's the last real day of February Break which kinda sucks. I mean...the last official day is tomorrow but all I'm gonna be thinking about tomorrow is going back to see my stupid mom and going back to school so it's not gonna really be too enjoyable for me. But...I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my day and make the most of it. :D I still am sick but I'm WAY better than I was yesterday and I'm just a little stuffy so I'll probably be all better tomorrow. So far my day's been pretty unproductive and it's probably gonna be like that for the rest of it. :P All I've done is go online, watch TV, and sleep. :P I'm probably gonna do that for the rest of my day. :P The only thing that sucks is that it's really nice out today and I wanted to go to the park so badly cuz I haven't been able to for a while now and I was thinking about going but I decided not to cuz I'm still sick and I don't need to get even more sick. :P But...I'll go to the park eventually when I'm not sick anymore. :D And another thing that kinda sucks is that the medicine that I'm taking is making me kinda out of it right now and I just took a shower a few minutes ago and I almost walked into the shower with all my clothes on cuz I was out of it cuz of the medicine. :lol: :P Luckily...I didn't but I almost did. :P And that's about all that's happened in my day. :P
Tomorrow's gonna probably suck. I haveta get ready for school again and I haveta go see my stupid mom...again. I don't wanna do either but I guess I haveta. The only thing that I'm looking forward to is taking my new Bakugan home and putting them in my box (which is at my mom's place) where I keep my collection of Bakugan. :P But...I shouldn't get ahead of myself. I still have one and a half days of vacation left. :D
I don't really have anything else to say. :P I just hope I don't do anything stupid cuz I'm still out of it cuz of the medicine that I'm taking. :P Bye bye. -MightyBFan25