Sorry about the title...but I can't stand this terrible weather! It's been raining where I live for three days straight and I haven't been able to go outside at all during those three days...I mean...I probably could go outside but I don't wanna. The weather just sucks! It's times like this when I really hate New England and it's retarded weather patterns. :P Oh well...I'll live...I just hope it stops raining soon...and if not...I'm gonna go absolutely crazy because I can't go outside! :lol: :P Well...I might as well end this little rant and get on with the rest of my blog... :P little brother decided to stay at my dad's place for another day so I have the house to myself again today which is AWETHUM!!! :D :P The weather sucks though so I can't go outside and do anything stupid or crazy like I'd love to do right now but least I can just stay online all day or take a nap for five hours. :P So I'm probably not gonna be doing anything productive all day and that'll be the case until the weather outside is actually somewhat decent. :P So...I don't have much to say about my day...later today I might go on a walk just to get some fresh air but that's about it. :P Now I wanna talk about yesterday... :P He he he! :twisted: :P
Well...I've been kinda thinking about this for a while...ever since my mom was acting a lot nicer and stuff after my productive troublemaking evil plan finally worked...and I decided that even though I like my mom being all nice and not all snobby and uptight...for some odd reason I just want to hate her again and to have her wanna kill me everytime she sees me...I dunno why...I guess I'm just wierd and I'm kinda used to her being that way. :P So...yesterday my mom took the day off from work and we went to the main part of Boston (yeah...Boston's a pretty big city and there's so many different parts of the city actually. :P Of course though...I'm from East Boston...the worst part of Boston aside from Roxbury and Dorchester. :lol: :P I'm just kidding. :P But I's most of the parts of Boston: Roxbury, West Roxbury, Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, East Boston, the South End, Charlestown, etc... The list goes on forever...wait...why am I even talking about this? :P If you wanna know about Boston go to MA and maybe you can meet me. :P Yeah...I doubt you'd wanna...who would?! :P Okay...let's get on with this blog. :P ) because I had to get some new sneakers for school and my mom since we were there just had to go into some clothing store and get some more stupid clothes. :P Of course since we were in a stupid clothing store (I forget which one...I wasn't really paying attention. :P ) my mom made me get some new clothes for school as well. I HATED THAT!!!!! And even though we were only in the store for about an felt like FOREVER and I hated that so much!!! But at least that's over and done with and now I have pretty much everything that I'm gonna need for my first day back to school aside from those stupid, random, special supplies that you never thought you'd need but apparently you do or you'll get a misdemeanor mark and you never end up using them. :P The only interesting thing about being in the store though was that since we were in a public place...I had to try to get my mom to hate me again! :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P So of course I did everything there that I could to embarrass her in front of everyone there! :twisted: :P might be thinking that I'd be a little embarrassed of doing all that stuff to try and embarrass my mom but ah...I hardly ever get embarrassed...I mean...after getting picked on so much at my old school and just kinda get used to it and you don't get embarrassed anymore which I think is a good thing because that makes me more willing to do stupid stuff and not care about what other people think. :D :P And when we got home and I put away all my mom wanted to kill me! :twisted: :P Hahahah! :P It was AWETHUM!!!!! :D :P I'm hoping my mom hates me again! :twisted: :P But I know she does. :D :P Now I feel WAY better than I did when she liked me for that short period of time. :D :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog so I'll just get on with all the crap for the Random Game Two. :P I just hope this sucky weather lets up soon...the only good thing though is that with all this rain...the park's gonna be so muddy for a while so even though I can play in the mud in the backyard of my mom's place...ah...I'll be going to the park for a few days in a row after this. :twisted: :P I'm sure my mom will wanna kill me...but it'll be so worth it. :D :P's all the stuff for the RANDOM GAME TWO...starting off with the correct answer to the last question I asked:
A.) Well...I don't wanna do any of this crap but I will...I mean...she's got a loaded gun...she could kill me if I don't do whatever she wants! (This answer is wrong. :P I shouldn't do all that crap just so you don't get needs to do it to save the world! And...according to what MightyBFan25 was thinking to herself...the whole thing is a test and she WANTS you to have the guts to actually stand up to her and do something! woulda failed her test if you did this one and you're doing this stuff for all the wrong reasons. )
B.) I'll do all this stupid crap...but only to possibly save the world. Besides...MightyBFan25 said that if I did it all she'd take on the Evil Wizard and Apollonir for me! (This answer is also wrong. :P It's better than A because at least you're doing it for the right reasons but you still woulda failed MightyBFan25's test if you did this. )
C.) You know what...I'm not doing any of this crap! She even said it herself that it's all just humiliating and pointless so why should I do it?! Besides...she unloaded that gun...I saw her do it! She can't do anything to me now! I'm just gonna throw that stupid list on the ground and beat her up! (Althought this seems like a very mean thing to do this was the only answer that woulda shown MightyBFan25 that you have the guts to actually stand up to her which shows her that you have the guts to play Bakugan! MightyBFan25 can teach you how to play and help you get mad Bakugan playing skillz...but if you don't have the guts to'll never be good! So...this is the correct answer. )
D.) You know...this is all just so stupid! I'm gonna leave this stupid place and just go back to that place where I found that tree and sit there until I die! Yeah...that's better than any of this crap! ( it isn't...and that's why this answer's obviously wrong.:P It seriously is...and I'm seriously trying to help you out...just like with the last question. :P ) (I already said this one is wrong because it is so get over it. :P Besides...if you did this the whole story would be ruined and that's not supposed to happen! :P )
So...the correct answer to the last question was C. And now even though I don't think anyone got it's an update of the scoreboard:
Girlygirl24: 5 points (Since you got that question wrong...I guess you're not reading my mind anymore. :P And now...MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P You finally got one of my questions wrong! :twisted: :P I'm sorry but come on...I'm evil...I can't help it. :P )
FZeroBoyo: 1 point (Come on...I know you can do way AWETHUMER with answering my questions! :D can't let the wizard win! :P )
Spongegirl1029: 1 point here's the next part of the RANDOM STORY for the RANDOM GAME TWO:
So you realize that doing all those stupid, pointless, humiliating tasks for MightyBFan25 is just stupid and you decide to stand up to her. You throw the list of tasks that she gave to you on the ground and, tell her that you're not gonna do any of that crap, and then you beat her up. After you're done with that MightyBFan25 stands up again but this time she seems a little dizzy and doesn't seem like much of a threat at all. After a little while when she's finally feeling alittle better she begins to clap and says: "Very impressive...". You seem a little confused and don't know why she has this evil little smirk on her face. You ask her what's going on and she answers: " see...this whole thing was a little test. I didn't want you to do any of that crap and I wanted to see if you'd have the guts to do anything about it...and apparently you do...which means that you have the potential to be an AWETHUM Bakugan Battle brawler! I can teach you how to play and give you all the skills you need to battle...but if you don't have the guts or the heart to're not gonna win!". Then you ask: "But...didn't you say that YOU were gonna battle Apollonir and The Evil Wizard for me...?". MightyBFan25's response is: "Haha! Yeah right! That was part of my test! You're the one that has to defeat the Evil Wizard and Apollonir...not's your battle...not mine. got the whole world into this mess...and you're gonna get us out of it! And...that battle's gonna be dangerous...I could die if I lost! But don't worry...I'll teach you how to play Bakugan so you can defeat them!". Then you say: "Sounds good...when do we get started?". MightyBFan25's response is: "'s getting late tonight. Right now you should just get into some clean clothes, have some food and water, and sleep in the spare room down in the basement.". You do as she says and then the next morning you wake up at 4:30 A.M. to the sound of a whistle. You see MightyBFan25 in what you think is a ridiculous Bakugan battling outfit and try not to laugh. She hands you some clothes that look like the same sorta Bakugan battling clothes that she has and then five minutes later when you're dressed in that outfit she comes back with a ton of Bakugan stuff. The first thing she asks you is: "What Bakugan attribute are you gonna use?". Well...what attribute are you gonna use?
A.) Pyrus.
B.) Sub-Terra.
C.) Haos.
D.) Darkus.
E.) Aquos.
F.) Ventus.
That's about it. :P Just leave your answer to this question when you comment on this blog. :P I don't have much else to talk about... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)