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The Random Game Two Continues...

Well...before I start all the stuff for the Random Game Two again I wanna talk about my life. :P Who knows...someone might actually read about it. :lol: :P So...I don't have that much to say about my day but ah...I haveta type at least one paragraph with a quick update of my life, right...? :P

Today's been thesame as every other unproductive day of the summer so far. :P I don't have much to really say about my day. :P The only wierd thing was that last night I had a pretty wierd dream. I don't remember too many details about it so it's not gonna be a long story but in the dream I was basically getting paid money to play in the mud and there was no catch or anything bad about it at all. :P And that dream kinda made me remember that I haven't played in the mud for a few days so I'm gonna do that after I'm done typing this blog! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P My Bakugan drawings are still doing pretty good...I did the Haos one last night and it's AWETHUM!!! :D It's my favorite one yet! :D Now all I have left is the Sub-Terra one and then I might wanna redo the Ventus one and I'll be all done with those. :D Then I'll write a little bit about each character and hang up the drawings on my bedroom walls. :D :P I'm going back to my dad's place later today which is AWETHUM and I'm sure that'll be a lot of fun. :D And uh...other than that...I don't have anything else to really say about my day. :P Well...why are you still reading this crap? :P Aren't you bored out of your mind yet...? :lol: :P

Now before I get to the Random Game Two...I just have one random question:

RANDOM QUESTION: Well...I'm just wondering but if for some odd reason I went bye-bye and the world needed a replacement for me or the world would blow up...would you be the replacement for me...or would you rather have the world blow up cuz you don't wanna play in the mud and put up with my mom? :P So...I don't care about the answer to this one...I'm just kinda wondering. :P If you say yes...I don't really care...and if you say no...I don't really care...I'll probably just laugh though and then go play in the mud. :P

Now let's get back to THE RANDOM GAME TWO:

Here's why each answer to the last question is right or wrong and then the correct answer:

A.) Shoot 'em with the shotgun! (Even thought this MIGHT seem like a good really isn't because first of're wasting the little shotgun ammunition that you have and you should save it for something that you can actually hit. And I mean...come're not gonna kill an evil wizard and one of the Six Legendary Soldiers Of Vestroia with a shotgun. :P )

B.) Climb up the tree and hide. (This seems like a good idea but think about it...the evil wizard and Apollonir are already in front of you and are staring at you. If you climb up the tree they'll know that you're up there and kill you for being sneaky probably. )

C.) Get up and talk to them...maybe they want something. (This is the correct answer. It might seem strange and unsafe but if you get up and talk to them you won't seem like a threat to the evil wizard and Apollonir so they probably won't wanna kill you. )

D.) Shoot the evil wizard with the shotgun and then tackle Apollonir and take his wallet. (Uh...I think you know why this one's wrong. :P You're not gonna kill an evil wizard with a shotgun and if you try to tackle Apollonir he's gonna burn your face off or something. :P And's the end of the world...taking his wallet is pointless because currency is now meaningless...besides...Bakugan don't have wallets! :P )

So...the correct answer is C. And here's the scoreboard as of right now. Once again...if your username's not up here...that means that you haven't gotten a point yet. By the helps if you read the store two or three times so you don't make a stupid guess. :P's the scoreboard as of right now:

Girlygirl24: 2 points (By the way...either you're learning how to read my mind or those two were lucky guesses. :P )

Spongegirl1029: 1 point

Now let's get on with the next part of the story for the RANDOM GAME TWO:

So after thinking for a little while you decide to get up and talk to the Evil Wizard and Apollonir, thinking that they might want something and you can help them out. As soon as you stand up, the Evil Wizard remembers you! According to him you were: "That evil little demon child who ruined my evil plan!". He remembers how you drained his powers by making him watch the movie Twilight. Somehow he was floating and seems to have gained all his powers back. He does not want to risk losing his powers again so he teleports somewhere else. Then you walk up to Apollonir and talk to him. You notice that when he was around the evil wizard his eyes were red, but now they're black, like they usually are. You ask him what's going on and he gives you the full explanation of everything that happened and this is what he said: "After you had that battle with the wizard and defeated him, in those three years he managed to gain back all his powers somehow. He wanted to get revenge on everyone on this planet, especially you for draining all his powers temporarily. So he came up with a plan to destroy this planet forever without even getting his hands dirty. He used his mind-control on me and the other five Legendary Bakugan: Sub-Terra Clayf, Haos Lars Lion, Darkus Exedra, Aquos Frosch, and Ventus Oberus. He pitted us against each other and made us use our powers against each other in a battle royal taking place across the planet, and that made us destroy it. All across the planet were wildfires, earthquakes, thunder storms, blackouts, tsunamis, and tornados, all because of us being controlled by him. The fight raged on for about two months but in the end I won and wildfired charred the earth to a crisp. Now, there's only one way to save the planet. You, my friend, must defeat me in a Bakugan Battle Brawl and then drain the evil wizard of his powers once more, but this time, you must do it and make sure that he stays that way forever. And then you must go to planet Namek, find all seven Dragonballs, summon Porunga, and use your wishes to restore this planet back to it's former state." Then after a few minutes of absorbing all this overwhelming information you finally answer: "But I can't even do the first thing! I can't defeat you in a Bakugan Battle Brawl! I don't even know how to play Bakugan!" Then Apollonir answers: "I thought you might say that. And that is why you need to travel to East Boston, Massachusetts. There you will find someone who will teach you how to play Bakugan and defeat me." You answer: "But I don't know where this person lives, why can't you give me an address?!" Appolonir says: "Because this person can't say anyone's address...the person's online writing this story as we speak! But don't worry, the person will be down in the basement of her house and she'll be battling with some Pyrus Bakugan so you'll see smoke coming out of the ventalation shaft above ground and you'll hear a lot of banging and screaming because now the Bakugan can be in their true forms on this planet for some odd reason. And you might hear some faint flute playing...the person you're looking for plays the flute and wants to get her Bakugan to battle in sync with her flute-playing or something like that. I think it's stupid but don't tell her that. Well, young warrior, are you going to begin your quest now?" You say that you are and then Apollonir's eyes glow red again and he flies off somewhere. It's getting late outside and the sun is beginning to set. So...what do you plan to do?

A.) Ah...I can't see in the dark but I'll travel by night.

B.) Spend the night under the tree and get some sleep. Then in the morning I'llbegin travelling to the location stated by Apollonir.

C.) Screw Apollonir and this planet! I'd rather die than do all that stupid crap!

D.) Climb up the tree and sleep up there for the night. Then in the morning I'll go to that place that Apollonir told me to go to.

So...just leave your answer when you comment on this blog. :D Hopefully you pick the right answer. :P Just think about it for a while and don't just randomly guess cuz I want all the peoples participating in this to do good. :P Ah...maybe not! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P But I'd rather get you with a trick question than have you get a wrong answer because you just randomly guessed. :P

Ooh...I actually came up with an idea for this one right now. I'll give you a bonus question in this blog. :P It's not multiple choice but it shouldn't be that hard and if you get it right you'll get another point. :D :P

BONUS QUESTION: Do you know who this person that you're supposed to meet to teach you how to play Bakugan is? If so, tell me when you comment on this blog along with your answer to the other question. :P Come on! :P This shouldn't be too hard! :P

I don't have anything else to talk about in this blog. :P Sorry that this blog is so long butI can't help it because all the Random Game Two stuff takes up a lot of space on this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)