As the title was probably the only suckish day of my Spring Break and probably the only one. Like I said in my last I had to go stupid clothes shopping with my mom. Ugh...I hated every second of it! I HATE shopping for clothes cuz it's just so stupid! I mean...I am a 14 year old girl and this probably sounds strange to hear a teenage girl say this...but...honestly...I don't care how I look at all...I really don't...all I want is to be comfortable in whatever the heck I'm wearing...I really don't care how I look as long as I'm not wearing anything pink or ridiculously prissy looking cuz I find that annoying. But...anyways...I did get some stupid "nice-looking" clothes to wear for my Spring Concert for Band. I really don't care how I look while I'm playing the long as I'm somewhat dressed up so I don't get in trouble with Mr. Harper and that I can play the flute with no problems. But least that got taken care of and I don't haveta go there for a long time. After that we went out for lunch and then I went back to my dad's place. It wasn't an absolute living hell like I usually exaggerate it to be ( :P )...but I still absolutely hated it...I hate department stores and malls...they're so big and annoying and did you know that there's not even real air in them...I'm pretty sure that it's all pure oxygen that they have in the air at those places because I think it messes with your mind and makes you wanna buy more crap or something. :P But I'm serious about that...but I'm not completely sure so feel free to correct this nerd if she's wrong. :P You know...I could go on and on with a whole blog in which I rant about the mall...but I'm not gonna...not today...maybe tomorrow...or some other day. :P I just wanna say one thing though...while at that stupid department store my mind was all wrapped around Pokemon because I was playing my old Emerald version game a few days ago and I lost to this one stupid kid in the Battle Tower because she had a stupid Kindra that knew Ice Beam and that completely obliterated all my Dragon Types! So I was just kinda rambling on and on about training a Kadabra that can learn the three elemental punches to give people like that a taste of their own medicine. Geez...having a stupid dragon type use an ice type move...what the heck has this world come to?! :P And then I got bored with that and began rambling off some random mathmatical formulas and my mom kinda overheard some of my ramblings and had like no clue what I was talking about and then I started to laugh a little and I asked her what 25 to the power of 0 is and she said 25! :lol: :P She's so stupid...anything to the power of 0 is 1...duh! :P Anyways...that kept menot completely ready to kill myself during that. :P Other than that my day was pretty normal and unproductive. :P
So my last question was: Which attribute of Bakugan to battle with against Masquerade? Well...since none of you seemed to know anything at all about Bakugan...I KNOW FOR A FACT that all your answers were random guesses. :lol: :P I did that on purpose with the Bakugan question...I knew that would throw you off...just like the Pokemon one! :twisted: :P Anyways...before my nerdy ego gets any bigger...the correct answer was Haos. It's correct because Haos trumps...or has the advantage over...Darkus...which is the attribute of Bakugan that Masquerade battles with. But if you said Pyrus...even though I know that none of you know anything about Bakugan...I'd haveta say that that's also right because in my question I caught that I didn't specify the fact that I was looking for a trump...and with Pyrus you have the diagonal relationship between Pyrus and Darkus which also gives you a pretty big power boost so that was also right...I guess. :P If you said's wrong but it's not too bad cuz at least you don't have any disadvantages against Darkus. Now...the worst answer was Ventus (which I remember you picking Girlygirl24...but...I know that you don't know much about Bakugan...same goes with I think I'm just gonna shut up. :P This is random but I asked my mom that question and she picked the same answer. :P ) because Darkus trumps Ventus which puts Ventus Bakugan at a disadvantage so you're pretty much screwed. :P So uh...yeah...the answer was Haos but I'd accept Pyrus as well. :P
Now getting back to the story: So you decide to battle with your Haos deck against Masquerade. He uses the Doom Card (What a surprise...and yes...that is sarcasm. :P ) and then you each throw down your gate cards. The battle starts and you defeat each others Bakugan one at a time and eventually you're each down to one Bakugan left...Masquerade has his Darkus Hydranoid at 450 G's...and you have with you a Haos Delta Dragonoid also at 450 G's. Masquerade plays his ability card Chaos Of The Darkness and then he's about to win...but you have an ability card...or two...of your own to play. You play your ability card Boosted Dragon and then activate its fusion ability which gives your Bakugan the higher G-power rating and you win the battle! Then Masquerade disappears somewhere and it's just you and the Evil Wizard left. The Evil Wizard laughs evilly once more and jumps down from the top of the Magic Palace with his magic wand and spellbook. Now you finally have your chance to kill the wizard and avenge your family and all the people in the world that you killed under his mind-control! feel that you couldn't possibly kill the Wizard right with just your bare hands and your need a better plan...but what will you do?
A) I don't care...I'm just gonna kill that stupid Evil Wizard once and for all!
B) Run away to Antarctica to live with the polar bears.
C) Tell The Evil Wizard that you're not gonna fight him right now but you'll challenge him to a magical duel to the death in a week.
D) Polish your Bakugan so they're really shiny for your next brawl. :P
So uh...yeah...I do have some stupid answers up there so this question should be easy enough I guess. :P Just say your answer when you leave a comment on this blog and uh...yeah...that's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25