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This Keeps Getting Easier And Easier...

That is correct. It seems as though quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy keeps getting easier and easier for me. I still can not get over that but I am glad that so far it has been rather easy and keeps getting easier for me. Perhaps then all this time I was supposed to benormal and my stupid former self failed to realize this and fought against a life of being a normal person. I still can not believe that a few days ago I played in that horrible, goopy, disgusting mud. My former self was such an immature tom-boy. I am so much better this way. are the updates on how quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy is going so far today:

Well...for today I have decided to take a break from any more drastic changes. I am just continuing with everything that I have been doing for the past few days. I just do not understand the reason as to why everyone is making such a big deal out of me quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy. I mean...everyone realizes that I am so much better off this way, correct? Now my little brother really wants me to go back to my former self as well because I was apparently "more fun" to be around. If by "fun" he means wierd, crazy, annoying, and disgusting then he is correct. Surprisingly...even my mom is beginning to want me to act like my stupid former self as well. I am sure though that the only reason as to why my mom wants me to act like my former self again is because now she has no idea as to how to deal with me...which she did have before. My mom is even trying to bribe me into acting like my former self to a certain degree by saying that she would ease up on the very strict and specific rules that she had for me being a tom-boy. that will ever get me to act like my former self again! Like I said mind is already made up and nothing that anyone says or does will make my act like my former self ever again. Anyways...two things that I plan on doing some time in the near future are giving up on The Mighty B! and completely changing my profile page. But I will not do that until a few days from now...I actually do not plan to make any drastic changes for a few days...I should continue to get used to the ones that I have already made. That is how quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy has been going so far today. It is still very easy for me and I am never going to "snap".

Aside from this my day has been rather unproductive and all I have done is watch done television, go online, and practiced the flute for a fair amount of time. I have also packed up some of my belongings to take with me to my dad's apartment for the weekend. I am not too concerned but I wonder how my dad will react to this whole ordeal...

I also feel the need now to mention another...somewhat more personal reason as to why I am quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy. I will not get into too much detail but to be honest...I actually was not supposed to be born. Now I am finally sick of some of my mom's friends calling me stuff that basically means that I am "a screw-up child who was not even supposed to be born". So...perhaps that is another reason as to why I am quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy. Perhaps I am sick of being called that "screw-up child who was not even supposed to be born". From now on at least I won't be considered a "screw-up child". I wish I could also have done something about my birth but unfortunately I can not ever do that. So...perhaps that is another reason as to why I am quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy.

I do not have much else to say in this blog. Bye. -MightyBFan25