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Today's Father's Day...

I'm sure you all know that today is Father's Day already but if not you do now. :P I'm glad that I at least got to see my dad this Father's Day and I'm really glad to have him as my dad. He's the only parent that I have that isn't wicked annoying. And I love my dad. He's AWETHUM! :D I miss him sometimes during the week but when I get to see him on the weekends I really enjoy it. Anyways...I hope that you all enjoy your day and are nice to your dads. :D I bought my dad a card and a gift and I've been on my best behavior so far today for him. So anyways...enjoy your day and don't forget to spend some time with your dads. :D

So far my day's been pretty good and unproductive. I slept until about 9 (which for me is pretty late considering that during the week I haveta wake up at about 5:30 in the morning. :P ) My grandparents on my dad's side of the family come over and we went out for dinner just a little while ago and soon we're gonna have cake and all that sorta stuff now that we're home. And the rest of my day has been spent watching TV, going online, just kinda screwing around, playing some board games, and reading some more of "Rocket Boys". I only have about 100 pages left and the book's pertty interesting so I think I'll finish in about two or three more days. So uh...yeah...that's pretty much how I've spent my day so far. :P

One other thing that I wanna mention is that lately I've had this obsession with playing that board game Monopoly. :P I've been playing that game aganist my family members all week. :P I dunno why I'm getting so into that game though. :P It's kinda wierd. :P But ah well...I don't really care...I like playing the game and I'm sure it's just another random phase of obsessions that will wear off least...I hope it does. :P And just to let you know...when I play that game I love to be the Banker because I can do all that math so quick and I never make any mistakes with the money so I always do a good job and I keep everything pretty organized. And when I play I always get kinda hyper-competative...but I'm that way with a lot of stuff...including academics. So...I won't be a sore loser or anything like that but ah...while I'm playing I can get kinda annoying...ESPECIALLY if I own all the railroads and a bunch of red, yellow, or orange areas. :lol: :P And I was just playing that game a little while ago and I won because I owned all the railroads and had a monopoly on the yellow, purple, and orange areas. :D :P So uh...yeah...I just wanted to mention that. :P I just hope this obsession wears off soon. :P

One last thing that I wanna say is this really weird dream that I had a few nights ago that's kinda scared me a little bit and I dunno but maybe my mind's giving me a wake-up call with it. So...there was no real story in my dream but in my dream it was just a normal day but I was watching myself in my dream...and in my dream I was an absolute punk and I hated it!!! I mean...the actual me was watching the dream me who was living my life but in her way. And that dream me was dressed in all these black and pink punky-looking clothes instead of my usual attire, she wore black sunglasses instead of glasses like I do, and her hair was died to be the color black and had some stupid highlights in it...which I would never do...and my hair isn't black hair'sa dark brown color. And I was watching that punky dream me spend a normal day and I was following that dream me around. So the dream me woke up at like noon on a school day and then got into this huge fight with my mom...which I would never do...and that dream me was swearing and was actually about to get physical in that fight but then left and went somewhere. Then that stupid dream me went and met up with some of her "friends" and they were smoking and drinking and acting really stupid. And that stupid dream me and her "friends" had some stupid conversation that I was listening in on and I found out that dream me dropped out of BLS and didn't go to school anymore. Then when it was beginning to get dark outside that stupid dream me went into another one of her "friends" garage because they had apparently started some stupid punk rock band or something like that and they rehearsed in that person's garage. I had no idea who that person was though. And then the rest of the band members came and they started rehearsing. And the band didn't have normal band instruments like a guitar and the drums and stuff like that...we were playing electric band instruments like the electric snare drum, the electric trumpet, and of course...there had to be an electric flute, which I did play in that dream...well...not me but that evil punky me in that dream. And all the instruments were like the normal band instruments only they were painted a bunch of cool colors and were hooked up to amplifiers. And then that band was rehearsing until midnight and then the police came and arrested the whole band, including that stupid dream me, for disturbing the peace and they stayed in jail for the night. And that was how the dream ended. I hated that dream so much but I figured that I might as well tell you about it. I dunno why I had that dream but if it was a wake-up call...I KNOW that I'll never do any of that stuff!!!!! I might be an annoying smart *** troublemaker but I am NOT a punk and I never will be! I'll never drink or smoke or do drugs, I'll never treat my mom like that, I'll never have friends like that, I'll never dress like that, and come on...the electric flute doesn't even exist!!!!! That's just some random thing that exists only in my sick and twisted mind I guess. :P Anyways...I know where the line is that I know when to stop and I'll keep my troublemaking to just my annoying harmless pranks. :P I'll never go beyond that because I know better and I'm a good kid and I have my whole life ahead of me and I'm really smart and I can be anything that I wanna be so why would I wanna throw that all away?! Anyways..that's how I feel about the dream.

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I wish I did but I don't. :P Now that I think about it...I probably shouldn't say much more...this blog's kinda long. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25