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You Will Not Believe What's Gonna Happen At BLS On Monday... won't...unless you for some strange reason know everything about my school...and of'd know if you went to BLS. :P Anyways...I'm gonna tell you what'll be happening Monday morning nead BLS. So...there's this kinda sorta famous hate group who hate lesbian, gay bisexual, and transgender people. They also hate Roman Catholics, Muslims, and Jewish people. And...they hate Swedes, Canadians, Irish, British, Mexican, and of course...American people. They think that 9/11 was a gift from God and that God hates America. Now...who are these sick, twisted-minded may ask. They call themselves the Westboro Baptist Church. All the members are mostly part of the same family that consists of about 70 people. I personally disagree with everything that these people think and I'm sure all of you do too...and if not...hey...that's what you think...everyone has their opinion...mine is just that those kinda thoughts are just plain wrong...everyone should be able to do what they wanna as long as it's not harming others. Anyways...the WBC (Westboro Baptist Church) makes all their money because they go and picket neat random places with signs saying how they hate America and how God hates America and how 9/11 was a great thing and all this completely stupid crap...and what the WBC wants you to do is get ticked off at them and try to attack them so then they can sue you and get aton of money...and that's how they get their money. And the aweful thing is that no one can do anything because they're protected by the first amendment...freedom of speech. Anyways...they're gonna be picketing near Boston Latin School (my school) on this upcoming Monday from 7:15 to 7:45 A.M. So...basically all us BLS students are gonna do is ignore them and just continue on with our mornings. No big deal...just some stupid people protesting outside. :P And the only reason that they're doing this is because BLS is such a diverse school and these people hate diversity and because BLS is pretty famous and very historic because it's the first school ever established in 1635 to be exact...and they just wanna get all sorts of attention from the media. :P So uh...yeah...if anything stupid happens on Monday I'll tell you. :P

By the way...if you actually give a crap about these stupid peopleor just wanna learn a little more about themhere's the link for their Wikipedia page:

Oh yeah...and those stupid people have their own website too...but I'm not giving you the link cuz there's a semi-bad word in it and because if you go on their website it's full of stupid crap and every time someone goes on their site they make I'm not helping them in any way, shape, or form. :twisted: :P

Now I'm gonna talk about my day. day was pretty good. That stupid city-wide testing was easy...and boring...but that was because it was easy. :P The English one was easy but the Math one was the EASIEST THING EVER! I mean shoulda seen the questions! It was stuff from the beginning to middle of this year and stuff from the seventh grade! Aw was just so least for me. :P But then again...I is pretty darn smarticle. :lol: :P The rest of my day was pretty normal and when I got home I only had Latin homework which wasn't that surprisingly only took me about an hour to do...and the stories were actually kinda long...and even more translation was nearly perfect! :D So uh...then I got my stuff together and then my dad picked me at about 5:30. Oh...and I forgot to say this but I just wanna say two more things: lunch time today me and my friends were actually talking about the war in Iraq and then just war in general and how pointless it is and then we were talking about the WBC coming on Monday...and after lunch time one of my friends, ES, gave me another one of those bracelet thingys that's a guitar and it's three different colors and it's really cool. And last thing: So...when I got off of the train at Suffolk stop...I was walking home and I legit found 25 bucks just lying around and I had no idea who it belonged to because I wasn't on a very crowded train and I was the only one who got off at my stop and I mean...normally I'd try to find out who it belonged to...but no one was around so I figured...ah...I don't need it but hey...25 more dollars is always nice...kinda wierd though...25 bucks...25 is my favorite number and it's in my username...haha. :P

So uh...I just wanna say one more thing and then I'll end this blog. So...uh...when I was walking home from school...after I had found the 25 buckaroos ( :P ), I continued walking home and when I was just a few houses away from my mom's place...I was EM...she's this girl who was a complete jerk to me ever since the beginning of the second term at St. Mary's in the fifth grade...but when the beginning of the sixth grade came she apologized and stopped picking on me. I still hate her (by the way...she's the one who got caught with CK drinking alcohol and was expelled but now has a tutor) but ah...I'm kinda almost over that now...almost. :twisted: :P So anyways...we had not seen each other since the end of the sixth grade and we were just kinda randomly talking to each other for about 45 minutes about stupid crap and how St. Mary's was and all that sorta stuff...and also how life's been...but don't get me wrong...I didn't mind talking to her but I still don't like her at all. And uh...after a while we just kinda said good-bye and then we went our separate ways. :P After that I went to this store right near where I live and I got a Dr. Pepper. :P Then I did my Latin homework and that's about it...then you know what happened if you haven't been absent-reading my blog. :P

Anyways...that's all I haveta say in this blog. I'm not busy tonight and I'd love to go play in the mud...but I don't's too hot outside...I'm just gonna lie down in front of the air conditioner at my dad's place and take a nap. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25