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Today's My Birthday!!! :D

It is! :D Today's my 14th birthday. :D's a little shocker for you: It's also FZeroBoyo's birthday! :D Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :P I bet you're WAY shocked right now, huh? :P Well...we planned this out together and I'd love to see the looks on your faces right now, but obviously I can't. :P You have just been pranked by me and FZeroBoyo. :P Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :P

Anyways, I've had an AWETHUM day so far and everyone in homeroom sang Happy Birthday to me. :D And uh...I'm gonna be celebrating my b-day when my mom gets home, which will be AWETHUM and...I get to have another b-day party at my dad's place which I can't wait for! :D But...anyways, I had an AWETHUM, sorta laid-back day at school and I have no homework tonight! :D By the way, I found my cell phone that I lost at school on Friday night cuz I'm stupid. :P

Also, NOW I'M OFFICIALLY ON CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!!! WOO HOO!!! :P Sorry 'bout that. :P I'm just really glad about that. Now I can relax, enjoy myself, and do nothing for a LONG time!!! :D

That's about it really. I don't have anything else to say for now. I'm gonna be celebrating my b-day in an hour or two. The one thing that I don't like about my birthday is I usually get some sorta birthday prank played on me EVERY YEAR and I've finally caught onto that so now I'm a little paranoid. :lol: :P Well...I'm gonna try not to be. Besides, I'm gonna get that prank played on me one way or another so I might as well be surprised. :P Yeah...I'm gonna try not to be so paranoid and just enjoy myself. If I get pranked, so what?! I do it A LOT to other peoples so I think I'm kinda getting a taste of my own medicine. :P Ah well. Who cares?! :P I'll tell you what the heck happens to me after I celebrate my b-day. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25

EDIT: So...this is what happened while celebrating my birthday. We had a nice dinner, I opened my presents, and then...birthday-birthday-cake time. :P Then...I got my cake slammed in my face. :P I got cake and frosting all over my face, my glasses, my hair, and my shirt. :P I thought it was really funny and I was laughing a lot and I still am. :P The one thing that I really like about my birthday is that it's pretty much the only day where my mom doesn't seem to freak out about messes. And...she's not even really concerned about me getting cleaned up at the moment. I mean, obviously, I did clean up a little bit, but ah...not too much. :P At the moment, I'm still sorta messy but I'm too lazy to take a shower and change my shirt. :P But...I will get cleaned up...eventually. :P I'll do it when I feel like it and who knows and who cares when that'll be. :P So...that's about it. Bye-bye! -MightyBFan25