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Update On My Week Off...

Yeah...I had no ideas for a title. :P But I just felt like writing a blog to talk about what I've been up to lately cuz I'm always up to something sorta evil. :P Mwahahahaha!!! :P Well...I'm going to my mom's place tonight which sucks, but ah...what can I do? According to her, I'm just a stupid little kid who acts immature and makes messes. But who cares what she thinks. :P I know I'm immature and I act like a tom-boy, but I am so who cares?! I'm just acting the way I normally would. But anyways, I don't think I'll bother too much with my mom this week. I mean, I'm gonna be babysitting my little brother all week, but it's no big deal cuz I'm good with little kids for the most part. :D And he's mostly busy playing video games or with his Tech-Decks for the most part. :P So...I'm probably gonna be going online, watching TV, and playing video games for the rest of my break, like I have been already. But I'll also be playing some pranks on my mom. Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :P

Oh, and this is one sorta random thing I did today that wasn't a prank but just for my own amusment: Well, my grandma and grandpa actually live in the same house as my dad, just on the second floor, while we live on the third floor. So my grandma decided to give me a break from babysitting for a little while so I obviously took advantage of that. :P I went to one of my favorite places ever, the park. :P You can probably guess what I did. :lol: :P It was AWETHUM cuz the park is actually pretty darn close to both of my parents' places, no one was there, the weather's been really nice lately, all the snow's melted, and it was really muddy there. Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :P This wasn't one of my pranks cuz I'm at my dad's place, it was just for fun. :P I got so filthy. :P The only sucky thing was taking a bath after but big deal. I was just dying to get filthy again cuz I haven't for a while cuz of all that end-of-the-term work at my school and then my b-day and Christmas and ah...I couldn't. But...I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my break no matter what cuz I feel like I deserve it for doing AWETHUM on all my school stuff. :D

That's about all I haveta say really. I can't wait for those new Mighty B! episodes and I was actually on for a while and found some Mighty B! clips. Here's the links:

That's about it. I haveta go clean the bath now cuz there's mud in it cuz of me. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25