's Sunday and one of the best days of the entire year to watch my opinion. :D :P The Super Bowl is on today and I REALLY wanna see the Saints win cuz since I live in New England I hate the Colts. :P And I like the Saints and they've never really won anything. :) But before that at 3 on Animal Planet the Puppy Bowl is gonna be on and I love watching that every year. :D It's better than watching those puppies on that webcam thingy on that episode of The Mighty B! called Awww-some. :P Well...if I don't go on too much on this site it's cuz I'm probably watching TV. :P
My weekend's been AWETHUM!!! :D We didn't really do much but it was good cuz it was relaxing. :P The only productive thing that I really did was translate more of that story for Latin class to get ahead of everyone. Well...that and I got some of that foam rubber stuff with the indents in it and lined this box that I have with it so I have another place to put my Bakugan in. It works really good and it'll keep my Bakugan protected and all that stuff and I used the rest of that foam rubber stuff to line this carry case with so if I ever wanted to take some of my Bakugan anywhere I could. :P And I could put a lock on it if I felt the need to but I don't think anyone cares about Bakugan except for me. :P But anyways, I doubt you care but that's about the only other productive thing I did this weekend. :P
I can't wait to go back to school tomorrow though for some odd reason. :P I think it's cuz I just wanna go to school, do AWETHUM, get all my work done, and then be on February vacation. I can't wait for February vacation cuz my dad has that week off from work so me and my little brother get to spend the weekend with him which will be AWETHUM!!! :D We have a few errands to do that week but we already have a bunch of fun things planned that we're gonna do. :D One thing that is considered an errand but I'm looking forward to is going to the doctor's to get my checkup. I dunno why but I love going to the doctor's and this time will be good cuz my mom's not gonna come (cuz when she does she stays in the room and if I wanna ask a question or mention a problem at home she doesn't let me cuz she's a jerk) and I can finally say what I wanna say about how my mom treats me and my brother and how she smokes in the house and all that good stuff and hopefully get my mom in some trouble and when my brother turns 12 (three years from now) and he can legally decide who he wants to live with when all that court stuff is happening one thing that would be good to pull up would be the stuff that was written down from this upcoming doctor's appointment. I just wanna get my mom in trouble though cuz she deserves it and it does involve my health when you think about it. There's a few other things that my mom does that effect my health to a certain degree but I'd rather not get into that. Anyways, I can't wait for February vacation. :D
I don't have anything else to say really. :P I hope it's sorta warm outside today so I can go outside later cuz I haven't been able to for a significant amount of time now. Bye bye. -MightyBFan25