Yeah...this blog's probably be kinda long because I have a lot to talk about and then all the Random Game Two stuff. :P So...just read the parts of it that are actually important and hopefully you won't wanna kill me after reading the whole thing. :lol: :P So...might as well get started: far my weekend's been pretty good. :D It's been just like every other weekend during my Summer Break so far. :D :P So...nothing special. :P It just kinda sucks that I'm going back to my mom's place later today. And I think we're gonna go back to school shopping which I hate so much!!! Ugh! I haveta get all my supplies and crap and then my mom's gonna make me get some clothes which I don't want! I might be a girl but I hate shopping for clothes and I don't want any new clothes. Besides...within a week half the clothes I get will be ruined from me playing in the mud in them. :P Oh well...I'll live...I'm just gonna be unhappy for a few hours today. I'm not going back to school for about two more weeks luckily. :D I'm just sorta nervous about starting the ninth grade because even though I'm not changing school because BLS covers grades 7 to's gonna be really hard and I'm gonna be really busy. long as I try hard and focus I'll be fine probably. :D I dunno what I'm gonna do with myself later today. :P I have a feeling that I'm gonna be pranked later on today so I'm a little paranoid but ah...I don't really care. :P No one can epic prank like me so I'll be fine. :P And then I'm gonna haveta go back to my mom's place, do that stupid back to school shopping, and then I might go outside and do something...but I dunno...the weather outside where I live is kinda crappy right now so maybe not. :P Uh...that's all I haveta say about my day. :P
I might as well mention that the next evil thing I wanna do is I wanna try to get my mom to stop being such a neat-freak. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P So...I mean...for now she's not as snobby and uptight but ah...she's still a neat-freak and that needs to change. :P Hopefully eventually I'll get her to play in the mud...and if not that at least mess up the house a little and quit cleaning so much. :P Hopefully my evil plan will last one did! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P
By the way...I wanna mention this wierd dream that I had a few nights ago and I forgot to mention. :P I have a lot of wierd dreams all the time...ESPECIALLY during the summer for some odd reason but I don't mention all of them because well...most of them are pretty much the same. :P But this one was really wierd so here's everything that I can remember about it: So...I remember at the beginning of the dream I was just doing some blogging on this site actually. The only thing was in the dream I still had my Bessie icon...not my Bakugan icon. So I was just blogging on this site and then I remember when I was checking some of my blogs that girl from my old school, EM, the one who got expelled from EBCCS for drinking with CK, was commenting on some of my blogs. I forget her username but she had an icon that was a picture of herself so I knew it was her and she was reading my blogs and commenting on them. Now...that's not a good thing because she knows where I live (I swear she like used to stalk me in the fifth grade. :P I dunno why though. :P ) and I never mention to any of my friends in real life all the stupid, evil stuff I do at home in my spare time. :P I mean...they know the way I am and that I do some stupid, evil stuff...but ah...I don't mention it that much. :P The only peoples who know everything that I do at home are my family members and the peoples on this site as of right now...if I mentioned it at school...ah...I'd never hear the end of it. :P So I don't mention it. :P And uh...anyways...she read my blogs and at first she was just commenting and saying that she knows who I am and she remembers me and then she was calling me all these mean things and being a jerk but then she kinda stopped that after I called her some mean things back and then she wanted to go play in the mud with me for some odd reason. I said sure so then EM came over to me house and then we went to the other side of town to play in the mud...which is wierd because I have a mud pit in my backyard...and all you haveta do is just take the hose and get it wet again when it dries up. :P So I remember after we finally got there I was playing in the mud but then EM just called me a loser and left. And I remember that the stuff I was playing it seemed like mud but I know it wasn't was more like I wet clay or something like that. And then when I was done and I put my glasses back on I noticed that my mom and everyone else in the city had pitchforks and torches and were chanting: "Take a bath. Take a bath." and I refused to so then they threw me off a cliff and then I woke up. It was really wierd. But luckily that'll never happen...besides...if I'm covered in mud no neat-freak would wanna pick me up to throw me off a cliff. :P Anyways...I just wanted to mention that. :P
FIRST RANDOM QUESTION: I know I asked this in my last blog but everyone that commented on it answered "yes" and I want you to reconsider and think about what you'd be getting yourself into. :P So...if I went bye bye and you needed to be my replacement of the world would go boom...would you do it? Think about it.'d haveta be evil, play pranks on people, play in the mud, be a troublemaker, learn to play Bakugan and be the AWETHUMEST Pyrus brawler ever, learn to play the flute, learn Latin and Italian and a ton of advanced stuff at my school, etc... :P So...think about it...would you REALLY wanna take my place? :P haveta put up with my mom and get pranked by your family sometimes as well. :P Like what's probably gonna happen to me later. :P So...think about it...I love acting like myself and I love my life but I doubt anyone else would so just reconsider. :P
SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: By the way...just wondering but do you like my Bakugan icon? I don't really care if you like it or not though because I like it and I'm gonna keep it for a while but I'm just curious. :P And that I'm on the topic of Bakugan...I'm still stuck on the Sub-Terra drawing...I dunno how I want that person to look... :P
Now I'll get to the RANDOM GAME TWO!!! :D's the answer to the last question and why each choice was right or wrong:
A.) Ah...I can't see in the dark but I'll travel by night. (This is a good answer but I think it's not as good as two others. I the dark you can't see and you might get lost and lose your sense of direction. You might be moving but I think it's too risky and could use some rest if you ask me. :P )
B.) Spend the night under the tree and get some sleep. Then in the morning I'll begin travelling to the location stated by Apollonir. (This is the correct answer...well...this one and D. :P I think it's best that you get some sleep. The only thing is if some survivor came by and you were on the ground in plain sight you might get hurt. But answer's perfect. :P )
C.) Screw Apollonir and this planet! I'd rather die than do all that stupid crap! (Uh...this one's the worst one. :P If you don't do all this "stupid crap" then the story's meaningless and I did all this typing for nothing! :P )
D.) Climb up the tree and sleep up there for the night. Then in the morning I'll go to that place that Apollonir told me to go to. (This is the correct answer along with B. I woulda accepted either actually. They're pretty much the same but with each place you sleep there's a flaw. You might get attacked on the ground but you could fall outta the tree if you're up there. )
So I woulda accepted B or D. :P They're the correct answers. By the way...the answer to the bonus question in my last blog was yours truly. :P Come on...who else do you know who plays the flute, is a Pyrus brawler in Bakugan, and lives in East Boston? :P This was easy if you ask's myself. :P that that's taken care's the scoreboard as of right now:
Girlygirl24: 4 points (Okay...I know you're an evil wizard and all but I'll ask you nicely to please stop reading my mind and getting all the answers right. :P Seriously...glad you've gotten all the answers right so far but I'm waiting for you to screw offense. :P )
Spongegirl1029: 1 point
Uh...that's about it. :P I hope someone who ISN'T an evil wizard wins this thing though. :P Kidding. :P's the next part of the story:
So you decide that before you begin the first part of your quest that you will spend the night sleeping near the tree. The next morning you wake up and you're feeling better and well-rested. You begin your journey eastward to East Boston, where this dork you're supposed to meet will be. You travel all day and just as the sun is about to go down you see a ventalation shaft with smoke coming out of it sticking out among the piles and piles of ashes from the recent wildfires. You walk near the ventalation shaft and find a door that leads to the basement where this person is living. You hear a lot of screaming and banging and some faint flute playing. You knock on the door and all of a sudden the screaming, banging, and flute-playing stops. The door opens and a 14 year old girl comes out. You notice that she has a loaded gun in her back pocket and she probably thinks that you're up to something. Then you say: "You seem very much like someone I talk to online...did you have a account by any chance...?". She answers yes. Then you ask: "I'm just wondering but what was your username?". She says: "MightyBFan25". Then you realize that you're meeting the person who's writing the story in the story which is a little wierd but you don't question it too much. MightyBFan25 takes out the loaded gun and then says: "You seem very friendly and all considering that it's the end of the world...but before I can completely trust you...why are you here? And give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow off your head with this gun? It's not a threat...I just wanna know what you're up to...". Well...what are you gonna tell this nerd so she doesn't blow off your head with a revolver? :P
A.) I'm not telling that nerd anything! I'll just slap that gun outta her hand and beat her up!
B.) Explain to her everything that's been happening and that she needs to teach you how to play Bakugan.
C.) Take the shotgun, kill her, and take her Bakugan stuff and try to figure out for yourself how to play. (PLEASE don't choose this one. :P seriously isn't right and I'm not using reverse psychology or anything like that...I'm trying to seriously help you out here. :P )
D.) Demand to have her teach you how to play Bakugan. Besides...she's a nerd...what can she do...kill me?! She only has a loaded gun! I can take her!
So...just post the correct answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Good luck. :D Sorry this blog's so long by the way. :P I just had a lot of crap to mention. :P So uh...I guess I'll end this blog. :P And hopefully I'll get pranked soon just to get it over with. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25