's been the first non-busy day all week for me...which is kinda wierd because the eigth grade's been a pretty laid back year in general compared to the seventh grade. So uh...sorry I haven't written a blog all week but school comes first and's been comsuming a lot of my time so far this week...but I'm not complaining...I know that at BLS I should expect a lot of work...and I mean A LOT of work. :P Anyways...I just wanna talk about how my week's been so far...
So uh...Monday and Tuesday were wicked busy days for me. I had a lot of homework on both nights and nothing really special happened in school. I was just as busy on Wednesday but something crazy happened at school so I wanna mention it but not my next paragraph though. So...I just wanna say why I'm wicked busy lately. Well...we've been getting assigned a lot of stuff in music so I've had to practice much more than usual, in math we've been getting the normal amount of assignments but we also have a take home quiz thingy that's due on Monday and I already did that, in ELA we're reading Sword In The Stone now and I loved the book so I couldn't stop reading it and I finished it yesterday and filled out all the charts and did all my notes and stuff already, in Italian we haven't been assigned anything at all ( :P ). I dunno why though...Mr. Mummolo can be like that sometimes though...but I like having no work in Italian. :P In Latin we've been doing a lot of translating lately and we had to study for this big quiz that was today on all the forms of the verb eo, ire, ivi, itus which means "to go". That was hard because it has a lot of irregular forms. And finally in History we have this test tomorrow on chapter 17 which involves the Mexican War and the gold rushand all that sorta stuff. Uh...that's about it though. :P So...yeah...a lot of stuff going on. :P
Now I wanna tell you all something crazy that happened in band yesterday...and TRUST will be shocked by this. ESPECIALLY considering that at BLS we're mostly all good little nerdy students who almost always behave outselves. of my friends, PV (those are her initials), apparently lost her clarinet on the train a few days ago (yes...she is in band) and one of the MBTA peoples found it and called the school because on all the BLS rental instruments on the cases they say Boston Latin School on one side and one of the school's phone numbers...probably for the music department...on the other. then Mr. Harper got this phone call and found out about this and got PV's clarinet back. So...on Wednesday...PV had to sit out in band because Mr. Harper wasn't going to give her back the clarinet unless she wrote a four page paper on why she is responsible and should get her clarinet back. So before the whole band started warming up, Mr. Harper gave this like 10 minute long lecture on how we should have the mindset of musicians because we are musicians and that mindset includes being mature when needed and always knowing where you instrument is and treating it with respect and all that stuff. Then he began mentioning what happened to PV and you could tell that she was getting a little ticked off (which I couldn't stand to watch because I'm not like best friends with PV...but I mean...if I see her in the hallway I'll talk to uh...yeah) and then Mr. Harper went over and talked to PV and he wasn't really talking...he was yelling (probably because he didn't want anyone to lose their instruments and pay a ton of money to buy a replacement) at PV and then she got really upset and stuff so then she asked to go to the bathroom but Mr. Harper said no so then PV started working on some homework but she was noticeably ticked off so then Mr. Harper mentioned something and the PV just started yelling at him and then they were verbally fighting and then PV just left to go to guidance without Mr. Harper's permission. I was so shocked when I saw that...and I think everyone else in band was too. Anyways...after that when I saw PV in math class she seemed okay I guess. And before we started actually playing and after PV left Mr. Harper told us to tell PV later that he's not angry with her...just disappointed...and I'm glad he said that. Afterwards when band was over her best friend told her that...and I think she was okay. I dunno if she'll be playing in band anymore though and if she does she'll probably be moved down toa second clarinet or something and her grade will obviously be least in conduct. Anyways...that's about it.
Now to talk about today. So uh...yeah...I was finally not that busy. Yays for me. :P My day was usual. :P When I got home I just had about 30 minutes of Latin homework and about 20 minutes in History homework. I'll study for the History test before I go to bed. I actually study best right before I go to bed...or at least I seem to remember information better when I do that...I dunno why though but it works for me so that's all that matters. :P After that I took a bath and then I did nothing productive up until now. :P I WOULD go to the park...but I think that I just need to relax right now...I would be wicked fun...but ah...I know that both my body and my mind need a break after three straight days of non-stop work. So uh...yeah...not much to say about today. :P
That's all I haveta say in this blog. :P Sorry that it's wicked long and there's nothing useful at all in it. :lol: :P Bye! -MightyBFan25