wasn't my last day of school but today was my last full day of school. :D And my last Day 6...and the last time that I had Band...and the last time that I had Latin class because I have it fifth period.'s not my last day of school. I still have two half-days of school left tomorrow and Monday and I'm coming to both of them even though I don't haveta because we're not doing anything for the rest of the school year except listening to our ipods, playing card games, talking, and watching movies. :P I have my locker and backpack all cleaned out and I'm done with doing real work in all my classes for the rest of the school year. :D AWETHUM, huh?! :D
Anyways...the last two half-days of school are both Day 1's. Tomorrow we'll go to the classes that we have for first, second, and third period on a normal Day 1. Then on Monday we'll go to the classes that we have for forth, sixth, and seventh period on a normal Day 1. What happened to fifth period, you might ask? :P's a little complicated but all you need to know is that I'm not going there because I can't on the half-days. :P So...that's why today was my last ever Latin class with Mr. Chavero.
Now...I'll tell you why I'm going to both the half-days even though they're virtually pointless. :P Well...first of all...I wanna go to get perfect attendance because I haven't missed a day of school all year, nor did I last year. Second...I usually work really hard in school along with most people so it's just nice to go to school and not haveta do anything and you can just relax. Third...a lot of my friends are going on the half-days and I wanna see them as well. And forth...on Monday after school me and some of my friends are gonna go to the ISGM and have a screwed up version of a VTS because we hate them so much and we just wanna make fun of it. :P So...yeah...that's my reasoning for going to school on the useless half-days. :P
Sorry for talking so much about school but just one thing and then I'll get on with something non-school-related. :P So...I feel that I'm already in pretty good shape with everything that I haveta do over the summer. I always make a Summer To-Do List and tape it on my wall and take it down when I've done everything and even then...I might keep it up until the summer's really over. So...we have some summer math homework do to and I already did that. We haveta get together our writing folders which I already did. (By the way...I'm still in school so I shouldn't even be doing this yet. :P ) I have my summer reading as well and then I just have to practice my flute. I'm already on my third summer reading book called "The Crystal Cave" and it's long but I really like it and I know that I'll finish it in no time because of that. :D And I'm gonna get my summer rental flute and some new sheet music for over the summer tomorrow after school. :D So...I think I'm in pretty good shape with all my school-related summer activities. I still have no idea what I'm gonna do with myself aside from all that though... :P But I'll figure out something. He he he! :twisted: :P Kidding...just kidding...during the summer I'm not as's too hot outside. :P
I haven't done anything with myself really since I've gotten home actually. :P I've just been thinking about what the heck I'm gonna do with myself during the summer aside from my work. :P To be honest...I have no idea. :lol: :P My mom thinks that I should get a summer job but please...come on...I don't wanna work during the summer...and the money that I get would be nice but I already have a ton of money and I have like $7,000 invested in the stock market...and even then I also have about $500 still left in my bank account. So...I don't think I need any more money...although it would be nice. :P During the summer I'm probably just gonna do nothing... :P Nothing's always good when you're out of school. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. The wierd thing is that I usually have much more to say. :P But I dunno...maybe I'm just tired or something. :P To be doesn't even feel like it's near the end of the school year. :P I wish it did but it doesn't. :P Ah well...maybe it will when I'm on my first day of summer break. The first day of summer break always just kinda hits be because on the last day of school I know that it's the last day but I don't realize it until the next week day when I actually get to sleep past 6 in the morning. :P Anyways...I'm tired...I wanna stop typing. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25