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Today's The Last Day To Post On The DWTHYW Blog... :P's the last day to post on the DWTHYW blog. :P can still post on that blog...all you gotta do is go to my profile page and it'll be my third most recent blog now. But after today...that blog's over and done with and the random game will begin...and I'll explain all the rules (there's really only like two or three...if even that much. :P ) and the story will begin and blah blah blah... :P So...anyways...just keep that in mind and if you actually wanna participate in the random game you haveta keep up with it and if you don't get at least one question right you'll get sent to the Doom Dimension! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P

I don't have much to really say about my day. :P I haven't done anything productive for a while... :P I'm just getting kinda nervous about going back to school. I mean...I don't go back until after Labor Day but I'm just getting kinda nervous because I know that the ninth grade is gonna be WAY harder than the eigth grade was. I'll probably be worse than the seventh grade...the eigth grade was actually pretty much a walk in the park for me. :P I mean...I'm not going to a new school because BLS covers grades 7 to 12 cuz it's wierd. :P But it'll be my first year with six major subjects, my first year not being in a cluster, and I'm gonna have barely anystudies. I know it'll probably be hard. I mean...I know that if I try hard and focus on my work I'll do fine but I know that I'm gonna be wicked busy and I'm probably not gonna be able to go on this site as much as I have been lately. Well...I know I'll do'll be hard and time-consuming but ah...I know that I'll do fine and I got accepted into BLS for a reason. :D :P

One thing that's been kinda bothering me lately is that I've noticed that I haven't been that upset anymore about my parents' divorce. I should be a good thing that I'm getting used to it and all and I've been waiting for that to happen but now that I think about just seems wierd that I'm finally used to least for now anyways. I should get used to it just like you should get used to anything after a while but having your parents being divorced isn't a good thing and it shouldn't be one of those things that you just get used to after a few years. So...I's good that I'm finally used to it but it just seems kinda wrong. But don't comment about this part...I don't wanna talk about it...I just kinda wanted to mention it.

One last thing that I wanna mention is that I've been kinda bored lately and I wanted to make some drawings of peoples who would battle with the Bakugan who are the Six Legendary Soldiers Of Vestroia. :P Right now all I have is the Pyrus one who has Appolonir. I still haveta do the Sub-Terra one who has Clayf, the Haos one who has Lars Lion, the Darkus one who has Exedra, the Aquos one who has Frosch, and the Ventus one who has Oberus. least that'll probably keep be kinda busy for a while. :P And now that I'm on the topic of Bakugan...yesterday I was kinda bored and then I found some random quiz thingy that would help you figure out which attribute of Bakugan I'm best off to battle with and I actually got Pyrus. Wierd...that's kinda cool though...I already battle with Pyrus Bakugan so I guess I had the right attribute all along. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...but that's a good thing I guess. :D :P

I don't have much else to talk about in this blog. :P Just remember to do anything else that you wanna do on that DWTHYW blog by tonight because well...tomorrow I'm gonna make another blog that'll begin the random game and the DWTHYW blog will be over and done with so you can't torture me anymore. :P I could comment on it but I'd never read those comments so don't bother. :P Besides...then you'd haveta go to my blog archive and that's just kinda stupid. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25