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Wow...This Is The First Blog I've Made All Week... :P is...which it a little shocking considering the fact that I always make blogs all the time and they're always ridiculously long because I always have a lot to say. :P least today's Saturday and I finally have some time to make a blog. :P Now I can torture you all with my talking on and on about absolutely nothing! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P But this blog probably will end up absolutely torturing you so if you don't plan on reading it just comment and pretend you actually did. :lol: :P getting on with this blog... :P

I don't have much to really say about my week...nothing special really happened. :P It was just a normal week in which I was ridiculously busy. :P Today's been okay so far. The only horrible thing is that I missed the two new Mighty B! episodes because I had an eye doctor's appointment. And I had the TV set up so that the episodes would be recorded for when I got back...but for the past few days random power outages have been happening around where my dad lives and one happened right before 11 and then the settings reset and the episode never recorded and I'm so p***ed off right now. But ah...I guess I shouldn't be...they'll air again on NN...HOPEFULLY...and if not I'll buy the episodes when they come on iTunes and watch them then. It's just annoying that the one time I actually wanna record a TV program something stupid has to happen. :P Other than that I slept until about 10, went for my eye doctor's appointment, that at around 1 I had to go to the dentist (even though I went there a few weeks ago) to get the last of my teeth sealed so now that's taken care of. I feel fine by the teeth don't hurt at all. :P And my eyes are fine too...they pretty much stayed the same...ever since I've had glasses my eyes have only gotten slightly better every year...never anything I'll probably wear glasses all my life...unless I want contacts...which I don't because glasses are AWETHUM and contacts sound painful. :P Then I got home, did some unproductive stuff and now I'l typing this blog. :P Later today I'm probably just gonna read a book, practice the flute for a while (I don't need to but I'm trying to play the piano part of the "Requiem For A Dream" theme on flute perfectly cuz I can. :P ), and then since it's nice outside I might go to the park...hopefully on the way there I won't run into anyone I know...because usually when that happens it's not one of my friends...just a bully. :P I don't have much else to say about my day. :P Right now I'm just kinda bored and I don't know what to do with myself besides what I just mentioned... :P Usually that's bad when I'm left with nothing to do...that's when I do evil, stupid things. :twisted: :P Oh, and tomorrow I'm going to a comic book convention. :D Not ComicCon...another one...not a big and well known...but I like the less crowded ones better. :P

This is random but sometimes I really feel like my life could be made into a TV show. :P I mean really...think about it and how cliche my life seems at times. Have you thought about it yet...? How about now...? Now...? have...? So you probably have noticed that, huh...? Well...I honestly think that at times. :P I my old school I was pretty much that smart, quiet nerdy kid who had my head buried in books all the time to avoid talking to people outside of my small group of friends and I was always bullied and made fun of and whatnot. Then I go to BLS and I meet a bunch of friends and fit in a lot better there and realize that I actually have social skills but I just never had anyone nice to socialize with at my old school. I get good grades there and everything's fine at school. But at home my parents are divorced and I live with my mom who I absolutely hate because she doesn't accept me for who I am and I pretty much do everything in my power to spite her and torture her and her snobby friends. And in Band at school I used to have this AWETHUM music teacher and then he retired and we're left with this evil music teacher who hates all woodwind players like me because I play the flute and soon to learn how to play the piccolo. So...just think about that for a while...doesn't all of that seem very cliche...? :P And all those scary lucid dreams that I have and my plans for when I grow up and whatnot. And some other things. Wierd, huh...? :P And I've just began to notice this too. Well...I can't help least my life's interesting...hehe. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I can only imagine if I had a twin sister though...(I actually was supposed to but she died before she was born...if that makes sense)...that would've went one of two ways. She probably woulda either been a tomboy like me and we'd be twice as worse when it came to torturing my mom and we probably woulda been good rivals when it came to academics...or she woulda been a girly-girl and we'd be at each other's throats all the time constantly arguing and stuff. :P Either way I probably woulda enjoyed that...even the second one...I probably woulda enjoyed that way more actually...I love getting on prissy girls' nerves and making them hate me. :twisted: :P It's so funny. :P Oh well. Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)