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You Will Not Believe What Happened Today...

This isn't what I mentioned in the title but I just realized this actually...last week was AWETHUM. :D I mean...I hated going back to school and it was stressful but think about it: I got a 96% on my Declamation, our Band nailed the Spring Concert, I forgot to mention this but I got a 100% on a math test which only like one other person in the entire cluster did and I'm not even that great at math compared to some people...I just was a little lucky and focused and I knew what I was doing, and I got an 89% on a Latin test that we just got back that like everyone failed...and I was so happy about that because I usually get low B's or high C's on the Latin tests and everything else brings up my grades. So...last week was stressful but rewarding now that I think about it. :D But...enough of to talk about my completely unproductive day and then I'll get to the title. :P day was pretty good today. Other than the thing mentioned in the was completely unproductive. :P All I did was sleep until about 10, watch some TV, go online, I took a nap for like two hours, and that's about it. :P I'm so glad that I got to just relax today after that first week back at school...I needed to get some more sleep and just relax for a while...last week was pretty stressful with the Spring Concert and Declamation. One thing that's somewhat annoying is that in Eastern Massachusetts ever since about 4:30 P.M. there's been some issue with the water so I guess we can't use it apparently at the moment. I don't really care though...I never drink tap water and I took a shower earlier today...probably at around 1:00 P.M. Anyways...I'm sure that'll be back to normal soon...besides...there's nothing I can do about that...I don't run a water purification plant. :P It'd be cool if I did though...well...maybe not...I'd much rather be a medical doctor of some sort. :P Anyways...onto the title...

Like I said in the probably won't believe what happened today. It's nothing sorta is to me...but no one else probably cares but I still wanna say it. :P So...I remember much earlier today I was going to the park because I haven't really been able to all week because I've been kinda busy or just wicked tired or lazy. :P And while I was walking there I saw my old arch-enemy at my old school and she wasn't with any of her stupid cronies and she went up to talk to me. I really didn't wanna even bother with her. I just started cleaning off my glasses and I was just like "Yeah, yeah, what do you want now? Did you come here to call me a nerd or something?". And strangely enough her answer was no and she said that she actually wanted to apologize for being mean to me at our old school. I really didn't care and I thought it was fake so I just said, "Please...this is obviously a prank. Who's making you do this? I bet it's (and then I said one of her friend's names but I shouldn't say names on this site because even though I hate the person I just shouldn't.)" Then she said that it wasn't a prank or anything and at the time I didn't believe it. Then she actually said sorry and apologized for constantly being an absolute jerk to me at our old school and how I didn't deserve that and blah blah blah... I still didn't believe it and I thought that she just wanted help with her math homework or something. So then I just asked, "What's all this for? Need help with your math homework? I know you suck at math. suck at school period." She said no and that she didn't want anything. Then I said, " you just wanted to apologize to me?" And she just said yeah and then all I said was, "Well uh...thanks...I's okay...that was almost two years ago anyways. Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to go to the park." Then I left and that was the end of that conversation. Don't get me was nice that she apologized to me...but I still hate her with a passion...just a little less now. Besides...I don't even care about her anymore...she's part of my past at my old school...I just want to forget about the past, live in the present, and look forward to the future. After that I went to the park and played in the mud and I got absolutely filthy there and then I left. :P Then I got home and took a bath and that was that. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P By the way...THE RANDOM GAME is officially over and thank you to all who participated. :D Vale! -MightyBFan25