The title is correct...which I'm so glad about! :D The weather where I live has been near-perfect all weekend. It's been about 70 degrees farenheit, pretty sunny outside, and kinda windy...which to me is like perfect weather. I kinda forgot to make a blog yesterday but I was taking advantage of the AWETHUM weatherand by the time I got home I was too lazy to do anything like type a blog. :P I didn't really do anything yesterday...just what I'd normally do on a Saturday when the weather's almost perfect. :P Other than that I just slept, watched TV, went online, and played video games. :P Nothing really exciting to type about. :P I wanna talk about my day so far which has been AWETHUM...
Today I slept until about 8:30 which was good cuz I need a lot of sleep on the weekends cuz I never seem to get enough sleep during the week. :P Then I helped my dad with some yard work cuz during the spring and summer we like to spend some time in the backyard. It didn't take too long really...we just mainly had to rake up and throw away all the leaves in the backyard from the fall cuz there's a tree in our backyard. And then we just had to clean some of the chairs and tables we have in the backyard. It didn't take too long...about an hour and a half. I actually kinda liked doing it cuz it was dirty work so I got to be outside and get kinda dirty. :P Now...I woulda taken a shower after that but I wasn't really that dirty and I had to help my dad cook dinner for later today so it woulda been stupid to take a shower and then help cook cuz I'd just get dirty again and haveta take another shower. So...I helped cook dinner and while that was cooking I decided that I'd go to the park and then take a shower. So then I went to the park and got dirty and then I came back and took a that time I felt like I needed to take one. :P I haven't done much else today so far though. All I've done other than that is watch TV and go online...and play video games. :P
I just wanna say one more thing. I've been kinda addicted to my Pokemon Emerald game for Game Boy Advance for the last few days so I've been playing it on my Nintendo DS and I've been doing pretty good. Right now I'm at Dewford Town training my Pokemon in that cave cuz it's a really good training spot. I have 2 gym badges already and I already delevered that letter to Steven. And I have 4 Pokemon at the moment. A level 21 Grovyle, a level 21 Linoone, a level 17 Aron, and a level 8 Abra. I'm gonna train all my Pokemon in the cave until they get to level 21. Abra will be hard to train until it evolves but after that it's the AWETHUMEST Pokemon ever...or at least one of the AWETHUMEST Pokemon. :P I'm gonna play that game after I'm done typing up this blog. :P
I don't have much else to say. :P I wanna go play my Pokemon game... :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25