Yeah...for the past few weeks it's been kinda sorta insane at my school with all the work and projects and tests and everything but now everything's beginning to calm down and for the first time in a while I'm done with all my work for today before 6 and I have enough time to make a blog. :D It's kinda wierd...I haven't made a blog in the middle of a week for a while. :P Well...I might as well get on with how life's been since the last time I made a blog... :P
Like I already said, everything at school's beginning to calm down and I have all my projects and studying and homework and everything else under control. All I really haveta worry about is the Holiday Concert which is tomorrow, my Biology presentation on the genetic disorder Osteogenesis Imperfecta on Monday, and my Declamation on Wednesday...along with all my homework and studying...of course. :P Then I get outta school on Thursday (my birthday) and I can finally enjoy myself! :D So...of course I'm in a ridiculously happy mood right now. :D Everything at home's been fine and nothing like the issue with my dad about three weeks ago has been brought up or mentioned or anything. Now let's get on with my day... :P
My day was pretty good...nothing crazy or wierd or interesting happened really. :P I finished all my homework at around 5:30 and now I'm making a blog. :P After this I plan on doing nothing for the remainder of my day...I'll probably just be watching TV or taking a nap...I am ridiculously tired. :P Oh, and in Latin class today my group finally presented the story of Servius Tullius, the sixth king of Rome, to the class and our group was the group with the least amount of people, we had the most complex grammatical stuff to work with, and our story was the longest...but we did AWETHUM!!!!! :D Ms. Foley even said that and said that despite all that we did a really good job...and hearing that from my Latin teacher really means a have no idea how happy that made me. :D That's about all I haveta say about my day... :P
One other thing that I would like to mention is...NAT AND CAT WON THE AMAZING RACE!!!!! :D I was watching it on Sunday night and I REALLY wanted Nat and Cat to win but I also woulda been happy if Brooke and Claire won because with either of those possibilities an all-female team would have won the Amazing Race for the first time ever...but when Nat and Cat crossed the finish line I'm sure the neighbours like 20 houses down coulda heard me screaming. :lol: :P After they won my mom just made me go to bed...probably knowing that that'd get me to shut up. :P Well...they won with their superiorintellectual abilities and PHD's...just like I said they would. :D I wanted Nat and Cat to win from the beginning because they were an all-female team and they are both doctors. :P
Yesterday in school we had to fill out Teacher Evaluation forms in every class for about 10 minutes which was so boring but I'm hoping that it'll change some things for the better in my classes...ESPECIALLY Band...but I'm not counting on anything in that class because Ms. Dougherty is stupid and probably won't be able to interpret the constructive criticism. :P And in Italian class while we were in the middle of filling out these forms my Italian teacher, Mr. Forina, said that when I was done filling out my form I need to talk to him. And I was nervous, thinking that I was somehow in trouble even though I didn't do anything. Then I passed in my form and walked up to his desk and he was flipping through his copy of our Italian textbooks and I was then thinking that maybe I failed a test and he wanted to point out something with me and have me stay after school for extra help (highly illogical...I know...I'm about half-Italian, and good at Latin so Italian should just come. :P And I AM good at Italian so I dunno what the heck I was thinking at the time. :P ) but he flipped to one page at the end of Lezione Sei (lesson 6) and there was some picture of an Italian girl riding a moped and he said: "See the resemblance?". And honestly...maybe looked like girl in the book did look like me minus the glasses but ah...not really. :P Then I just kinda laughed and went back to my seat and that was that. :P
Okay...I'm ALMOST done making this blog. :P I'm just doing this to torture you, aren't I? :twisted: :P Well...maybe not...but it seems that way. :P English we're reading the play "A Raisin In The Sun" and it's pretty good and for the beginning of the novel my favorite character was Beneatha who is basically this young woman who's going tocollege and plans on going to Medical School and becoming a doctor and she's pretty cocky and full of herself but takes pride in her intellect and loves throwing her intelligence around the can see why I'd like that kinda character in the novel. :P Well...after her friend, Mr. Asagai, comes to visit her (He's from Africa by the way) and calls her an assimilationist of her African culture and gives her these African clothes and then leaves, Beneatha goes through this whole identity crisis thing and trying to prove that she's not an assimilationist and whatnot and it's just annoying in my opinion because now she's just a stupid annoying character who's weak-minded and actually gives a crap about what people thing of her. least it's just a play... :P
RANDOM QUESTION: (I'm almost done with this blog, by the way. :P ) Do you think I should have a blog party starting on December 23rd (My Birthday) and it'll last throughout Christmas Eve, Christmas, and a few days after that? I personally think it's an AWETHUM idea but I won't do it if no one will comment so I figure the smart decision would be to ask ahead of time.
And this is the end of my ridiculously long blog. :P I hope you enjoyed reading it and if you're one of the people who comes on The Mighty B! forums to constantly bash the show and just randomly decided to read this because you checked out my profile page because you wanted to read it for the heck of it for some odd reason, I hope you hated reading this blog and go bye-bye and don't post on here. :P one who comments on my blogs does that. :D Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)