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This Blog Is Completely Useless And All I'm Gonna Do Is Brag About School... :P

Yeah...seriously...I just wanna talk about my day a little and then I haveta brag about school a little bit. :P Sorry...but I just haveta. I forgot to in my last blog...too tired to remember anything I guess. We got out report cards on Tuesday and I already passed it in and everything but I remember all my grades.'s my fourth term grades:

Algebra: A+ (Yeah...I'm SO proud of this grade...I mean...math's always been one of my best subjects which if wierd because I'm a girl and the stereotype is that girls are better in English and History and that sorta stuff...but my strengths are in math and science and that sorta stuff. Anyways...I worked really hard to get this grade up and I'm proud of it! :D )

Italian: A ( used to be an A+ but the class has been getting a little harder and the grammar's getting more complex but's still an A and I think it's AWETHUM!!! :D )

ELA: A (I'm really glad about this grade because it didn't go up or stayed the same. And come's an A...and English isn't really my best subject. :P So...I'm wicked glad about this grade and I was a little shocked because I was expecting an A- because I didn't do that well on one of the tests that term. :P )

Latin: B+ ( just kinda stayed the same which is disappointing because I really wanna get an A- in Latin at least once. But hey...most people are failing Latin and I have a who's complaining? :P My goal for this term though is to get at least an A- and I will get it because I believe that I can and that's half the battle! :D )

History: B+ (Like I said...History's never really been my best subject and the class is wicked boring but least it's a B+. :P I've been on that B+/A- cusp in History all year...I hope that I can work hard enough and do well enough so that I can get on that A- side of the cusp for term five and I know I can and I will! :D )

Band: A...duh! :P (Sorry about that but come on...we nailed the Spring Concert and I might not be the best flute player...but I'm the best out of everyone that never played before they came to BLS and that I think says a lot about my committment. :D Besides...I'm almost as good as the first least...I like to think I am...hehe. :P So anyways...I'm SO glad I got an A...I'm so AWETHUM, aren't I? :D :P )

PE: A (Now...I know what you're thinking. How can a wimpy dorky nerd like me possibly get an A in PE? :P BLS wejust get graded on participation and effort so uh...yeah...I participate always and even though I suck at half the sports we play least I try. :P )

Declamation: A ( (sarcastically) Gee...what a surprise. :P An Declamation? :P Wow...I NEVER woulda guessed that! :P I'm only an excellent declaimer who always gets A's on all her declamations. :P Seriously...sorry for sounding so cocky...but I can get this way sometimes when it comes to mom tells me that I shouldn't and I admit that I am being somewhat cocky...but ah...don't you think that I've earned this bragging rights for getting all A's and B's at BLS? :P )

Conduct: A ( might be thinking how a troublemaker like me cound manage an A in conduct but the thing is that I behave in all my classes...I just cause some trouble and act crazy with my friends at school in the hallways oron the train ride home or something like that. In my classes I'm well behaves because I have enough common sense to realize that I should. :P )

Overall...I'm pretty happy with all my grades. But I'm not satisfied. I've proven that I can get Approbation. But this term...I WILL get straight A's! :D I mean...all I really need to focus on is History and Latin because they're my worst letter grade subjects. It'll be a little hard and I might be too busy to come on some days but school comes first and I wanna end the second year at BLS with a big bang and get Approbation With Distinction! :D So uh...yeah...I will do that. :P This is kinda awkward...I'll just end this paragraph... :P

Now I just wanna say one thing and then I'll get to my actual day. :P So uh...if you've read most of my blogs then you should remember something about my playing in Band at the Spring Concert and how the Class V (five) Band did AWETHUM, right? Well if you didn't know that now you do. :P So uh...on one of my school's websites (we have two that I know of) which focuses on the arts (music, visual arts, you know...all that kinda stuff) they have all the music from Music Night at BLS. So uh...the music's on in case you're wondering. For some reason I can't get the links on my dad's computer but I was able to get them on my mom's computer so I'll just give you this link: I'd like you to do with it if you actually care is click on this link and then you'll see this link for all the music from our most recentMusic Night at BLS. Then scroll down the list of music until you find the list of music that the Class V Band played. It'll be the first band listed under April 30, 2010. So uh...then I'd appreciate it if you'd listen to "Black Is The Color", "Amazing Grace", and "Normandy Beach". Those are the songs that the band at my school that I'm in played. We might not be as good as the Junior and Symphonic band but hey...most of us have only been playing for about two years. :P After that you don't haveta do this my my favorite song that the Junior Band played was "Battle Hymn Of The Republic" because the flute part was AWETHUM!!! :D If you choose to listen to's the third band listed under Friday, April 30, 2010. If you choose to listen to it...try to pick up on the flute part that I love so much. :P And in all the songs that my band played...try to listen to us flute players (or to get all technical on flautists...yeah...the technical term for a flute player isn't a a's a flautist. :P ) So don't haveta waste your time for the fine arts but I'd appreciate it if you did. And feel free to listen to the songs by any other bands...except sixie band...the sixies suck. :P No offense. :P

Uh...I don't really have too much to say about my day. :P It was pretty good. We had a History test today and I think that I did AWETHUM on it! :D I mean...I usually think I did okay on it...but this time I KNOW that I did wicked AWETHUM on it! :D I had no homework when I got home and nothing too special took place. :P Uh...later my dad came to pick me up and now I'm at his place. The rest of my day's been unproductive... :P By the way...tomorrow's my dad's b-day and I'll dedicate the title of my next blog to that instead of all the random crap that I usually say in my titles. :lol: :P'll also be my one-year anniversary in if you've known me from when I was first on this site at MightyBFan2500 before I got banned for making off-topic forums and just being off-topic in general and apparently the mods were out to get me. :P's not my one year anniversary on this account but of tomorrow I woulda been on this site for a full 365.25 days! :D AWETHUM, huh? :D I think it is. :P I'm not gonna do anything special like a blog party or anything though...I don't feel the need to...I'll do that when I get to 200 blogs. And I'll do another one when I got to 250 because I love all numbers that are multiples of 5 and I ESPECIALLY love all numbers that are multiples of 25. :D :P I dunno why though... :P Easy numbers to do math with I guess... :P So uh...yeah. :P

I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P I'm just somewhat annoyed but kinda happy at the same time because I have the flute part of the song "Battle Hymn Of The Republic" stuck in my head. :P Ah well...bye! -MightyBFan25 (who is almost sorry for annoying you with all the bragging and random crap involving school...ALMOST. :twisted: :lol: :P )