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This Is The Wierdest Fact Ever... :P

Okay...I forgot to say this in one of my earlier blogs but I remembered that in History class my teacher, Mr. Ruzzo, read somewhere that Scott Brown is related to Obama. Wierd huh? :? It turns out that they're like tenth cousins or something and it dates back to like the 1600's. I'm not sure if I believe that but I thought it was random and interesting and I just felt like saying that. :P

So far my day has been AWETHUM! :D I slept in, watched TV, went online, and uh...yeah, that's pretty much about it. :P Oh, and me and my little brother played fort again and took all the pillows in the house. :P It was pretty fun but this time nothing ridiculously stupid happened. :P Now...before anyone says anything...I know it's immature and blah blah blah especially when we made the rule that no adults were allowed but come on, it was fun. :D :P And that's about it so far today. It's slightly warmer outside today so I'm gonna go on a walk later. I've been dying to go outside for a while now so that'll be good. :D And I'm probably gonna play a prank on my mom later before I give her her Italian lesson. :P I actually can't wait for that cuz it's actually amusing to boss my mom around a bit and to see how my mom thinks that she's just so great at Italian and yet we haven't even finished lezione preliminare. :lol: :P I'll tell you how both go later if you actually wanna know. :P

Anyways, I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow cuz well...I'm gonna be going back to school and I'm gonna be living with my mom again. :P But I guess I have no choice unless I wanna be a moron...and morons don't go to Harvard Medical School and become pediatritions so I guess I can't be a moron. :P And the good thing is that in two weeks I'll be on February Vacation which will be AWETHUM cuz my dad takes that week off every year so we're gonna spend the week with him. :D I'll just keep thinking about that for the next two weeks to keep me motivated. :D

And ah...I think that's about all I haveta really say. :P Just be glad I'm not being a nerd and talking about Bakugan right now. :P By the way...all this time that you've been reading this you've been in my world!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Sorry. :P Arrividerci. -MightyBFan25