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This Blog Will Have An Angry Rant About My Band Conductor... will...because right now I HATE HATE HATE stupid Ms. Dougherty!!! But I'll get to that later...I don't wanna be angry right now...I'm already angry enough as it is without worrying about Band. I just wanna apologize for seeming very p***ed off as I'm writing this blog...I'm not usually this way...I just can't help it right now and I needs to vent. Of and my friends in Band who are also woodwind players vented enough about this already on the train ride home but that still didn't do it for me...I haveta make a blog about it to. But...anyways...just don't think I'm taking anything out on anyone on this're all AWETHUM (aside from the Mighty B! Bashers and the peoples who try to get my friends banned and stuff)...I just need to vent right now.....

.....But before I do that...let's talk about my day for a little while...or about my week so far. :P Yeah...I'm gonna do that. But nothing really special's happened for the past few days. The only interesting thing was that Ms. Stone(my Biology teacher) was out for three days because she had to go to NASA for some climate convention thing along with a few other teachers from BLS and we had Ms. Craven as our substitute teacher and she was a such a jerk. I hated her. And Ms. Stone does too now. :P Oh, and Ms. Craven has this fake tan that makes her skin look orange. :P I think I know what she was on Halloween! :lol: :P Anyone wanna take a guess...? (I think she was an Oompa Loompa...she didn't even haveta dress up...she already has the orange skin. :P ) Nothing much really to say about the past few days.

Today was okay...I'm just really ticked off about Band...that's the only reason why I'm angry. And the only reason I used more happy emoticons in the last paragraph was because I temporarily made myself forget about it. :P And I don't wanna let Band get me upset...that'd me letting Ms. Dougherty win...and I don't want her win and have the satisfaction of seeing me and all the other woodwind players feel upset and stuff...because I know that's what she wants. But History Ms. Baker was out so we has a sustitute and all we did in class was annotate this article about the Cyrus Cylinder and then did nothing. :P In English we had a discussion about chapters five and six of "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. It's a really good book and I'm enjoying reading it and I'm only about eight chapters in. :D In Italian we worked in groups and made this dailogue thing that we're gonna present to the class tomorrow...and it does haveta be memorized...and it's in Italian. It's not that hard though. And I'm working on this weather forecast project that's not due until like a month from now but it's gonna be hard so I should start working on it right away because we needs to remember an entire three-day weather forecast in Italian and present it to the class using this map of Italy hanging up in the classroom. In Latin we did group translating stuff which was really easy. :P In Math we're learning about matrices now which is really easy right now as well...I dunno's either that it's really easy, or that I'm just good at math and it comes to me...I can never tell...I've just always been good in math so my opinion of what's easy and what isn't doesn't count I guess. :P And in Biology we're learning about photosynthesis and cellular respiration. That's about it... Then I came home and finished all my homework in about two hours (Thank Tuesday I was doing homework from 3 until 9:30...and I only took a 30 minute break in between all of that to have dinner. ) and now I'm online making this blog. :P Now onto that wonderful woodwind Band sectional thingy... :P this isn't even entirely about Band TODAY...just Band in general over the course of the past few days that I've had Band (We only have it three times every six days).'s my angry rant about Ms. Dougherty: First of all...Ms. Dougherty doesn't even care at all about the woodwind players...she could care less about us! Like in Band a few days ago...we were playing The First Noel...when we got to measure 33 the woodwinds all have this complex and difficult to play rhythm that goes pretty fast and involves going up and down random scales and stuff in sixteenth notes. So...pretty hard, right? Well...we did that pretty good...but it still is a bit of a trouble area for us woodwind players and she could have beared to stop and help us out with that part...just us woodwinds. That would have been much appreciated. we progessed in the song...the trumpets had this wicked easy rhythm that consisted mainly of quarter notes, QUARTER NOTES (REALLY EASY!!!!!) and they f***ed it up!!! Then...Ms. Dougherty took TEN MINUTES out of Band time to individually tune each of the trumpet players and slowed the rhythm down for them and worked with them individually for a in total ended up being ten minutes of pure nonsense and it was NOT a good use of our time!!! But point is that she took ten minutes of our Band period to help out the trumpet players get this wicked easy part right...but she couldn't even spare two minutes or our Band period to help out the woodwinds with this wicked hard part. I honestly think that that is biased and she obviously loves the brass section, hates the woodwinds, hates percussion, is indifferent to saxophone players, and loves her french horn players who can't even do anything right for that matter. Second of all...she hasn't even really taught us anything (at least...she hasn't taught us woodwind players anything). I far this year she hasn't taught us any new notes or new rhythms or anything! She just gave us a fingering chart and is making us figure it out for ourselves. And yeah...she might want us to be proactive in our learning...but honestly...she's out music TEACHER...and she's supposed to TEACH US!!!!!'s like she's getting paid to hate flute, clarinet, and oboe players! I think she deserves to be fired in all seriousness. That's all I have against her that you don't already know I think. But still...this has happened more than once. And in the music sectional today us flute players practiced so hard earlier that week and we nailed it today and Ms. Dougherty didn't even bother to say anything like: "Nice job, flutes, you really stepped it up this week."...nothing at all like that! Nothing encouraging...after all that work and getting it perfectly...nothing! And yet when the Bass Clarinet players try something and epicly screw up...she'll say something encouraging. And now she hates the second and third clarinet players because they can't play that complex part with all the sixteenth notes that even I admit is really hard. And next sectional she's gonna make all of them play it individually and grade them based on their preformance. But shouldn't be that way...Ms. Dougherty should think that it's not their fault that they can't get it my's HER fault for not taking the time to teach them! SHE'S the one that's at fault in my opinion...the second and third clarinets try REALLY hard...they just can't get it...and Ms. Dougherty should go outta her way to help them! That just really annoys me...especially because a lot of my friends are second and third clarinet players. Anyways...that's all I haveta say about Ms. Dougherty. I guess us woodwinds will never be good enough for the likes of her!'s like she hates me BECAUSE I play the flute...when I got the music form during the summer three years ago and I put down that I wanted to be in Band and play the flute...I didn't know that I'd be hated for playing the flute...that's not what I asked for...I asked to be taught how to play the flute...a musical instrument just like all the rest in Band...and me and all the woodwind players get hated for that...based on one knowing that that would happen to us. I just think it's really unfair. Me and ALL the other Woodwind players are gonna get together soon and report Ms. Dougherty! She's so biased! I HATE HER!!!!! epic rant is over. :P

That's all I haveta say about my day. :P This is random but I wanna learn to play the piccolo as would be easy since I canplay the flute and I can play it pretty good too. But...I don't wanna rent a piccolo from school...they're only like $100 to $150 is I'm correct...I can definately use my Christmas and birthday money for that...I always end up getting like $200. :P And I don't wanna rent one of the piccolos from the school...because even though they're technically BLS property...I think of them as property of Ms. Dougherty and I don't want anything else from her besides my rental flute...I don't want anything else from that jerk! Besides...I want my own piccolo...I wanna be BLS's Junior Band's switch-off piccolo player...we do needs a piccolo player...and no flute player wants to accept that (in my opinion) great honor. :P I can play both...I know I can...and if I have my own piccolo she can't deny letting me play it in Band cuz it's mine and I bought it and I'll be good at it and I wanna play it. So...soon I'll have that great one in Band's interested in it...and only a flute player can do it because they're so similiar. No other type of instrument player could learn quickly enough. Anyways...that's it. :P I'll use my Christmas and birthday money for that ( birthday and Christmas are so close birthday's on December 23rd...and that's FZeroBoyo's birthday as well.). That's about it. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)