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This Blog Shall Be Written In The Third Person Without Any Pronouns... :P

MightyBFan25 knows that MightyBFan25 just did this in MightyBFan25's last blog but MightyBFan25 decided to take FZeroBoyo's challenge and write a blog in the third person without any pronouns so that's what MightyBFan25 plans to do in this blog. :P MightyBFan25 knows that MightyBFan25 has probably annoyed everyone with MightyBFan25's third person talking already but no one should worry...MightyBFan25 will go back to speaking normally in MightyBFan25's blogs starting in MightyBFan25's next blog. :P By the way...when someone reads one of MightyBFan25's blogs...that person is in MightyBFan25's world for a short period of time. :P So...since anyone reading this blog is now in MightyBFan25's world for need to pay back MightyBFan25 for letting whoever is reading this blog enter MightyBFan25's world by only posting in the third person without any pronouns as well. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Whoever's reading this blog is in MightyBFan25's world for now!!! :twisted: :P MightyBFan25 will now get on with talking about MightyBFan25's day... :P

Well...MightyBFan25 realized just now that MightyBFan25 actually wants to talk about MightyBFan25's whole weekend actually. :P He he he! :twisted: :P More time in MightyBFan25's world! :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P (To whoever's reading this blog...just admit that you enjoy reading this crap and talking to MightyBFan25...why else would whoever's reading this blog be reading this blog?! :lol: :P ) Well...anyways...MightyBFan25's weekend overall has been really nice. :D All week MightyBFan25 was ridiculously tired but MightyBFan25 has noticed that during the weekend MightyBFan25 hasn't been tired at all. :P MightyBFan25's feeling all better from whatever MightyBFan25 came down with. :P And all that extra sleep that MightyBFan25 got has probably left MightyBFan25 with a ton of extra energy which is probably why MightyBFan25's been so crazy and has WAY too much energy and can't get to sleep for the past few days. :P Well...anyways...just to let whoever's reading this blog know...if whoever's reading this blog knew MightyBFan25 in real life...whoever's reading this blog would be screwed because of this! :twisted: :P Anyways...MightyBFan25's weekend was very nice and unproductive. :PAll MightyBFan25 did was watch TV, go online, and go outside to act very stupid because the weather's been nice all weekend. :D :P (Probably another reason as to why MightyBFan25 has a lot of energy right now...MightyBFan25's mood usually changes with the weather. :P ) So...MightyBFan25's weekend was nice, fun, and relaxing and unproductive which MightyBFan25 always enjoys. :D :P

MightyBFan25 also wanted to mention that MightyBFan25 won a few more ebay auctions and will be expecting some more Bakugan stuff in the mail evnetually. :D :P So...when MightyBFan25 gets that stuffMightyBFan25 will brag about that as well. :P And don't ask MightyBFan25 about Bakugan because MightyBFan25 doesn't wanna give a long explanation about Bakugan. :P So if whoever's reading this blog has no idea about Bakugan just google Bakugan or something like that. :P

By the way...MightyBFan25 has finally come up with an evil plan to help MightyBFan25 with MightyBFan25's idea of productive troublemaking. :D :P He he he! :twisted: :P So...MightyBFan25 realized yesterday that MightyBFan25 has tried to get MightyBFan25's mom to not act so uptight and snobby before but the plans never worked so then MightyBFan25 realizes yesterday that MightyBFan25's plans never worked because MightyBFan25 was acting too much like MightyBFan25! :P So...MightyBFan25 figures that if acting like MightyBFan25 won't get MightyBFan25's plans to work...then maybe if MightyBFan25 stops acting like MightyBFan25 long enough...MightyBFan25's plan will work! :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P But don't worry...MightyBFan25 isn't gonna start acting all snobby and uptight around everyone like MightyBFan25 did during MightyBFan25's epic prank. MightyBFan25 is only going to act that way around MightyBFan25's mom. And MightyBFan25 will keep whoever reads MightyBFan25's blogs updated with how that goes. MightyBFan25 knows that eventually MightyBFan25's mom will realize how annoying and stupid MightyBFan25's mom is being when MightyBFan25's mom acts that way. :twisted: :P Then hopefully MightyBFan25's mom will stop acting that way and want MightyBFan25 to act like how MightyBFan25 normally acts around her. :P MightyBFan25 hopes that MightyBFan25's plan works and MightyBFan25's plan will be a real eye-opener for MightyBFan25's mom and MightyBFan25's mom will FINALLY stop acting so uptight and snobby! :D :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P MightyBFan25 is so evil...isn't MightyBFan25? :twisted: :P

MightyBFan25 is a little upset that MightyBFan25 has to go back to MightyBFan25's mom's place later on today but going back isn't a big deal. MightyBFan25 doesn't have any plans for the rest of the day...MightyBFan25 will probably continue with MightyBFan25's unproductive activities, acting stupid, and troublemaking. :lol: :P He he he! :twisted: :P MightyBFan25 is gonna go outside and do something stupid when MightyBFan25's done typing this blog. :P The weather outside is so nice right now where MightyBFan25 lives. :D How can MightyBFan25 possibly resist going outside to do something stupid? :twisted: :P

MightyBFan25 doesn't have much else to talk about in this blog. :P MightyBFan25 is sorta upset though because MightyBFan25 just realized that she used a fair amount of pronouns in this blog actually. :P Oh well...MightyBFan25 guesses that MightyBFan25 will just haveta do another third person talking blog and be super careful not to use ANY pronouns and MightyBFan25 will keep doing that until MightyBFan25 gets it right! :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P MightyBFan25 knows that this will torture whoever reads MightyBFan25's blogs. :twisted: :PWhoever read this blog may now leave MightyBFan25's world...for now! :twisted: :P Just leave a comment in the third person without any pronouns on whoever read this blog's way out. :PVale. -MightyBFan25