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Today Was The Most Pointless But Best Day Ever... :P

Yeah...the title's was the most pointless day of school ever but also the best day of school ever. :D :P may ask. :P was spirit day at my school and it was a half day so we only have three classes and then we get dismissed at 10:33 exactly. :P I had English and all we did was watch a movie. Then I had History and we played this game called " Two Truths And A Lie" and I stumped everyone when it was my turn. :twisted: :P one in my History class besides me is in Band and they all know that I take an instrument but never bother to ask which one so I never bother so say which. :P lie was that I play the clarinet. They all thought that that one was true and that one of my truths (That I got an A+ term one in Algebra 2 without even really trying. :P ) was the lie. :P Hahahah! :P I fooled all of them. :twisted: :P Then I had PE...and we always have that class in the upper gymnasium...but the upper gymnasium was taken up during first and third periodfor the pep PE class had no where to go for class so our teacher just let us see the pep rally. :D It was AWETHUM!!!!! :D ESPECIALLY because I'm a ninth grader and I'm technically not allowed to see the pep rally until next year...hehe. :P So...that made it even better and alot of my friends were pretty jealous...and they should be because the pep rally was AWETHUM!!! :D I mean...the football band was there playing, the members of multiple organizations and sports teams were there, the cheerleaders preformed, and the step squad preformed...along with a bunch of speeches and what not. :P was pretty good overall and I enjoyed it. :D And uh...just to let you know...before you think that I'm the kinda person who's against school pride and stuff...I'm not...I'm completely for least...ever since I've come to BLS. I mean...ever since my first day there in the seventh grade I took pride in being a student there and being part of the band (my old school never even had a band! :P ) and doing good there and I've always been proud to say that I'm at Boston Latin School student and I'm kicking a** there. :P've probably noticed that just by the fact that I always talk about school in my blogs and brag about how smarticle I am and that I play the flute and stuff. :P That's about all I haveta say in this paragraph... :P

So...I got home at around 11:30 and so far I've been doing nothing special. :P Just working on this Italian dialogue that's due on and my partner have everything written out...we just need to make a few grammatical corrections, memorize it, and present it on Monday. :D The only thing that I hated about the whole thing is the dialogue has to be all about fashion because our books have an entire lesson mainly about fashion in Italy. :P Well...after the dialogue...a lot of prissy girls in my Italian class are gonna hate me and my partner. :lol: :P Oh well... :P Later today I'm probably just gonna watch TV, go online, practice the flute, read some comics, and probably go outside for a's nice out...and I would go play in the mud as well but I just have a feeling that if I go outside and play in the mud I'll get sick...I dunno why...but I should listen to my instincts. :P Oh, and I just wanna mention that I'm also really happy with Band now. :D We're playing this song in Band called "The Magnificent Seven" which is a song that Mr. Harper would ALWAYS have his Junior Band play during the Holiday Concert so the song's gonna be to honor him and out band and the Symphonic Band's gonna be playing. :D AND...Mr. Harper's gonna conduct it!!!!! :D WOO HOO!!!!! :D FINALLY!!! :DA good conductor for a least one song! :P And Ms. Dougherty will be playing the flute in that song! :lol: :P She was playing along with us during the sectional and she was HORRIBLE!!! :lol: :P She was so outta pitch...WAY too sharp! :P AND...and she fell behind the test of the band because she couldn't count the long rests correctly! :P Hahahah! :P And her fingers were like a mile away from the keys...and her posture was horrible. :P And she's the one that's been cracking down on us flute players for having poor posture (which is annoying because I have poor posture no matter what...I always slouch...and posture's not that important in my opinion with the flute...I would be if I was playing the trumpet probably...but not the flute. :P ) and always says that we should keep our fingers closer to the keys for when the music gets faster and more complex. :P Mr. Harper woulda killed her if she saw Ms. Dougherty playing the way she was. :twisted: :P I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT!!! :twisted: :P Yes...I am somewhat sadistic at times... :P That's about it... :P

Tomorrow I'm going to my great-grandmother's place along with most of my family for Thanksgiving which should be good. My AWETHUM older cousin's gonna be there so I'll have someone to talk to for a while and to help me pull some kinda epic prank on my mom...unless we're too busy doing something else...and that always happens. :P And then on Friday a few snobby relatives on my mom's side of the family are visiting and that's gonna be annoying. I'll probably just spend that time in my room drawing pictures of Bakugan and dragons and stuff... :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)