Yeah...sorry about that stupid glitch on my profile yesterday. :P That's why I didn't get too many comments on my last blog I guess. :P Sorry for that inconvenience, but I honestly had nothing to do with that. It's just this site being stupid and cruel to me again. :P Hehe, I don't really care. :D Well...I wanna talk about my day and I hope I don't bore you to death like I think I always do. :P Oh, and this is random but I'm drinking soda at the moment. Why I mention this is cuz I rarely get to drink soda cuz my mom doesn't allow me to most of the time. :P I think she said it's cuz I'm crazy enough as it is and sugar will just make it worse. :P But the odd thing is that I never have sugar rushes when I do have sugar. :lol: :P So...I'm not crazy...well...I am, but not more than I usually am. :P I don't know why my mom's letting me have soda today though... :P I didn't ask or anything...she just said I could. Well, she's been unusually nice today so far...which scares me more than when she yells at me. :P
Well...overall my day at school was pretty good. :D Nothing stupid or crazy or wierd really happened. I had all my regular classes plus a study and band. We're starting to play Amazing Grace in Band and it already sounds AWETHUM!!! :D I didn't have any homework except a lot of studying and some optional reading which I did. :P So...I'm good with my work. :D
I got to talk to my dad on the phone yesterday and that was pretty nice. I finally got to talk to a parent about how I'm doing at school. My mom doesn't really care. :P I actually haven't missed my dad or been too upset so far this week. :) And I dunno why but every winter since my parents' divorce is when I get the most upset about that...and it's always after the holidays. I dunno why though. But I hope I'm not too upset these next few months and I haven't been so far. :)
I can't wait for the new Mighty B! episodes on January 16th!!! :D They're gonna be AWETHUM!!! :D I think they're gonna be Hive Of Darkness and A Pirate's Life For B, but I'm not sure. :P I hope it is. :D
I just finished reading Farenheight 451 today and it was one of the AWETHUMEST books I've ever read, not joking, it was. :D I really suggest reading it, ESPECIALLY if you're a Sci-Fi nerd like me. :D I was reading it for a few hours which is why I'm on this site sorta late. :P But I couldn't stop reading. Part three was so intense and exciting and I just couldn't take my eyes off the book. :D :P
I don't have much else to say. :P I'm continuing my evil mind games with my mom cuz I'm an evil mastermind and it all leads up to letting her have the biggest neat-freak panic attack ever on Friday and I don't even need to do anything. :lol: :P Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :P I think I am an evil mastermind. :P I think I should blast my mom with a lightning bolt cuz I can cuz I'm taking wizard classes at BLS now. :P Awww...I'm only a level 5 wizard right now so all I can do is conjure up bunnies. :P Just kidding about the wizard stuff.
RANDOM QUESTION: Do any of you know what a monolithic obelisc is? I do...but I wanna see if anyone else does. :P
That's all I haveta say. :P Ciao, and remember "No taxation without representation". :P Sorry, we're learning about the stamp act and all that in History now. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25