Sorry it's been a few days since I last made a blog but I've been kinda busy with all my school work. Tonight wasn't that bad so I have enough time to come on here and actually make a blog. :P So...anyways...I just wanna remind you that my next blog will be my blog party and you can come as long as you are not an evil wizard, a vampire, a zombie, a pirate, a cannibal, a member of the Mafia, a Russian spy, my mom, Ms. Gibbons, Portia Gibbons, Sissy Sullival, my evil math teacher from the seventh grade, or my evil reading teacher from the seventh grade, a bully who wants to beat me up and snap my glasses in half, VD, or any of my other mortal enemies from school. :P Yeah...long list...but I doubt any of you fall under any of those categories. :lol: :P I'll get on with this blog... :P I actually wanna talk about all my classes again and tell you how everything's been going...
Math: Okay...I love Algebra 2 right now. :D teacher's AWETHUM...the people in my class are AWETHUM...algebra is AWETHUM...and I know everything that we've done so far because it's all been review and I had one of the best math teachers in the building last year so I learned a ton and it's finally paying off. :D I've been participating in that class a lot and doing all my work and I KNOW I got 100% on my first real test of the year...and I got the Bonus Question right so I got above that I think... :D :P So uh...yeah...I'm really looking forward to that class every day and I never want it to end actually... :P
Bilology: Just like with Math...I love Bilology. :D Ms. Stone is the AWETHUMEST teacher that I have and I've always loved science and I'm really good at it because I've always had one of those minds that's wired for Math, Science, and Latin which is wierd because I'm a girl and girls are usually better at English and History and stuff like that. :P But I guess I'm screwed up. :lol: :P Anyways...I've been doing really good in that class and I've been doing all my work and participating a ton in class and I think Ms. Stone actually likes having me as a student (I think Mr. McQuaid does too) and her class is really fun. :D And that project that I did on the reproduction habits of tigers was AWETHUM!!!!! :D Ms. Stone liked my project so much that she hung it up on her back wall along with only like two other posters and I got a perfect score on it. :D I'm gonna go on Snap Grades later and check it out... :P
Latin: Just like the previous two...I'm in love with Latin once more. I had a really hard Latin teacher last year but I did really good and I learned a lot and it's finally paying off because I'm doing really good on all the homework and tests and quizzes and stuff. :D Oh...and my Latin class has Friday Funday and my idea for it wasn't one of the ideas on her suggestion list so I asked Ms. Foley after school about doing my day on ancient Roman board games and I could make a powerpoint about it and then for the rest of the period the class could play board games. And Ms. Foley really liked my idea and today when she asked my class if anyone was doing anything not on the suggestion list...I was the only one who raised my hand and said yes and she already knew and just kinda gave me a thumbs up. :P So...yeah...I think Ms. Foley kinda likes me too because I'm a good student.
Italian: Okay...I like Italian but I did not like Mr. Forina. But a few days ago my class finally told him that last year we didn't learn much of anything so now we're gonna haveta start learning everything from the beginning and basically learn Italian 1 and Italian 2 in one year.'s gonna be a lot of work but I'll definately manage...I mean...Italian's pretty easy actually. :P And I kinda like Mr. Forina now because he's somewhat understanding and he tells some jokes sometimes that are kinda funny. So...anyways...I think this class will be more of a love-hate relationship but right now I kinda like Italian. :P
History: I never thought I'd say this but as of right now I actually enjoy my History class. :D Ms. Baker gives a lot of work but she's a really good teacher and I think I'll actually learn a lot this year because we do a lot of group work and more interactive activities instead of just listening to her lecture which I honestly need because I'm more of a learn-by-doing person so more hands on stuff is best. So...the class is actually really fun and Ms. Baker doesn't really focus on details like exact dates and stuff...she just wants us to know about what's going on and how it impacts future events and the events of that specific time period which is better for me. I HATE remembering dates...I just can't. :PI dunno why...I just don't have a mind wired for HistoryI guess... :P
English: I don't hate this class anymore but I don't love's just an okay class. It's still kinda boring but we're having some interesting discussions and heated debates but ELA last year was WAY better with Ms. Wenz... :P Oh well... :P Oh...and on that class we were learning about ragtime music since we're reading "Not Without Laughter" by Langston Hughes and I answered this question about syncopation that no one else could answer. And the only reason I know what it is is because I'm in Band. :D Sometimes it pays to be a band geek I guess... :D :P
Music: Ah...I miss Mr. Harper but my new music teacher is okay I guess... :P I'm a little disappointed because I'm not a first flute this year but I guess it's due to my inexperience. All the flute players in Junior Band in my grade aside from two others knew how to play before they came to BLS and the rest of the flute players are a grade above me so I guess it makes sense. :P Oh well...I'll definately be a first flute next year. :D But I've been trying really hard and practicing a ton and working on my scales and I'm gonna try to be a first flute again in a few weeks and see what happens. :D I will not let my inexperience handicap me! :P And I finally got that part of "An Irish Rhapsody" with all the staccato eigth notes right and I can't wait to show one of my friends in band tomorrow...she's WAY better than me at playing the flute but we're rivals and I've been trying to outdo her for the past few years. :P I never will but it's good motivation. :D :P
So uh...yeah...that's how everything's been so far. :P As of right now I'm so happy and I'm pretty much on cloud nine. :P I HAVETA reward myself this weekend by playing in the mud and my going to the shooting range again. :D I so deserve it for being so smarticle. :D Yeah...that's about it. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)