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The Saints Won The Super Bowl! :D

Sorry 'bout the title but I had to mention this cuz I really wanted the Saints to win and I watched the whole game last night and it was AWETHUM and I'm so glad that the Saints won cuz I hate the Colts. :D :P Now I Just wanna talk about my day and hopefully you won't fall asleep while reading this. :P

I don't have much to say really. :P My day was good and normal and nothing stupid or crazy or wierd really happened. I did have a lot of homework when I got home and I did it all so I'm sorta tired and I might not be thinking while I'm typing this (just to warn you) so if anything I say is really stupid or random...don't say anything please cuz I can't help it. :P Today I had all my normal classes plus Band and a study and it was Day 6. (My school does a 6 Day rotation thingy so the order of our classes and stuff differs every day and after the 6 days are up it goes back to day 1. The only class that's always in the same time at my school is fifth period but I dunno why. :P ) Band was really good and we nailed this song called Black Is The Color today and it sounds AWETHUM! :D It's actually sorta sad but it sounds really nice. And I loved how class was cuz from measures 27 to 35 in the song the flutes (I'm a flute player in case you've forgotten. :P ) and the oboes have the main melody and it's all these really low notes that everyone says is really hard to play but I personally think is easy. I dunno why but playing the flute just sorta comes natural to me or something. :P But...Mr. Harper was yelling at all the other instruments to shut up and be quiet so us flute players can actually be heard for once! It was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...we're actually gonna get heard for a while instead of just balancing out the sound of the other instruments! I's just AWETHUM and you don't know how happy I am cuz of that cuz I mean...we're like NEVER heard cuz the flute is such a quiet instrument compared to like the low brass and trumpets. :D I'm just glad about that. :D That made my day. :P

One thing that sucked about today though was that since I had a lot of homework and now I'm really tired is that I'm not really in a mood to go outside and even if I's too cold to go outside. I can't wait for it to be the spring cuz it's gonna rain a lot and it's gonna be warm but not too warm and I just love being outside during the spring and fall. One thing that I really like about the spring though is that it's close to the end of the school year and I can always go outside to do something stupid if I wanna as long as it's nothing bad. :P But...I probably shouldn't be thinking this far ahead. :P

I heard that on Wednesday there might be a snow day where I live cuz it's supposed to snow and we're supposed to get 8 to 12 inches of it and it's gonna be in the afternoon and the schools probably aren't gonna want us to come to school just to avoid transportation difficulties like in years past so hopefully I'll have a snow day on Wednesday. :D I'm not gonna count on it but I'm hoping for it. :P

One last thing that I wanna say is this wierd dream that I had last night and I can recall most of it at the moment so why not I guess. :P So...I guess my dream was about basically what my life would've been like if I didn't get accepted into Boston Latin School (BLS). I was at my old school with the same eigth grade teacher and all my friends and stuff. And I guess it was at the beginning of the school year cuz I was still playing softball and I was old enough to go into the older division in my league so I did. And there was one thing that sorta freaked me out but I'll get to that avoid typing it at the moment cuz I don't wanna...hehe. :P So my dream was just about one day and how it would've been if I wasn't at BLS. So I was at my old school and I was in AP classes for every subject and still getting straight A's in every class and all that. And I remember that the classes were really boring and easy for me. And I remember that I was still getting picked on by all my arch-enemies, as usual. :P And I still had my same friends and they hadn't really changed except for one cuz now she was friends with the popular evil girls and I didn't even bother with that cuz well...I was ticked off and I don't need to get into a fight at school, verbal or physical I don't need it cuz I'm a nerd and watch TV, right? :P And the wierd thing that I didn't wanna say was that in my dream...I had a boyfriend and ugh...I can't stand the idea that my mind could think of something so stupid! But...forget about that and don't make fun of me for subconciously thinking that while I was asleep. :P And then the day was over and I stayed out in the school-yard for a while to hand out with my friends. Then I got home and changed outta that horrible school uniform that I had to wear in my dream cuz I had to before at my old school and then I did my homework which was really easy and only took me a total of about 45 minutes to do and I got all the answers right and didn't rush or anything. :P And then one of my friends who apparently was on the same softball team as me called me to say that we had a softball game that day in about an hour and a half and we had to be at the field to warm up in 30 minutes cuz I was pitching in that game. So I got down to the field and me and my friend were on my team and then everyone else were a bunch of the kinda prissy evil girls that I've come to hate. And our team was in dead last place in our division and we hadn't won a single game all year. :P And I remember that the coach told me to try to convince my team-mates to actually try to win the game cuz they didn't care at all really. So I was pitching in that game and batting I think third or forth in the line-up cuz I'm a pretty good power hitter with batting. It's not that I'm strong or anything like that, TRUST ME, I ain't. :P The only reason I'm a good power hitter is cuz I have a great swing cuz I always practiced it and I always had a good eye and knew the kinda pitched that I could kill. :P So...I basically used my smarts and I always try to with any sorta physical activity but anyways... :P Meanwhile in the dug-out in between innings I'd be trying to convince my team-mates to actually try and not be afraid to get dirty if they're playing softball and went horribly cuz of course they just think I'm crazy and a loser cuz I'm smart and wear glasses and I like getting dirty was an epic fail and at the end of the game...well...they were just fed up with me and wanted me to shut the heck up and just just threw me in a mud puddle and left. :P And then me and my friend and the coach were left with putting away all the equipment and carrying it to her van and then I saw those evil girls and they looked at me and after I was done putting away the equipment I just jumped into my dad's car (cuz he was there to pick me up) and locked the door. Then I opened the window and said something to them that I probably shouldn't repeat on this site. :P And them my dad drove me home to my mom's place and she wanted to kill me for getting dirty and I had to explain what happened and she didn't believe me and then I got grounded. :P And then I had to take a shower and then I went to bed and that was the end of my dream. :P Sorry that my dreams are so random but I can't help it I guess. :P

That's all I haveta say. :P Bye bye. :D -MightyBFan25