Okay...just to let you know...that's how things have been at my school lately. :P I dunno why but the end of the year is supposed to be all nice and relaxing and stuff but to be honest...it hasn't been so far and I don't think it's gonna be. :P The last term at my school's pretty stressful with finals and final projects and trying to end the year with a big bang by getting AWETHUM grades and trying to get ready for next year. And then I also have summer reading to worry about. :P I haveta read five books and write reports on them. :P But...that's not that bad. By the way...I don't get out of school until June 28th. :P So uh...basically...I just want the school year to end. :P I mean...even after finals I know that my teachers are gonna assign us some projects and stuff like that. So...I'm not gonna be stress-free until the end of the school year. And I want it to end...I mean...I'm in the eigth grade...but guess what...at BLS you start your "career" there in the seventh grade, and you finish it by the end of senior year. So...I'm not going anywhere. :D :P I'm staying at BLS for four more stressful years of academics before I go off to college. :P Preferably Harvard or Boston College. :P So uh...basically...the point is that I'm gonna be kinda busy until I get out of school so if I'm not online too much during the week don't panic...I'm just at home studying for a final test or something like that. :P
Anyways...my day was okay. I just hate that it was wicked hot and humid today...but I can't do anything about that...I don't control the weather...but I know a certain wizard that probably could. :P Anyways...my day was pretty normal aside from the weather being ridiculously horrible. :P I had all my normal classes and two studies today because it was Day Four at BLS. So...since I had two studies I managed to get most of my homework done. There wasn't any Latin homework because we just took a WICKED HARD Latin test today. In Italian we basically did nothing so we didn't have any homework in that either. :P I did my ELA and Math homewotk in my studies and I did my History homework when I got home. And the History homework only took me about 30 minutes. :D I just wanna say one other thing about today. Even though it was really hot and humid today...I didn't notice it until R7. I mean...in my first four classes it wasn't that hot yet so I was fine. At lunch time it was AWETHUM because the table that I sit at with my friends it right near one of those industrial fans so it was just really nice. Inmy R5 classI didn't notice anything because I was just so focused on the test. In my R6 class it was a study and the teacher has a few fans in the room which was nice. But my R7 class was horrible...my teacher didn't have any fans...it was really hot outside...and it was my last class...and I was trying to learn how to add and subtract rational expressions with unlike denominators. :P I mean...COME ON! :P I'm not gonna learn anything when I can't think straight...now can I?! :P Luckily I had already taught myself the lesson in the R2 study. :P Anyways...when I got home and finished my homework I just did nothing...it's too hot to do anything. :P I don't plan on doing much tonight. :P And besides...I think there's supposed to be a huge thunderstorm tonight where I live. Hopefully the rain will cool off the area where I live...and if not...ah...I'm not gonna be that happy. :P Anyways...I should shut up...the rest of my day's been useless and unproductive. :P
Tomorrow shouldn't be that bad...hopefully. :P In my Algebra and ELA classes we're gonna be taking some stupid city-wide testing thing that's probably just like the MCAS and is gonna take me like twenty minutes to do and then I'm just gonna take a nap. :P I hate those tests...they're SO EASY and since they're easy...I find them boring. :P But...ah well...I haveta take that stupid test I guess. :P Uh...I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25