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Two New Mighty B! Episodes Aired Today!!!!! :D

Yeah...two new Mighty B! episodes aired today and they were AWETHUM and I hope that if you're obsessed with the show too and you have NN you saw it. :D But I'll get to my thoughts about that soon...I have other stuff to talk about first. :P And I haven't really been on this site for the past few days doing anything because I've been pretty busy with school work...just a ton of homework and this one Italian project is taking up a lot of my time. But...I'm online and I'm making a blog right now so I don't think I'm too busy...I's Saturday...I'm never busy on Saturday...or Sunday for that matter. :P But uh...enough talking about nothing...I'll just get on with this blog. :P

Today was pretty good actually. All I did was usual unproductive stuff. And then I went to the park (Gee...I wonder what I possibly did there... :twisted: :P ). It was nice just to relax for a day...I've been pretty busy all week. I don't have much else to really say about what I did today. I saw those new Mighty B! episodes which were AWETHUM!!!!! :D Sleepless In San Francisco and Rinx! aired. I kinda liked Rinx! better...both were AWETHUM...but I really appreciated all the trouble that the creators of the show went through to come up with those tactics that Bessie and Happy used to jinx each other...they had to be well thought out so they'd actually work and be believable but also childish because Bessie's only 9 years old (and three quarters...when's she gonna have her tenth birthday?! :P ) and Happy's a dog. :P And the episode was pretty funny. I won't say what happened though...if you wanna know you can check out the Mighty B! forums. :P That's about it...nothing too special happened today besides the new Mighty B! episodes. :P Oh...and I had this wierd dream last night that I wanna tell you about.

Before I talk about it though just keep in mind that I at times think of myself as an evil mastermind and since I saw Saw 7 last week that's all I've been thinking about aside from school and The Mighty B!. :P the dream I was at the movies and I had just finished seeing Saw 7...and the credits were rolling. I was the only one left in the movie theater and then the credits stopped and this video played...and that wierd doll thingy that Jigsaw had was in it (what a surprise. :P ) and was saying that he needed my help...he wouldn't harm me in any way and I didn't haveta help him. I agreed to it though. So then I left the movie theater and saw Amanda and she handed me some note. I went home and read the note and it was the address to Jigsaw's headquarters so I went there that night. Apparently they were going to have those mean prissy girls at my old school "play a game" and Jigsaw needed my help because some of the machines that he needed to use had to be calibrated in a certain way and stuff like that and I had to do all this math to figure everything out. When that was done I looked at the wall and saw the pictures of VD, DD, and LC (these three really mean girls from my old school who made my life miserable) and I said: "Why are these jerks gonna be tested? What did they do?" and then Jigsaw explained that they were doing drugs and committing small robberies and were wasting the gift of life. Then Amanda asked me if I knew any of them and of course I said yes...and that they were my personal tormentors for 8 years of my life. Then Jigsaw told me to get any more information that I could about them that would be useful so I would sneak into their houses and do that and then I came back with a ton of information. And then Jigsaw said that if I wanted to...I could organize this "game". So of course I would...and I set up everything...and the "game" would take place in a few days. Then, that night I went home and I heard a knock at the door so I answered it. It was none other than VD, DD, and LC and apparently they needed my help for something. They wanted to play this really mean prank on some of my nerdy friends during a JCL meeting and needed to know when it was gonna take place (wierd...they're not the pranking type if you ask me. :P They're too girly and would be afraid to get their hands dirty. :P ). And I just looked at them and said: "Well well need MY help?! This is seek help from me...that nerd you always picked on...and beat up...and outcasted...and now you want me to help you. Hahahah! Why on earth would I help the likes of you?!" Then VD looked at me in a very evil way and pulled a knife out of her pocket, threw me against the wall, and put the knife to my throat. I just laughed and said: "You wouldn't really kill me, would you?". Then VD put the knife even closer to my throat. I held up this piece of paper that had everything they needed to know...but it was coded and only I knew how to solve it. VD looked at me and put the knife down. Then I laughed and said: "Yeah...that's right. I have what you need...but I won't tell you what you need to hear right now...I won't tell you until a few days from now." Then VD, who was now holding me up, threw me on the ground and her and her little friends left. Then a few days later the "game" took place...and they were all separated. I can't get into too much detail...I never got to see the "game" for myself in the dream. But I remember that they all lost and the warehouse that it was in became their tomb. I knocked them out with some wierd chemical thing and then dragged them into a room and locked them in there forever. Of course I had to say: "Game over."...everyone ALWAYS says "game over" in the Saw movies! :P That was the end of my dream...and I remember so much because I had it just last night and I always seem to have such realistic dreams.

And uh...before I end this blog...I have two random questions that I wanna ask you:

FIRST RANDOM QUESTION: If you did see those new Mighty B! episodes today...which one did you like better? I liked Rinx! better personally...I'm just kinda curious as to which one you think is better.

SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: Well...if you've read any of my blogs you probably know that I'm a tomboy and even though that's not "normal" I know that people like my mom's friends think it's a bad thing. So...I honestly don't care because this doesn't make any difference to me but do any of you think that's a bad thing for a girl to act very boyish at times? (You already probably can guess what I think. :P I don't think so. :P )

That's about it. I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P The only thing is my hair's getting kinda sorta long again...I wanna get it cut because it's bothering me. I actually think it's way more confortable to have my hair cut short. Hopefully my mom will agree...but she probably won' I'll haveta make a persuasive argument...but I mom hasn't been too much of a jerk to me lately...and she is a former tomboy. Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)