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Wow...After All This Insanity...Today I'm Not Busy At All... :P

Yeah...the title's correct...after that giant wave of tons of school-work and term projects and papers and all that crap...everything's finally calmed down and now I don't have that much work at all. :P I had already finished all my homework today before 3:00 P.M. today. :P That hasn't happened all year! :P But I'm not complaining...that's a good thing. :D I needs some time to just relax and do nothing every once in a while. :P So...let's get on with this blog and talk about my day... :P

Today was pretty good. Nothing that special really happened today. Math was good...we took a test but I'm a little annoyed. I know I got an A but it was only an A...I wanted an A+ and I know I didn't get it because I got this one question wrong because I made a stupid, STUPID mistake. :P I'm a little annoyed about that but ah...I know it won't change my grade too much...I'll just haveta work a little harder to get that A+ I'm aiming for in Algebra 2 this year. :D In Latin it was Friday Funday...and well...itwas fun...not much more to say. :P In Biology we just learned about cell membranes and their functions and all that stuff which was pretty easy and I understand it all. And now I'm beginning to realize that my Biology teacher's definately a tom-boy...and that's good...I honestly can't imagine a girly-girl trying to teach Biology. :P In English we had more conversations about the novel and it was my turn to present my planned conversation for Chapter 26 to the class and I did a really good job and Mr. Hanley wanted me to stay with him after class for a few minutes just to mention that and then we kinda sidetracked and had a conversation about random stuff. Then he wrote me up a pass so I wouldn't get in trouble for being late to my next class. :P In Italian we just did independent work because Mr. Forina's kinda sick. He's been out all week and finally came in today but he still seems really sick and I feel bad for him. He might be a hard teacher and all but he's a good teacher and I honestly feel like I'm actually learning Italian in his class (unline last year with Mr. Mummolo...watching world cup soccer being broadcasted in German in ITALIAN class! :P )...and I dunno...I've been actually liking his class lately and I just hope he's okay. Then in History we just watched a video for five minutes and then annotated a huge article from a National Geographic magazine on why we have limited knowledge of the Nubians and stuff. Then I had a study and then I went home and did nothing and now I'm at my dad's place typing this blog. But just because I don't have any homework doesn't mean I'm gonna spend this day doing nothing...I'm gonna get ahead in some of my work and practice my flute for an extra amount of time. Lately I've been REALLY motivated to practice that song in Band and get better just to stick it in Ms. Dougherty's face. Sometimes for me pure rage is the best motivation and it's that extra kick that I need to push myself even harder. :P I just hope that wasn't her plan all along though...because if it was I fell right into it and I don't wanna give her that satisfaction because I hate her. :P

Later today I'm probably just gonna be reading or practicing the flute in my room or something like that. :P Then I'll go to bed early...I'm kinda tired. :P I wanna go to the park but it's kinda cold outside where I live and even though I like cold weather I just got better from being sick and I don't wanna catch a cold AGAIN so quickly. :P Besides...I have a few pranks planned that I just haveta play on my family. :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P I'll tell you how that goes. :P Not much else to say in this blog... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

EDIT: Sorry about making this blog even longer but I also learned a little bit in Biology why some peoples have green eyes and some peoples have hazel eyes. It actually is very rare and only happens when you get the genes for a bunch of different shades of eye color or something like that and they combine to form those wierd eye colors. :P I'm glad I learned that because I wanted to know why my eyes are like two thirds green and one third hazel...I guess they're just screwed up. :P At least I havean explanation now...I just thought I was screwed up because no one else in my family has green eyes. :P But still...leave it to me to have a screwed up eye color! :lol: :P Oh well... :P Arrivederci. ( seems wierd to end it in Latin this time it's in Italian! :P ) -MightyBFan25 (Alicia