Not seriously is the longest day of the year. It's the Summer Solstice or something like that so today's the day where there's the most daylight and therefore it's the longest day of the year. I didn't realize this until one of my friends told me this in the hallway though...but I knew that already...I just didn't bother to pay any attention to it. :P Anyways...not on with my day... :P
My day was pretty good. We took the Algebra final today and it was WICKED EASY!!! :D There were 50 problems and I solved 48 of them wicked fast and I knew EXACTLY what I was doing. There were just two problems that I was having some trouble with. One was something having to do with the order of operations and I kept getting negative numbers and it was multiple choice and all the choices were positive integers so I guess guessed C and I heard that I probably got it right. :D There was only one problem that I know I got wrong and it was the last one. I kept thinking that it was solved using the midpoint formula when all it was is using the distance formula. But hey...I got a 98% probably on the Algebra final and that's just AWETHUM if you ask me! :D Other than that the rest of my school day was the most unproductive school day ever. :P I missed my study and History to take the Algebra final like everyone else during my first two classes. Then I had ELA and that got turned into a study. Then I had Health and that also got turned into a study. Then I had Latin and all we did was work on this translating project that I did over the weekend so that was another study for me. :P Then in Algebra all we did was talk and my teacher gave us some Sudoku puzzles to solve which obviously were just for our own amusment so that class was just fun. :P And then in Italian the teacher was out so we had yet another study! :lol: :P So...all I did today was take my math final and then do nothing. :P Haha...I don't care though...that's how every school day should be! :lol: :P After that I got home and I don't have any homework so I've just been sitting around and watching TV all day. :P
One last thing that I wanna mention is that last night I had this really scary dream...and I mean...this one was WICKED SCARY...even to me...and I can watch all the Saw movies without cringing or looking away once. I think it's because I was in the dream though and it was a lucid dream.'s basically what happened: Me, my dad, and my little brother just got out of my dad's car after going some place and then we went inside. But just as we closed the first door in his house, which was this see-through glass door, we heard a lot of screaming and then some of the city was on fire and we heard gun shots and people were screaming and running away and we were wondering what the heck was going on. Then we saw why there was all this panic. There were a bunch of cannibals ( used to be scary zombie dreams but it's cannibals I guess! :P ) terrorizing the whole world...and they were specifically targeting my neighbourhood I guess! And then we decided that we should go upstairs and into out apartment and just wait out this whole craziness with cannibals. But then some of the cannibals noticed us as we were going upstairs and they tried to kill us and then they were probably gonna eat us just like cannibals. And these cannibals by the way, looked like normal people but they were really violent and covered in blood and they had guns...or at least...some of them had guns...WITH ammunition. But the ones that were trying to attack us didn't have guns. But they were trying to break open the glass door and attack us. Then my dad told me and my little brother to just go upstairs and he would hold the door and then he'd follow us upstairs. So we did just that and the cannibals were chasing us up the stairs and then I was fumbling with the keys to open the door to our apartment but I finally opened it and all of us got in safe and sound and no cannibals got in either and then they just kinda left us alone...and we were never bothered by any cannibals was like there was some kinda anti-cannibal force-field around our apartment or something. :P Anyways...then we waited out the entire thing and then there was a world-wide announcement saying that all the cannibals were supposedly captured and killed and this whole ordeal was over and all the survivors could celebrate and get on with out lives! So then I went alone to visit my grandparents and make sure that they were okay. I saw my grandma in her rocking chair and I ran up and hugged her but then I looked around for my grandpa...but he wasn't there. My grandma never talked to me in that dream by the way...I was the only one talking in this part of the dream. So then I was just kinda snooping around the house trying to find my grandpa and then I walked into this really dark area of the house and there was blood everywhere and I heard some disturbing noises. I stupidly kept going farther and farther into that dark area and then...all of a sudden...cannibals appeared out of no where and were all surrounding me and ready to kill me and then I woke up. And just in time too...because I've heard that if you see yourself die in a dream then you really will die because of the shock of just seeing your body dead...even if it is "justa dream". was just really scary and it was definately a lucid dream. I've been kinda paranoid about going anywhere dark or by myself all day now because of this. :P I hope it wears off soon but I doubt it will...I still haven't managed to rid myself of all that zombie paranoia yet. :P
That's all I haveta say in this blog. :P Sorry for wasting like 20 minutes of your life if you actually read all of this. :P Actually...I'm not sorry. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Haha...just kidding...I wish I could stand to make my blogs shorter but I dunno...I just have a lot of stuff to usually say and I'm not the kinda person that can summarize something in one sentence. :P And I mean...that's a good quality for writing like 10 page research papers...but that also means that I absolutely suck at paraphrasing...which I wish I was good at because it would make note-taking much easier for me...but ah well...I'll manage without that skill...I mean...I've managed so far without it. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25