Yeah, there was a HUGE snow-storm last night in MA and it's AWETHUM!!!!! :D We got about a foot of snow where I live. So I got to help my dad with shoveling the snow outside. :D're probably wondering, why the happy face, right? :P Well...I actually like going outside to do work and stuff. I don't know why, I just do. :P And that went pretty good. :D It only took us like an hour and we shoveled away a lot of snow near the house and car. And...we put all of it in one huge pile off to the side of the house and well...then me and my little brother were playing in the snow for a while and came back inside covered in snow. :P So was AWETHUM!!! :D And the best part is that it was that nice fluffy sorta snow that's AWETHUM to play in. :D Guess what I'm doing when I get to my mom's place? :P It's pretty obvious. :P Another reason why I like going outside to play and stuff besides getting dirty or torturing my mom or having fun is that I can't stay inside all day or I'll go crazy. :P I honestly need to be outside for like an hour a day or I just go crazy. :P So I always go on a lot of walks or to the park or something. I'm not an ourdoors nut but I just can't be inside all day. :P
So weekend overall was pretty good and relaxing. :D I'm gonna haveta go back to my mom's place in about an hour and I don't wanna. I also don't wanna go back to school. :P But I haveta. Besides, this week's probably not even gonna feel like a week cuz it's only three days and I'm out and I've already done everything important and stressful. I just wanna get this week over and done with. :P And...find my cell phone cuz I lost it in school of Friday. :P I don't know how but I did cuz I'm irresponsible and retarded sometimes. :lol: :P Ah well...I'm not too comcerned about it. Besides, I don't use my cell phone hardly anyways and it's only on for like 5 minutes a day to call my mom after school. :P I mean, I don't think I'm gonna wanna answer my cell phone if I'm playing in the mud at the park. :P Oh, I wanna figure out how that conversation would go. Yeah, here's how it would probably go:
(phone rings)
friend: Oh hi Alicia, what are you doing?
me: Uh...hi, and you really don't wanna know.
friend: c'mom, just tell me.
me: Fine then. I'm at the park.
friend: And what are you doing at the park?
me: That's the part you don't wanna know...
friend: Just say it.
me: Okay. I'm playing in the mud.
friend: Why on earth would you do that?!
me: It's fun and I wanna torture my mom.
friend: This is gonna be gossip at BLS for the next month probably. Bye!
me: wait!...
(call ends)
Yeah...something like that. :P Probably not good at all. :P Besides, cell phones kill bees. :P And...if it is lost forever, my mom will get me a new one cuz she's such a helicopter parent and wouldn't let me not have one. :P Wait...why am I talking about this? :P I dunno. :P
Well...that's it. Ciao! -MightyBFan25