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The Weather Today Is The AWETHUMEST It's Been In Months!!! :D

Well...before I get to the title I wanna talk about my day a little bit, which hopefully won't take me too long. :P So...aside from one stupid but fun thing I did...I didn't really do much today. :P All I did for the most part was watch TV, go online, sleep, and read about 100 more pages in Les Miserables, which I'm getting kinda caught up in and I'm really enjoying reading. I'm at about page 180 I think and there's only 400 pages so I think I'm getting pretty far along in it. My ELA homework was only to read up to page 20 but I'm an over-achiever with my school-work cuz I'm a nerd...kinda like a good way though. :P Not much else to type in this paragraph. :P

Now...I knew that the weather was gonna be nice all weekend so I was planning to go to the park today. The weather earlier today was AWETHUM, it was just below 60 degrees farenheit which is just AWETHUM weather to me...I'd prefer mid-sixites but who's complaining, it's still March. :D :P So...earlier today I went to the park and I just got so dirty and covered in mud there and it was AWETHUM!!! :D :P And by the way...just to prevent any confusion...that ain't code for anything...I mean that literally...I don't know why some peoples don't get that but ah well. :P It was really fun but I had to take a shower after...obviously. :P I didn't mind it too much cuz I can go to the park again tomorrow cuz the weather's gonna be nice again tomorrow too. :D And by the way...if any of you think I'm crazy for going to the park to play in the mud...well then...if you don't mind I suggest you do it and you'll see just how fun it is...but no one has to cuz if I forced someone to do something I'd probably get beat up and that evil wizard would never give me back my glasses. :lol: :P

I don't have much else to really say in this blog. :P Ijust wanna say that I had this really wierd but AWETHUM dream last night where I was Bessie and the Bakugan fell from the sky like they do in that show Bakugan and all the Mighty B! characters were in my dream and it had the same plot line as Season One of Bakugan and it was AWETHUM!!! :D I was Bessie...who was like Dan Kuso in the show and was a Pyrus brawler and had Drago. And I remember that Portia was Alice/Masquerade and was a Darkus brawler who had Hydranoid. I would get into all the specifics but that'd take me days and it kinda gives me inspiration to write this story on the Mighty B! Scripts Forum so I'll put the story on there when I find the time. :D That's about it. :P Bye bye. -MightyBFan25