Well...you may or may not know this but today is my dad's birthday. :D He's 44 years old now but ah...that's no big deal...he's still the AWETHUMEST dad I could ever ask for and that's all that counts. :D And don't worry...I got him a card, a good birthday gift...and I also got him a few stupid birthday gifts if you know what I mean...and no...I don't mean a poisonous snake...I just mean something stupid. :P So uh...yeah. My dad's AWETHUM...unlike my mom...so feel free to wish him a happy birthday. I'd appreciate that and I'm sure my dad will as well. :D So uh...yeah. :P
Today's also my one-year anniversary on TV.com if you've known me since I first came on this site as MightyBFan2500. Of course...then I got banned and I made this account. :P So...yeah...I've officially been on this site for a full 365.25 days! :D Yeah...I'm SO AWETHUM...aren't I?! :D :P Now...you better say happy anniversary or else I might do something...I dunno what...but it won't be pretty. :twisted: :P Seriously...I'm just kidding. :P I'm not doing anything special for this anniversary either...I'm only gonna have blog parties when I get to a certain number of blogs...probably every hundred with the exception of 250 because I love that number cuz it's a multiple of 25. :P So uh...yeah...I should shut up now. :P
Now to talk about today. :P So uh...my day was pretty good. It was nice and unproductive and my family isn't gonna be celebrating my dad's birthday until tomorrow because tomorrow's more convenient. I didn't really do much today. I just slept in, watched TV, went online...and that's about it. I WOULDA went to the park but come on...today's my dad's birthday...I should just calm down for today and refrain myself from going to the park to get filthy for one day. :P So I did that. :P This is completely random but wouldn't it be AWETHUM if I just randomly brought my flute to the zoo one day and played all this random flute music which all the animals loved and broke out of their cages to come and follow me out of the zoo? :P I think that'd be cool...I'd be like the Pied Piper or something. :P Yeah...that'd be AWETHUM! :D :P
Now...I think I mentioned this in my last blog but on one of BLS's websites they have all the music from the Spring Concert...which is known as BLS Music Night. So uh...since no one seemed to in my last blog...I'd like it if at least one or two peoples listened to some music from the concert. So uh...I found a way to get the links so here they are: (just click them and listen to the music...it might take a little while to load but just be patient...I'd really appreciate that. :P )
So...first I'll give you the links to the three songs that the band that I play in played.
Here's the one for the first song that we played, called "Black Is The Color..." : http://www.blsarts.org/mp3s/musicnight10/BlackIstheColor.mp3
Well...the link for the second song that we played isn't working for some reason so just go on http://www.blsarts.org/musicnight10.htmland go to the list of music under Friday, April 30, 2010, and click the second song listed under the Class V Band.
And this is the link for the last song that we played, called "Normandy Beach" : http://www.blsarts.org/mp3s/musicnight10/NormandyBeach.mp3
So that's all the music that the Class V (five) Band played...I'm in that band as a band geek and member of Class V. :P When you listen to these songs try to listen for the flute part because I'm a flute player and come on...we're AWETHUM...just admit it. :P So uh...it's okay if you can't hear us but I hope you do...and at the very least you better hear us at the beginning and end of "Normandy Beach" and if not...you must have hearing issues. :P Kidding. :P
And this is a link for a song that the Junior Band (which I will be in next year) played and I love it because the flute part is AWETHUM if you ask me, and the name of itis "Battle Hymn OfThe Republic": http://www.blsarts.org/mp3s/musicnight10/BattleHymn.mp3
Uh...that's all I haveta say in this blog. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25