video games or Bakugan or flute/piccolo playing or just something so...uh...yeah...sorry about that. :P Anyways, my Christmas was really good aside from the fact that my little brother woke me up at 5 in the morning saying that Santa came (I know that Santa Claus isn't real...but my little brother doesn't know yet and I don't wanna be the person who breaks it to him that he isn't real so he doesn't know yet. :P ). I got some new games for my Nintendo DS, some Bakugan, headphones, and a music stand which was strange because I actually didn't ask for a music stand but it's AWETHUM because now I can stand up and play the flute or the piccolo (whichever one I feel like. :P ) and I personally prefer to stand up and play because I can walk around and stuff and I's just more fun. :P And then I went through my stocking and I saw candy and other stuff that would usually be in a stocking but at the bottom was this small black case and I opened it and it was..........(Yeah...the dots represent a long pause for dramatic-ness. :P )..........a piccolo. :D Yep...I got a piccolo for know...the small instrument that's basically like a small flute and is an octave highter. :P I didn't ask for that either and I was planning on using my Christmas and birthday money to buy one but now I don't haveta I guess. :P And it was the exact same one that I was planning on getting...I dunno how my mom coulda figured that one out... :P She probably just was looking through the internet history on the computer and found that. :P But's AWETHUM and I'm so glad that now I own my own instrument and I'm gonna learn this on my own time outside of school and I already kinda sorta know what I'm doing because it's VERY similar to the flute...and it's another thing to put on a college application in a few years from now...and I know that some bands won't use flutes and will only use now I could do either. :P And the piccolo that I got it this metallic red and gold color that I personally like because it's's not a regular silver colored one. :P And it's all metal...not a metal head-joint and plastic body like some of them. :P Anyways...I was just really happy and that night I went to my dad's place and now I'm here for a few days with my little brother and I'm gonna be in my room all day probably playing Sonic Colors and Pokemon Heartgold and occasionally playing the piccolo because the weather outside sucks. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog but just for the sake of writing more I wanna mention how I ended up playing the flute in the first place...because I'm sure that a lot of you can't picture someone like me playing the flute. :P Well...during the summer before I would be going to BLS for the first time...I got these music forms in the mail and I read them over and the way that they worded things made it seem like you had to take some form of music at BLS and that was basically either chorus or an instrument. :P I didn't know that you didn't haveta take music at the time...but I'm glad I didn't know that now. :P Anyways...I figured that since I couldn't sing to save my life I'd take an instrument and see how that went. :P So I looked through the list and I didn't know much about any of those instruments because there were no music programs at my old school. :P So I just randomly put down the flute as my first choice, the violin as my second choice, and the clarinet as my third choice. And I ended up getting the first choice and then I started playing and liked it and band and music class so I just stuck with it and I still have because even now when I have a terrible music teacher/band conductor...I like playing the flute and being in a Band at BLS and I'll stick with it no matter what. So...that's why I'm playing the flute. :P And you already know why I'm learning the piccolo. :P

And now if you wanna listen to the music from the Holiday concert at my school you can go on and under "resources" click "multimedia". Then click on 2010 Holiday Concerts which will be under music. Then just scroll down to the December 17th Holiday Concert and go under Junior Band and then just click on whatever song(s) you wanna listen to. My Band played The First Noel, An Irish Rhapsody, and The Magnificent Seven Theme (with the Symphonic Band). So...yeah...go on that site and listen to my Band! :P And that's all I haveta say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)