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Wow...First Shot And I Get An X... :D

Okay...I'll explain the title right now. :P So...this morning was the first time that I went to that shooting range with my dad and I got to fire some guns. And just to let you was all safe and everything...all I was doing was shooting some paper targets at the shooting range upstairs. actually was AWETHUM!!! :D For a little while I was just firing a BB gun but afterthat I got to fire a real was some kinda rifle...I think a .22 caliber one... was pretty good and I enjoyed doing that. And on my first shot with the real gun I actually got an X on the paper target which is like dead center. Yeah...beginner's luck for sure. :lol: :P But it was still AWETHUM!!! :D I'll learn how ot use a pistol later...I guess a rifle's a little easier. So uh...yeah...I enjoyed it and it was pretty cool...all the guns and ammunition are now put safely away in the basement of my dad's place so that's fine. And we're gonna go there next weekend...I can't wait for that. So...that'll be something for me to look forward to. :D Okay...let's get on with the rest of this blog... :P

I just wanna remind you before I say anything else thatthis blog is my 198th blog I believe and my 200th blog will be my second blog party on this site and I hope all of you come and destroy my mom's place. :D :P Seriously...I'd love that. :P So uh...yeah...just remember to not forget about that. :P

The rest of my weekend's been pretty good and normal and that's good because I just wanted to relax. By the way...I finished that project on tiger reproduction on Saturday morning so I don't haveta worry about finishing it during the week. :D I'm so glad about that and it looks AWETHUM!!!!! :D It has tiger stripes for boarders. :lol: :P I can't wait to show Ms. Stone. :D I kinda don't wanna go back to school because I don't wanna go to English, History, or Italian class...but I do wanna go back tomorrow to go to Math, Latin, and Biology class. :P Later today I'm gonna go back to my mom's place and I can't wait to show her my paper targets with that .22 caliber rifle. She's either gonna be really happy or really p***ed off. :lol: :P Either way it'll be funny. :lol: :P I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself for the rest of the day...probably study some Italian vocabulary, try to get the flute part for "An Irish Rhapsody" right for band, take a nap, and watch some football games. Yeah...that's about it. :P I don't have the urge to do anything's like being violent by shooting paper targets has made me less evil. :lol: :P Seriously...I think that might be the case...that might've helped get rid of some of my energy so I'm not as crazy...either that or it's because I've been feeling a little sick since Saturday morning. I doubt I'm sick's probably just allergies...but I mean...I don't get allergies...I never have. Well...maybe I am a little sick... :P Oh well. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Just one last thing though...if you're shooting a BB gun...expect the BB pellets to bounce back. :P Okay...I doubt that'll ever help you. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25